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Admissions Specialization

Academic System
Bachelor's degree, Master's degree

Department features
1. The university part of this department is divided into two groups, the "Applied Foreign Language Group" and the "English Teaching Group", each enrolling a class of 50 students (the English Teaching Group has 25 teacher-student places, who can study elementary school education courses); The master's degree class is not divided into groups, and only 10 students are admitted. Both undergraduate and master's programs can recruit additional overseas Chinese and foreign students.

2. This department is committed to cultivating students with humanistic literacy and international perspective, excellent English ( foreign ) language communication skills, and professional language knowledge in linguistics, English teaching, or literature and translation. The advantage of the department is that it has a complete curriculum design structure and provides a variety of courses, including basic theory and practical application courses, to train students to continue their studies after graduation, or to seamlessly integrate into the workplace.

3. The master's degree program cultivates professional applied linguistics, English teaching and research abilities.

4. Students have the opportunity to study national secondary / primary education courses through on-campus selection.

5. The prerequisite courses for the master's degree program allow students to obtain bachelor's and master's degrees in 5 years.

Employment and Development
[Advanced studies] After graduation, students can continue to study for master's or doctoral degrees at domestic and foreign universities. The main departments include literature, English teaching, linguistics, translation, communication, business marketing and international affairs.

[Employment] Students can engage in related jobs such as international affairs administration / business, language analysis / training, English teaching, translation / interpretation, digital copyright processing, conferences and exhibitions, digital narrative directors, tour guides, news interviews and editors, or choose technology / traditional Industry and civil servants (such as Immigration Department, airport, etc.).

Admissions Highlights
[Academic achievements of teachers and students]

1. Won the special research project subsidy of the Ministry of Science and Technology for the 107th academic year :

Teacher Guo Yijun , Teacher Guo Peirong, Teacher Liu Peilin , and Teacher Gong Shuping .

2. Won the 107th academic year junior college student research project of the Ministry of Science and Technology :

  (1) Foreign Language School Four Wu Wanting ( instructed by teacher Zheng Feiwen )

  (2) English Education Four Lin Yushan ( instructed by teacher Zhuang Mindun )

  (3) English Education Four Yang Chenghan (instructed by teacher Xu Qingzhong )

[Performance of current students]

1.    Be famous within the school

(1) Zeng Yiwen, a student in the English Education Group, won the first place in the department’s 106th academic year student research paper award. ( Instructed by teacher Gong Shuping )

(2) Lai Yihui of the Yingwai Group won the second place in the department’s 106th academic year student research paper award. ( Instructed by teacher Ni Bihua )

(3) Liu Yixian of the Yingwai Group won the third place in the department’s 106th academic year student research paper award. ( Instructed by teacher Ni Bihua )

(4) Dai Beixin of the Yingwai Group won the Department’s 106th Academic Year Student Research Paper Award. ( Instructed by teacher Ni Bihua )

(5) Qian Zhewei of the Yingwai Group won the Department’s 106th Academic Year Student Research Paper Award. ( Instructed by teacher Xu Qingzhong )

(6) Yang Chenghan of the English Education Group won the Department’s 106th Academic Year Student Research Paper Award. ( Instructed by teacher Xu Qingzhong )

2.  Become famous domestically

(1) The foreign group Lai Yihui and Liu Yixian published academic papers at the 2018 National Cheng Kung University Fourth Inter-school Literature, Linguistics and English Teaching Student Paper Symposium. ( Instructed by teacher Ni Bihua )

(2) English group Yang Chenghan published an academic paper at the 4th Inter-school Literature, Linguistics and English Teaching Student Paper Symposium of National Cheng Kung University in 2018 . ( Instructed by teacher Xu Qingzhong )

(3) Chen Yanbo, a student in the English Education Group, participated in the " 2018 National College English Speech Contest" and won the second place. ( Instructed by teacher Zhang Shuyi )

(4) Zeng Junying, a student in the English Education Group, participated in the " 2018 National College English Speech Contest" and won third place. ( Instructed by teacher Zhang Fangqi )

(5) Wang Wenhan, a student from the external group, participated in the " 2018 National College English Speech Contest" and won a masterpiece. ( Instructed by teacher Zheng Feiwen )

(6) Huang Yuchen, Qiu Qinghong, and Lin Wanxuan, students of the English Education Group, participated in the " 2016 National Technical Colleges - World Attractions Introduction English Presentation Competition" and won second place.

