
邱義源 博士(特聘講座教授/特聘名譽教授/兼任教授)

邱義源教授Photographed with wife Finny in Rome, Italy, 2016

(Photographed with wife Finny in Rome, Italy, 2016)


邱義源 特聘 名譽教授 /特聘講座教授(107/05~110.01)

Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Robin Y.-Y. Chiou, Ph. D.


Food Scientist in Life Sciences, Department of Food Science

National Chiayi University

Tel: 886-5-2717613; Fax: 886-5-2775524

E-mail: rychiou@mail.ncyu.edu.tw; rychiou@mail.ncyu.edu.tw


現職 / 年齡 / 性別:

國立嘉義大學 食品科學系名譽教授 ;民國 41 年生;男


國立中興大學 土壤學系學士 ( 民國 64 年 ) ;國立臺灣大學 農業化學研究所碩士 (66 年 ) ;美國喬治亞大學 食品科學系博士 (74 年 )


國立嘉義農專 / 嘉義技術學院 / 嘉義大學 講師 / 副教授 / 教授 35 年

國立嘉義農專 食品加工科 / 食品工業科 主任 6 年

國立嘉義農專 / 技術學院 訓導主任 / 學務長 6 年

國立嘉義技術學院 / 嘉義大學 教務長 6.5 年

國立嘉義大學 生命科學院 院長 6 年

國立嘉義技術學院 代理校長

國立嘉義大學籌備處 教務組組長

國立嘉義大學 校長 6 年


曾任考試院典試委員、國科會生物處諮議委員、衛生署食品衛生安全與營養諮議委員、國實院國家實驗動物中心諮議委員、經濟部技術處 SBIR 審查委員 、大學校院校務及院系所評鑑委員 等。


  1. 行政院國家科學委員會 傑出研究獎 (79 年 )
  2. 行政院國家科學委員會 傑出研究獎 (81 年 )
  3. 行政院國家科學委員會 傑出研究獎 (83 年)
  4. 行政院國家科學委員會 特約研究人員「出類拔萃」獎 (86 年 )
  5. 行政院國家科學委員會 傑出特約研究人員「望重士林」獎 (91 年 )
  6. 中國農業化學會 學術榮譽獎 (83 年 )
  7. 中華民國食品科技學會 蔣徐蓮貞女士食品科技研究獎 (78 年 )
  8. 中華民國食品科技學會 食品學術研究榮譽獎 (86 年 )
  9. 臺灣食品科技學會 張駟祥 教授食品科技學術特殊貢獻獎 (98 年 )
  10. 國家生技醫療產業策進會 第七屆國家新創獎 (99 年 )
  11. 育部 教學績優教師獎 (79 年 )
  12. 教育部 「六年輔導工作計畫」有功人員獎 (87 年 )
  13. 中國訓育學會 第十三屆優秀訓育人員獎 (84 年 )
  14. 國立嘉義大學 傑出研究教師獎 (94 年 )
  15. 美國花生研究與教育學會會士 (APRES Fellow) (102年 )
  16. 第十五屆國際食品加工與技術研討會發表 獲頒論文肯定獎 (105年 )
  17. 國立中興大學 傑出校友獎 (106 年 )



近十年學術著作 (Publications in recent 10 years since 2008)

(A) REFEREED PAPER (*Corresponding author)


