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1.Yang, C.C., H.S. Chang, C.J. Lin, C.C. Hsu, J.I. Cheung, L. Hwu, and W.T.K. Cheng. 2004. Cock spermatozoa serve as the gene vector for generation of transgenic chicken (Gallus gallus). Asian Austral. J. Anim. Sci. 17: 885-891. (引用次數:15)
2. Yang, C.C., Y.S. Lin, C.C. Hsu, S.C. Wu, E.C. Lin, W.T.K. Cheng. 2009. Identification and sequencing of remnant messenger RNAs found in domestic swine (Sus scrofa) fresh ejaculated spermatozoa. Anim. Reprod. Sci.113: 143-155. (引用次數:11)
3. Yang, C.C., Y.S. Lin, C.C. Hsu, M.H. Tsai, S.C. Wu, and W.T.K. Cheng. 2010. Seasonal effect on sperm messenger RNA profile of domestic swine (Sus Scrofa). Anim. Reprod. Sci. 119: 76-84. (引用次數:尚無)
4. Yang, C.C., S.J. Deng, C.C. Hsu, B.H. Liu, E.C. Lin, W.T.K. Cheng, P.H. Wang, and S.T. Ding. 2010. Visfatin regulates genes related to lipid metabolism in porcine adipocytes. J. Anim. Sci. 88: 3233-3241. (引用次數:1)
5. Hsu, C.C., E.C. Lin, S.C. Chen, S.C. Huang, B.H. Liu, Y.H. Yu, C.C. Chen, C.C. Yang, C.Y. Lien, Y.H. Wang, C.W. Liu, H.J. Mersmann, W.T.K. Cheng and S.T. Ding. 2012. Differential gene expression between the porcine morula and blastocyst. Reprod. Domest. Anim. 47: 69-81. (引用次數:尚無)