姓名: 潘世洵 (Shih-Hsun Pan)
職稱: 兼任助理教授
專長: 中提琴(Viola)
最高學歷: 美國密蘇里大學堪薩斯市分校中提琴演奏博士
教授課程: 中提琴(Viola)
中提琴家潘世洵甫於2014年初取得密蘇里大學堪薩斯是分校演奏博士學位歸國,師事李捷琦教授與Prof. Benny Kim。留美期間曾擔任UMKC Graduate Fellowship四重奏成員,多次於密蘇里州,堪薩斯州,阿肯色州舉辦室內樂音樂會,並曾受邀至堪薩斯大學與堪薩斯州渥太華大學舉行獨奏會。於國內,曾是南台灣室內樂協會成員並參與演出創會首演(2008),也曾參與樂興之時管絃樂團與雅歌教師室內樂團演出。曾多次赴歐洲參加英國IMS Prussia Cove,奧地利Bad Leonfelden,與德國Wohldorf-Ohlstadt與Oberstdorf音樂節。
潘世洵擁有美國茱麗亞音樂學院之碩士與琵琶地音樂學院之學士學位,師事Prof. Heidi Castleman,黃心芸教授,與Prof. Victoria Chiang.
Shih-Hsun Pan holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory of Music and Dance, a Master of Music degree from The Juilliard School, and a Bachelor of Music degree from Peabody Conservatory of Johns Hopkins University. His teachers include Scott Lee, Benny Kim, Heidi Castleman, Hsin-Yun Huang, and Victoria Chiang. Pan performs frequently in the Greater Kansas City area as a member of the UMKC Graduate Fellowship String Quartet from 2010-2012. In Suzuki Method Teaching, Pan was trained by Nancy Lokken and Ann Montzka-Smelser. Dr. Pan currently teaches at National Chia-Yi University in Taiwan.