  1. Huang, C.-P., L.-I. Lin, R. Y.-Y. Chiou, L.-S. Kan, N.-H. Chi, Y.-R. Chen, T.-Y. Lin, W.-H. Fang and S.-B. Lin*. 2008. Anticancer activity of botanical alkyl-hydroquinones attributed to topoisomerase II poisoning. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 227: 331-338. (SCI)
  2. Lin, S.-F., P.-L. Ong, C.-R. Jhou and R. Y.-Y. Chiou*. 2008. Purification, identification and characterization of peanut isocitrate lyase. J. Agric. Food Chem. 56: 1845-1851. (SCI)
  3. Lin, B.-S., T.-F. Lien, M.-R. Chao, Y.-H. Lai, J.-C. Chang, S.-J. Chou, H.-F. Liao and R.Y.-Y. Chiou*. 2008. Toxicological and nutraceutical assessments of peanut sprouts as daily supplements to feed Sprague-Dawley rats for 18 weeks. J. Sci. Food Agric. 88: 2201-2207. (SCI)
  4. Lu, K. T., M.-C. Ko, B.-Y. Chen, J.-C. Huang, C. W. Hsieh, M.-C. Lee, R. Y.-Y. Chiou, B.-S. Wung and Y.-L. Yang*. 2008. Neuroprotective effects of resveratrol on MPTP-induced neuron loss mediated by free radical scavenging. J. Agric. Food Chem. 56: 6910-6913. (SCI)
  5. Ko, T.-F., R. Y.-Y. Chiou, S.-S. Shieh and S.-C. Sheu*. 2008. Assessment of methamphetamine abuse patterns in southern Taiwan by immunoassay and quantification by gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of urine samples. J. Food Drug Anal. 16: 97-101. (SCI)
  6. Chen, Y.-R., R. Y.-Y. Chiou, T.-Y. Lin, C.-P. Huang, W.-C. Tang, S.-T. Chen and S.-B. Lin*. 2009. Identification of an alkylhydroquinone from Rhus succedanea as an inhibitor of tyrosinase and melanogenesis. J. Agric. Food Chem. 57: 2200-2205. (SCI)
  7. Lien, T.-F., Y.-L. Hsu, D.-Y. Lo and R. Y.-Y. Chiou*. 2009. Supplementary health benefits of soy aglycons of isoflavone by improvement of serum biochemical attributes, enhancement of liver antioxidative capacities and protection of vaginal epithelium of ovariectomized rats. Nutr. Metabolism 2009, 6:15 (http://www.nutritionandmetabolism.com/content/6/1/15) (SCI)
  8. Cheng, J.-C., L.-S. Kan, J.-T. Chen, L.-G. Chen, H.-C. Lu, S.-M. Lin, S.-H. Wang, K.-H. Yang and R. Y.-Y. Chiou*. 2009. Detection of cyanidin in different-colored peanut testae and identification of peanut cyanidin 3-sambubioside. J. Agric. Food Chem. 57: 8805-8811. (SCI)
  9. Weng, Y.-L., H.-F. Liao, A. F.-Y. Li, J.-C. Chang and R. Y.-Y. Chiou*. 2010. Oral administration of resveratrol in suppression of pulmonary metastasis of BALB/c mice challenged with CT26 colorectal adenocarcinoma cells. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 54: 259-267. (SCI)
  10. Lin, S.-M., B.-H. Lin, W.-M. Hsieh, W.-C. Ko, C.-D. Liu, L.-G. Chen and R. Y.-Y. Chiou*. 2010. Structural identification and bioactivities of red-violet pigments present in Basella alba fruits. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58: 10364-10372. (SCI)
  11. Huang, C.-P., P.-C. Chung, R. Y.-Y. Chiou, L.-C. Au, W.-C. Tang, W.-H. Fang, Y.-R. Chen and S.-B. Lin*. 2010. Arachidin-1, a peanut stilbenoid, induces program cell death in human leukemia HL-60 cells. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58: 12123-12129. (SCI)
  12. Ko, T.-F., H.-S. Tsai, S.-M. Lin, C.-D. Liu, S.-P. Learn and R. Y.-Y. Chiou*. 2010. GC-MS determined distribution of urinary equol producers as affected by age, gender and repeated ingestions of soymilk. J. Food Sci. 75: H306-H310. (SCI)