(7) Students from the English Education Group Lu Weiting, Hu Shuxuan, and Cheng Weiting participated in the " 2016 National Technical Colleges - World Attractions Introduction English Presentation Competition" and won excellent works. (Instructed by teacher Zhang Fangqi)

(8) Xu Kaijun, a student in the English Education Group, participated in the " 105 National Chinese Language Competition - Mandarin Reading Group" and won fourth place.

(9) Lin Ziyu, a student in the English Education Group, won the second place in the 2017 National College English Speech Contest. (Instructed by teacher Zhang Fangqi)

(10)  Huang Xiaoqing, a student in the foreign language group, won the 2017 National College English Speech Competition. Yang Chenghan, a student in the English Education Group, won the 2017 National College English Speech Competition. (Instructed by teacher Zhang Fangqi)

(11)  Students from the English Education Group, Lu Weiting, Hu Shuxuan, and Cheng Weiting participated in the 2016 National High School Vocational and College International Product Explanation Simulation Competition and won second place (guided by teacher Zhang Fangqi).

(12)  Li Yiling, a student from the external group, participated in the Taiwan ICRT speech contest and won third place (instructors Zhang Shuyi and Gai Jiefu).

3.  Be famous overseas

(1)  Lu Weicheng, a student in the English Education Group, participated in the AIESEC (International Economics and Business Students Association) Overseas Growth Program and traveled to the Czech Republic, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Poland to experience local customs and promote Taiwanese culture, and was awarded with The honor of being photographed by the Czech President was published in major newspapers and media at home and abroad.

(2)  Zhang Qiaoxiang, a student from the Foreign Affairs Group, served as the 104th International Youth Ambassador of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He went to four countries including Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay, and Peru to introduce Taiwan and promote Taiwanese cultural characteristics. He was awarded the International Youth Ambassador Certificate by President Ma Ying-jeou.

4.  Domestic internship

(1) Eight students including Zeng Yiwen and Lin Yawen from the English Education Group went to Xinshan Elementary School in Liuying District, Tainan City for the English camp " A Small World in New Mountain Elementary School " on June 30 , 2017 . ( Instructed by teachers Zhang Shuyi and Zhang Fangqi )

(2) A total of six students from the English Education Group, Lin Ziyu, Guo Jinrong, Xiao Yiting, Yan Yujie, Xu Zhiqi and Huang Kaiting, went to Dabu Elementary School in Dabu Township, Chiayi County on July 23-24 , 2017 to attend the English camp " Fun with Playing " and Painting in the Story Land ". ( Instructed by teachers Zhang Shuyi and Zhang Fangqi )

(3) Zhang Tingzhi of the external group won the first place in the Ford Liuhe Summer Internship Project Competition .

5.  International internship

(1) Associate Professor Zhuang Mindun implemented the Ministry of Education's 107 -year cross-border dual-track in-depth cultivation plan for bilingual elementary and secondary education internships in the United States. From August 17 , 2017 to October 27 , 2017 , he guided 9 teacher students to Maryland, USA . Internship at Reid Temple Christian Academy of the university .

(2) Ye Yilan, a student from the external group , went to the University of Oregon in the United States to participate in an international education internship in the first semester of the 2017 academic year .

(3) Graduate student Jiang Ziying went to the University of Oregon in the United States to participate in an international education internship in the first semester of the 2017 academic year .

(4) In the 106 academic year, Zhong Pei'an, a student from the foreign group, went to the University of Oregon in the United States to participate in an international education internship.

