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Master's thesis for the 103th academic year

◎ 103 Ye Xinyi "English writing learning for third-year elementary school students - taking seven high-achieving students as an example" - Zhang Shuyi

◎ 103 Tang Ruoya ’s “Research on Applying Meta-Listening Strategies Teaching to Improve Junior High School Students’ English Listening”—Yan Yuyun

◎ 103 Xiao Yazhu's "Understanding of Chinese Metaphorical Pronouns" - Gong Shuping

◎ 103 Zhong Yushuang "The Relationship between the Acquisition of Interrogative Sentences and the Development of Theory of Mind" - Guo Yijun

◎ 103 Tu Pu’an’s “A Discussion of Direct and Indirect Teacher Feedback on EFL Students’ Writing Performance”—Zhuang Mindun

◎ 103 Cai Yijun 's "English Writing Activities in Elementary Schools - Taking Six Grade Three Students as an Example" - Zhang Fangqi

◎ 103 Zeng Liyuan's "Research on the Practical Evaluation of "Faithfulness, Expression, and Elegance" in English Translation" - Li Duogeng/Gong Shuping

◎ 103 Zhang Fuquan "Discussing the Differences in Embodying Cognition of Chinese Metaphorical Synonyms" - Gong Shuping

◎ 103 Chen Yiwen "Subtitle Translation and Semantic Issues of Cape No. 7" - Fang Boting
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