  13. Weng, B. B.-C., Y.-C. Lin, C.-W. Hu, M.-Y. Kao, S.-H. Wang, D.-Y. Lo, T.-Y. Lai, L.-S. Kan and R. Y.-Y. Chiou*. 2011. Toxicological and immunomodulatory assessments of botryosphaeran (β-glucan) produced by Botryosphaeria rhodina RCYU 30101. Food Chem. Toxicol. 49: 910-916. (SCI)
  14. Wang, S.-H., M.-Y. Kao, S.-C. Wu, D.-Y. Lo, J.-Y. Wu, J.-C. Chang and R. Y.-Y. Chiou*. 2011. Oral administration with Trapa taiwanensis Nakai fruit skin extracts conferring hepato-protection from CCl4-cauced injury. J. Agric. Food Chem. 59: 3686-3692. (SCI)
  15. Wang, S.-H., J.-C. Chang, R. Pokkaew, J.-F. Lee and R. Y.-Y. Chiou*. 2011. Modified fast procedure for the detection and screening of antiglycative phytochemicals. J. Agric. Food Chem. 59: 6906-6912. (SCI)
  16. Lin, S.-M., J. Y. Wu, C. Su, S. Ferng, C.-Y. Lo and R. Y.-Y. Chiou*. 2012. Identification and mode of action of 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfural (5-HMF) and 1-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-β-carboline-3-carboxylic acid (MTCA) as potent xanthine oxidase inhibitors in vinegars. J. Agric. Food Chem. 60: 9856-9862. (SCI)
  17. Ko, J.-C., H.-J. Chen, Y.-C. Huang, S.-C. Tseng, S.-H. Weng, T.-Y. Wo, Y.-J. Huang, H.-C. Chiu, M.-S. Tsai, R. Y.-Y. Chiou and Y.-W. Lin. 2012. HSP90 inhibition induces cytotoxicity via down-regulation of Rad51 expression and DNA repair capacity in non-small cell lung cancer cells. Regulatory Toxicol. Pharmacol. 64: 415-24. (SCI)
  18. Pokkaew, R., S.-H. Wang, C.-D. Liu, F.-L. Huang, J.-C. Chang, C.-Y. Lo and R. Y.-Y. Chiou*. 2013. Properties and characterization of antioxidant and antiglycative activities for the multiple harvests of aquatic- and field-cultivated peanut leaves and stems. J. Functional Foods. 5: 327-336. (SCI)
  19. Wu, J.-Y., W.-C. Chen, Y.-Y. Wu, J.-T. Chen, L.-G. Chen and R. Y.-Y. Chiou*. 2013. NMR-based elucidation of the positional C6-O-glucopyranosyl substitution of gomphrenin I isolated from Basella alba fruits. J. Agric. Sci. Appl. 2: 8-11.
  20. Ko, J.-C., Y.-C. Huang, H.-J. Chen, S.-C.h Tseng, H.-C. Chiu, T.-Y. Wo, Y.-J. Huang, S.-H. Weng, R. Y.-Y. Chiou and Y.-W. Lin*. 2013. Metformin induces cytotoxicity by down-regulating thymidine phosphorylase and excision repair cross-complementation 1 expression in non-small cell lung cancer cells. Basic Clin. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 113: 56-65. (SCI)
  21. Hsieh, C.-W., Y.-R. Lu, S.-M. Lin, T.-Y. Lai and R. Y.-Y. Chiou*. 2013. Stability of monacolin K and citrinin and biochemical characterization of red-koji vinegar during fermentation. J. Agric. Food Chem. 61: 7276-7283. (SCI)
  22. Ko, H.-J., C.-Y. Lo, B.-J. Wang, R. Y.-Y. Chiou and S. M. Lin*. 2014. Theaflavin-3, 3 ′ -digallate, a black tea polyphenol, attenuates adipocyte-activated inflammatory response of macrophage associated with the switch of M1/M2-like phenotype. J. Functional Foods. 11: 36-48. (SCI)
  23. Ko, H.-J., C.-Y. Lo, B.-J. Wang, R. Y.-Y. Chiou and S. M. Lin*. 2014. Theaflavin-3, 3′-digallate, a black tea polyphenol, attenuates adipocyte-activated inflammatory response of macrophage associated with the switch of M1/M2-like phenotype. J. Functional Foods. 11: 36-48. (SCI)
  24. Ko, H.-J., C.-Y. Lo, B.-J. Wang, R. Y.-Y. Chiou and S. M. Lin*. 2015. Theaflavin-3,3'-digallate, a black tea polyphenol, stimulates lipolysis associated with the induction of mitochondrial uncoupling proteins and AMPK–FoxO3A–MnSOD pathway in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. J. Functional Foods. 17: 271-282. (SCI)