(5) Students Weng Yuxuan and Wu Chenhan from the English Education Group went to the University of Oregon in the United States to participate in international education internships.

(6) The student Li Yiling was invited to participate in an international education internship at the University of Oregon in the United States. 


[Training for public-funded students]

1.    In the 102 academic year, 3 university-funded students will be trained .

2.    In the 103 academic year, 3 university-funded students will be trained .

3.    In the 104 academic year, 4 publicly funded undergraduate students were trained .

4.    In the 105 academic year, 2 public-funded students from the university will be trained .

5.    In the 106 academic year, 3 publicly funded students were trained in the master’s class .

6.    In the 107 academic year, 2 public-funded students from the university will be trained .

7.     One public-funded student will be trained in the master’s class in the 107 academic year .


【International Exchange Students】

(1) Zhou Weizhong of the English Education Group went to the University of Huelva in Spain as an exchange student in the 106 academic year.

(2) In the 106 academic year , Zhang Huachen went to Meiji University in Japan as an exchange student.


【Overseas Experience Funding Subsidy】

(1)  Yuan Zixiu should be sent to Denmark.

(2)  Jian Yuhan should be sent to Slovakia.

(3)  Yang Yuting should be sent to Romania.


【Graduate Study List】

1.105 academic year

(1) Hu Shuxuan was admitted to the Master's Program of the Department and Research Institute of Foreign Languages and Literatures of National Taiwan University ( Literature Group ) , the Master's Program of the Department of English Studies of National Taiwan Normal University ( Literature Group ) , and the Master's Program of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature of National Cheng Kung University ( Literature Group )

(2) Wu Chongyu was admitted to the Master's Program ( Literature Group ) of the Department of English Language and Literature, National Chengchi University , and the Master's Program ( Literature Group ) of the Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University

(3) Cai Weihong was admitted to the Graduate School of Wenzao University of Foreign Languages

2.104 academic year

(1) Lu Junting was admitted to the master's program of the International Business Department of National Taiwan University

(2) Xie Boxun was admitted to the Institute of International Business Management of National Sun Yat-sen University

(3) Zhang Qiaoxiang was admitted to National Chengchi University’s master’s degree program in International Studies in English

(4) Chen Jiamin was admitted to the Image Communication Technology Group of the Department of Graphic Communication, National Taiwan Normal University

(5) Wang Tangwei was admitted to the top spot in Group A of the master’s class of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at National Cheng Kung University

(6) Shen Xiaoyun was admitted to the Institute of Language Studies, Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University

(7) Chen Weiting was admitted to the Institute of Children’s English at National Taipei University of Education

(8) Zeng Jiawen was admitted to the Institute of Educational Policy, National Taipei University of Education

(9) Zhuang Yazhu was admitted to the Children's English Institute of National Changhua Normal University


[Outstanding employment performance]

(1) The admission rate of graduates to the formal teacher selection examination is high ( 29 students in 2014 , 21 students in 2015 , 19 students in 2016 , and 12 students in 2017 ).

(2) The pass rate of the 2015 Teacher Qualification Examination reached 93.33%

(3) The passing rate of the 2016 Teacher Qualification Examination reached 93.75%

(4) The pass rate of the 2017 Teacher Qualification Examination reached 94.44%

(5) Graduates passed the college entrance examination ( for example : Chen Wenxian passed the 105 fifth-class local government civil service examination, Jiang Zhexian passed the police special test, Wang Chunling passed the local special test Yunjia District News Administration position, Liu Qizhe passed the fourth-class court clerk's test, Cai Peiying and Wu Chengen passed the third-class special examination of the Immigration Department, Song Yiwei passed the third-class flight control examination as flight controller, and Zeng Hanyun passed the college entrance examination personnel administration special examination, etc. )

(6) Graduates have passed the postal examination ( for example : Liao Meiru ) , the Army Special Forces ( for example : Ye Zhegang ) , etc.