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Course features

Course features

Features of undergraduate courses
The University Department takes the Applied Foreign Language Group and the English Teaching Group as the two main learning axes, and plans a complete curriculum in professional core areas to meet the needs of future social workplace talents.

Applied Foreign Language Group
This group of courses includes English business communication group and translation group. The course focuses on cultivating students' practical application abilities in basic English listening, speaking, reading and writing, and gradually develops the abilities of professional English in the workplace to Chinese-English translation, news translation, film and television translation, simultaneous interpretation and second foreign language, cultivating this group of students. Students have professional knowledge in business communication and translation.

English Teaching Group
This group of courses focuses on cultivating students' English language professional ability and English teaching professional knowledge. The courses include foreign language-related core courses and elementary school education courses. It provides complete elementary school English teacher training, and can also take Chinese teaching courses across fields. , so that students have excellent English and Chinese teaching abilities.

Master course features
The master's program focuses on cultivating professional English (foreign) language skills, as well as advanced English language teaching and research abilities. It takes the applied foreign language group and the English teaching group as the main learning axis, and plans a complete curriculum in professional core areas to meet the needs of future social workplace talents. .

Applied Linguistics Group
The courses of the Applied Linguistics Group are divided into four related areas: "General Linguistics", "Society, Language and Culture", "Language and Cognition" and "Research Methods"; to cultivate linguistics research talents (Applied Linguistics) research talents) as the main goal.

English Teaching Group
The English Teaching Group courses are divided into three major related areas: "Teaching Theory and Methods", "Language Related", and "Research Methods", allowing students to enter the field of English teaching and cultivate English teaching by learning professional linguistics knowledge. The main goal is to research talents and English teachers in schools at all levels.