  25. Senakoon, W., S. Nuchadomrong, R.Y.-Y. Chiou, G. Senawong, S. Jogloy, P. Songsri and A. Patanothai. 2015. Identification of peanut seed prolamins with an antifungal role by 2D-GE and drought treatment. Biosci. Biotech. Biochem. 79: 1771-1778. (SCI)
  26. Hoang, N. X., S. Ferng, C.-H. Ting, W.-H. Huang, R. Y.-Y. Chiou and C.-K. Hsu*. 2016. Optimizing the initial moromi fermentation conditions to improve the quality of soy sauce. LWT – Food Sci. Technol. ( http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2016.07.049) (SCI)
  27. Huang, F.-L., R. Y.-Y. Chiou, W.-C. Chen, H.-J. Ko, L.-J. Lai and S.-M. Lin*. 2016. Dehydrated Basella alba fruit juice as a novel natural colorant: pigment stability, in vivo food safety evaluation and anti-inflammatory mechanism characterization. Plant Foods Human Nutr. 71: 322-329. (SCI)
  28. Lai, T. Y., J. C. Chang, R. S. Chen, C. D. Chu, C. Chu, H. F. Ni and R. Y.-Y. Chiou*. 2016. PCR detection of Botryosphaeria rhodina as a biotic elicitor in enhancement of trans-resveratrol and trans-piceid biosynthesis of peanut kernels during germination. Open Access J. Agric. Res. 1(2): 000111.
  29. Weng, B. B.-C., Lin, W.-S., Chang, J.-C. and R. Y.-Y. Chiou*. 2016. The p hytoestrogenic stilbenes, arachidin-1 and resveratrol, modulate regulatory T cell functions responsible for successful aging in aged ICR mice. Intl. J. Mol. Med. 38: 1895-1904.
  30. Chiou*, R. Y.-Y., P.-C. Chiu, J.-C. Chang, J.-C. Li, C.-W. Hsieh, J.-Y. Wu, S.-M. Lin, Y.-L. Lin and B. B.-C. Weng.. 2017. Discovery of new stilbene antioxidants of the bio-elicited peanut sprout powder (BPSP) and longevity extension of mice fed with BPSP-supplemented diets. Food Nutr. Sci. 8: 141-162.
  31. Lai, L.-J., L.-M. Chiu and R. Y.-Y. Chiou*. 2017. Fresh preservation of alfalfa sprouts and mushroom slices by soaking with thymol and resveratrol solutions. Food Sci. Nutr. 00: 1-8.
  32. Ko, C.-Y., Y.-J. Lai, Y.-M. Zeng, R.-H. Lin, J.-R. Deng, R. Y.-Y. Chiou and S.-C. Wu*. 2017. Stilbenes: A potential preservative for sausage products. J. Food Processing Preservation 42 (2) pages e13456 ( https://doi.org/10.1111/jfpp.13456).
  33. Lai, L.-J., F.-L. Huang, P.-H. Cheng and R. Y.-Y. Chiou*. 2017. SDS-PAGE detection and proteomic characterization of glycation-sensitive bovine serum albumin peptides and referenced in comparison with human serum albumin. Intl. J. Clin. Nutr. Diet. 2: 123 ( https://doi.org/10.15344/2456-8171/2017/123 ).
  34. Chiu, P.-C., Y.-J. Li and R. Y.-Y. Chiou*. 2018. Peroxidase characterization isolated from germinated peanut embryos (GPE) and application of the freeze-dried GPE powder as enzyme source for biomimetic production of δ-viniferin. Process Biochem. 66: 97-105.
  35. Ferng, S., C.-H. Ting*, C.-P. Wu, Y.-T. Lu, C.-K. Hsu and R. Y.-Y. Chiou. 2018. Energy-effective predictive temperature control for soy mash fermentation based on compartmental pharmacokinetic modelling. Advances Technol. Innovation 3: 70-77.
  36. Nguyen, X.-H., Ferng, S., C.-H. Ting, Y.-C. Lu, Y.-F. Yeh, Y.-L. Lai, R. Y.-Y. Chiou, J.-Y. Hwang and C.-K. Hsu*. 2018. Effect of initial 5 days fermentation under low salt condition on the quality of soy sauce. LWT – Food Sci. Technol. 92: 234-241.


