
Reaxys Academy:依自身學習速度學習Reaxys基礎功能

關於   Reaxys 電子資料庫,廠商提供線上學習資源 -Reaxys Academy (Reaxys 學園)(英文).


師生可透過 Reaxys Academy (Reaxys 學園)(英文學習或教導化學概念和化學數位素養.


可自身學習速度線上參與化學教育訓練課程並學習如何使用 Reaxys 強化教學和了解分析有機無機 化學.






As your institutes are Reaxys subscribers, you can now learn or teach chemistry concepts and digital chemistry literacy with Reaxys Academy!


Join our self-paced, online chemistry training and learn how to use Reaxys to advance your teaching and understanding of analytical, organic and inorganic chemistry.


Get started here: http://spkl.io/60434LF2c

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點閱 點閱:260 更新時間 更新時間:2024-04-12 14:49 發佈時間 發佈時間:2024-04-12 14:49 發佈單位 發佈單位:圖書館