
方引平 助理教授

方引平 助理教授


最高學歷 國立臺灣大學博士






1. 張簡琳玟、鄭錫奇、方引平2013馬祖南竿島新紀錄種蝙蝠-灰伏翼 Hypsugo pulveratus (Peters, 1871)。台灣生物多樣性研究。15: 49-61(*通訊作者)

2. 廖宜俊、方妍婷、方引瑞、毛俊傑。2012大礁溪實驗林場蝙蝠多樣性研究。宜蘭大學生物資源學刊。8: 1-9

3. 林俊全、鄭宏祺、李建堂、李玲玲、方引平。澎湖南方四島的地形地質景觀資源之研究。2010。國家公園學報。20(3): 54-65

4. 蕭志榮、李建堂、許立志、林俊全、方引平、李玲玲。澎湖群島東南海域五個島嶼陸域維管束植物的物種調查。2010。國家公園學報。20(2): 69-85

5. 方引平、林雅玲、張簡琳玟、鄭錫奇。2007。拉拉溪台灣水鼩食性初探。特有生物研究。9(2): 1-6頁。

6. Ho, Y. Y., Y. P. Fang, C. H. Chou, H. C. Cheng, H. W. Chang. 2013. High Duty Cycle to Low Duty Cycle: Echolocation Behaviour of the Hipposiderid Bat Coelops frithii. PLoS ONE. 30(12): 2152-8. (SCI)

7. Aplin, K. P., H. Suzuki, A. A. Chinen, R. T. Chesser, J. Have, S. C. Donnellan, J. Austin, A. Frost, J. P. Gonzalez, V. Herbreteau, F. Catzeflis, J. Soubrier, Y. P. Fang, J. Robins, E. Matisoo-Smith, A. D. S. Bastos, Maryanto, M. H. Sinaga, C. Denys, R. A. V. D. Bussche, C. Conroy, K. Rowe, A. Cooper. 2011. Multiple Geographic Origins of Commensalism and Complex Dispersal History of Black Rats. PLoS ONE. 6: e26357 (SCI)

8. Shen, H. P., C. F. Tsai, Y. P. Fang, J. H. Chen. 2011. Parthenogenesis, polyploidy and reproductive seasonality in the Taiwanese mountain earthworm Amynthas catenus Tsai et al., 2001 (Oligochaeta, Megascolecidae). Pedobiologia. 54: 133-139. (SCI)

9. Kuo, H. C., Y. P. Fang, G. Csorba, and L. L. Lee. 2009. Three new species of Murina (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from . Journal of Mammalogy. 90(4): 980–991. (SCI)

10. Kuo, H. C., Y. P. Fang, G. Csorba, and L. L. Lee. 2006. The definition of Harpiola (Vespertilionidae: Murininae) and the description of a new species from . Acta Chiropterologica, 8(1): 11-19. (SCI)

11. Fang, Y. P. and L. L. Lee. 2002. Re-evaluation of the Taiwanese white-toothed shrew, Crocidura tadae Tokuda and , 1936 (Insectivora, Soricidae) from and two offshore islands. Journal of Zoology, . 257: 145-154. (SCI)

12. Fang, Y. P., L. L. Lee, F. H. Yew and H. T. Yu. 1997. Systematics of white-toothed shrew (Crocidura)(Mammalia: Insectivora: Soricidae) of : karyological and morphological studies. Journal of Zoology, . 242: 151-166. (SCI)