  1. Weng, Y.-L., H.-F. Liao, A. F.-Y. Li, R. Y.-Y. Chiou, 2008, 7, Anti-pulmonary metastasis of resveratrol achieved by oral administration with BALB/c mice challenged with CT26 colorectal adenocarcinoma cells. The XXIV International Conference on Polyphenols, Salamanca, Spain.
  2. Chiou, R. Y.-Y. , 2008, 11, Bioactivities assessment of peanut stilbenoids. International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods 2008, Taichung, Taiwan.
  3. Lo, C.-Y., C.-R. Jhou, S. Ferng, C. Su, R. Y.-Y. Chiou, 2008, 11, Resveratrol biosynthesis, gluconeogenesis and changes of fatty acid profiles of peanut kernels during germination under effect of ethanol. International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods 2008, Taichung, Taiwan.
  4. Chiou, R. Y.-Y. , J.-C. Chang, S.-H. Hsiao, B. B.-C Weng, Y.-W. Liu, 2009, 7, Supplementary health benefits of peanut sprout powders. The 41st Annual Meeting of American Peanut Research and Education Society, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
  5. Chen, J.-T., C.-H. Yu, S.-M. Lin, R. Y.-Y. Chiou, 2010, 7, Chemical and bioactivities characterization of peanut skin phytochemicals. The 42nd Annual Meeting of American Peanut Research and Education Society, Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA.
  6. Wang, S.-H., J.-C. Chang, R. Y.-Y. Chiou, 2010, 7, Peanut roots as a potent source of bioactive compounds in inhibition of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) formation. The 42nd Annual Meeting of American Peanut Research and Education Society, Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA.
  7. Chen, J.-T., C.-H. Yu, S.-M. Lin, L.-S. Kan and R. Y.-Y. Chiou, 2010, 8, Characterization of peanut skin pigment and phytochemicals. The 5th Cross-Strait Symposium on Food and Biotechnology, National Chung-Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan.
  8. Chiou, R. Y.-Y. , 2011, 2 , Investigating the potential source and characteristics of Basella alba L.. The 2011 Innovations in Natural Colour, FI Conferences Europe, London, UK.
  9. Chiou, R. Y.-Y. , 2011, 2, Plant fruit colours as natural nutraceuticals. The 2011 Innovations in Natural Colour, FI Conferences Europe, London, UK.
  10. Pokkaew, R. and R. Y.-Y. Chiou, 2011, 7, Antioxidant and anti-glycation properties of peanut plants grown by aquatic floating cultivation system. The 43rd Annual Meeting of American Peanut Research and Education Society, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
  11. Li, F., J.-C. Chang, D. F. Diewe, S. Awale, S. Kadota and R. Y.-Y. Chiou, 2011, 7, Antioxidant and anti-cancer activities of peanut arahypin-5 and other stilbenoids. The 43rd Annual Meeting of American Peanut Research and Education Society, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
  12. Chiou, R. Y.-Y., R. Pokkaew and S.-K. Chen, 2011, 9, Risk assessment of mycotoxins.   International Seminar on Risk Assessment and Risk Management of Mycotoxins for Food Safety in Asia (FFTC-KU 2011), Pattaya, Thailand.
  13. Chiou, R. Y.-Y., 2011, 11, An industry-oriented research and development of functional foods with peanut kernels subjected to germination. 2011 International Conference on Food Factors, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.
  14. Lin, S. M., W. C. Ko, J. C. Chang, F. L. Huang, B. B. C. Weng, S. H. Wang and R. Y.-Y. Chiou, 2012, 7, Immunity enhancement and characterization of bioactive peanut sprout powder and purified peanut arachidin-1. The 44th Annual Meeting of American Peanut Research and Education Society, Raleigh, NC, USA.
  15. Weng, B. B. C., W. H. Lin, C. W. Hu, S. M. Lin, J. C. Chang and R. Y.-Y. Chiou, 2012, 7, Phytoestrogenic activity of resveratrol and peanut arachidin-1. The 44th Annual Meeting of American Peanut Research and Education Society, Raleigh, NC, USA.
  16. Pokkaew, R., C. D. Liu and R. Y.-Y. Chiou, 2013, 6, Cultivation and harvest of young peanut leaves as a novel vegetable. Sixth International Conference of Peanut Research Community - Advances in Arachis through Genomics and Biotechnology, Zhengzhou, Henan, China.
  17. Chiu, P. C., Y.-J. Li and R. Y.-Y. Chiou, 2014, 7, Germinated peanut kernels as a potent enzyme source in mediating resveratrol dimerization. The 46th Annual Meeting of American Peanut Research and Education Society, St. Antonio, TX, USA.
  18. Wang, S.-H., J.-C. Chang and R. Y.-Y. Chiou, 2014, 7, Structural and anti-glycative activities characterization of the phytochemicals extracted from different-colored peanut skins. The 46th Annual Meeting of American Peanut Research and Education Society, St. Antonio, TX, USA.
  19. Lai, L. J., J.-M. Chiu, R. Y.-Y. Chiou, 2014, 09, Antibacterial activities characterization of essential oils, resveratrol and thymol against Escherichi coli and Staphylococcus aureus. XXVIIth International Conference on Polyphenols & 8th Tannin Conference, Nagoya, Japan.
  20. Huang, F. L., W. C. Chen, H. J. Ko, S. M. Lin, J. C. Chang and R. Y.-Y. Chiou. 2014, 09, Mature Basella alba L. fruits as a novel source of natural colorant bearing safe toxicological and antioxidant properties. The XXVIIth International Conference on Polyphenols & The 8th Tannin Conference, Nagoya, Japan.
  21. Huang, F. L., H. J. Ko, F. J. Dai, C. C. Lin and R. Y.-Y. Chiou. 2014, 10, Anti-inflammatory activity characterization of the pigment and purified gomphrenin I extracted from mature Basella alba L. fruits. The 10th International Symposium on Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  22. Lai, L. J., S. H. Wang, F. L. Huang and R. Y.-Y. Chiou. 2014, 10, Development of a rapid and novel procedure in detection of antiglycative activity. The 10th International Symposium on Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology (10th ISBAB), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  23. Chen, R. S., Y. H. Lai, C. D. Liu, C. Chu, H. F. Ni and R. Y.-Y. Chiou, 2014, 11, Botryosphaeria rhodina as a biotic elicitor to enhance resveratrol biosynthesis during peanut seed germination. Seventh International Conference of Peanut Research Community - Advances in Arachis through Genomics and Biotechnology, Savannah, GA, USA.
  24. 邱義源 , 2015, 12, 從演化看食品科技與身體保健 , 台灣食品科技學會第 45次年會糧食安全系統新趨勢研討會 , 台北 , 台灣。
  25. Chiou, R. Y.-Y. 2016, 10, Chemical and toxicological characterization of bio-activated peanut sprout powder applied as dietary supplements to extend mouse longevity. The 15th International Conference on Food Processing and Technology. Rome, Italy.



