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Students of this department were admitted to the 110th academic year research institute list (1100112)

                                 Group C, Master's Class, Department of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University  

                                 Digital Learning Group, Institute of Information Education, National Taiwan Normal University  

                             Ranked first in General Linguistics, Linguistics Group, Institute of Linguistics,   National Chung Cheng University 

                            Ranked first in the master's class of the Department of Applied English, National Taipei University of Technology  

                            Ranked first in the master's class in interpreting and translating at the Department of Applied English, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology  

                            Literature Group, Master’s Program, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Sun Yat-sen University  

                           Master's Program in English, National Taichung University of Education  

                           Master's Program in Educational Communication and Technology, National Taipei University of Education  

                           Institute of Curriculum and Instructional Communication Technology, National Taipei University of Education 

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