
05/06/2010 李蔡彥教授演講

演講者:政治大學資訊科學系 李蔡彥教授


In this talk, I will present the motion planning techniques that have been used to realize various intelligent digital actors in virtual environment. Specifically, I will describe how we enable a digital actor to have the ability of reasoning about the environment and generate appropriate motions given the geometry of the objects in the virtual environment. I will also describe how we use various kinds of approaches to simulate or plan crowd motions and realize them in an extensible virtual environment system designed in our group. Then I will present two special cases of digital actors in traditional arts: lion dance and shadow play to demonstrate how motion planning techniques can be used to facilitate the authoring of these performances. Finally, I will describe the work on designing interactive digital characters by interleaving planning with execution of the motions generated on the fly.