  1. 邱義源 , 2008, 從演化觀點談健康管理,瞭解身體的演化設計 – 健康未必要花大錢 , 研習論壇月刊 90: 6-1 1 。
  2. Weng, Y.-L., H.-F. Liao, A. F.-Y. Li, R. Y.-Y. Chiou, 2008, Anti-pulmonary metastasis of resveratrol achieved by oral administration with BALB/c mice challenged with CT26 colorectal adenocarcinoma cells. In "Polyphenols Communications 2008 Vol. 2" (ISBN 978-84-691-4334-6), XXIV International Conference on Polyphenols, Salamanca, Spain. pp. 693-694.
  3. Chiou, R. Y.-Y., 2009, Elimination of aflatoxin contamination and characterization of health enhancing phytochemicals of peanuts. J. Peanut Sci. 38: 1-4. (in Chinese)
  4. Wang, S.-H., J.-C. Chang and R. Y.-Y. Chiou, 2010, Resveratrol, peanut sprout and stilbenoids as bioactive ingredients used for development of functional foods or dietary supplements. In "Recent Advances in Food and Flavor Chemistry: Food Flavors and Encapsulation, Health Benefits, Analytical Methods, and Molecular Biology of Functional Foods", eds., C.-T. Ho, C.-J. Mussinan, F. Shahidi, E. Tratras Contis. RSC Publishing (ISBN 978-1-84755-201-3), Cambridge, UK. pp. 322-330.
  5. 吳進益、邱義源 , 2010, 夢幻香水 – 野薑花的春天 , 科學月刊 41(10): 1- 5 。
  6. Chiou, R. Y.-Y., R. Pokkaew and S. K. Chen, 2011, Risk management of mycotoxins. Proceedings of the International Seminar "Risk Assessment and Risk Management of Mycotoxins for Food Safety in Asia", September 5-8, 2011, Pattaya, Thailand. pp. 39-52.
  7. Lai, L. J., J.-M. Chiu, R. Y.-Y. Chiou, 2014, Antibacterial activities characterization of essential oils, resveratrol and thymol against Escherichi coli and Staphylococcus aureus. In "Polyphenols Communications 2014 " (ISBN 978-4-9907847-0-6), XXVIIth International Conference on Polyphenols & 8th Tannin Conference, Nagoya, Japan. pp. 465-466.
  8. 邱義源 , 2015, 益生菌 – 與生俱來的保健幫手 , 防癌會訊 52: 10-12.

專利 (Patent ) :

  1. 邱義源、朱健松、侯金龍、劉啟東、張如君、張貴翔, 102年 1月 1日,連續切片機,中華民國發明第 I380887號專利,自 2013年 1月 1日至 2030年 8月 26日。
  2. 邱義源、邱柏璋、張如君、李瑜章, 105年 6月 11日,一種化合物,中華民國發明第 I 537254號專利,自 2016年 6月 11日至 2035年 6月 8日。


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