
王璧娟 教授


王璧娟 教授
專  長:食品營養、生物化學、食品化學、營養生化




  1. 2009/10, Lin, Lian-Syun,Be-Jen Wang and Yih-Ming Weng, Preservation of commercial fish ball qualitywith edible antioxidant-incorporated zein coatings, Journal of Food Processingand Preservation, 33 , 605-607 .

  2. 2010/10, Chen, C. P., Wang,B. J., and Weng, Y. M., Physiochemical and antimicrobial properties of ediblealoe/ gelatin composite films., International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 45: 1050-1055. (SCI, 45 , 1050-1055 .

  3. 2011/1, Chang, R. Y., Loo,M., Ho, M. Y., Lin, Z. Z., Yu, Z. R., Lin, Y. F., and Wang, B. J., Effects ofTai Chai on adiponectin and glucose homeostasis in individuals withcardiovascular risk factors, European Journal of Applied Physiology, 111 ,5766 .

  4. 2012/6, Hsueh, Y. C., Yu,Z. R., and Wang, B. J., A continuous preparation method of Spirulina platensisphenolic compounds and polysaccharides using supercritical carbon dioxidetechnology, Advanced Materials Research, 524 , 2229-2237 .

  5. 2012/6, Huang, G. L., Wang,B. J., Weng. Y. M., Physicochemical properties and activities of Toona Sinensisfrom leaves as affected by drying methods, Journal of Food Processing andPreservation, 0 , 1745 .

  6. 2013/3, Yu, Z. R., Lin, M.S., Weng, Y. M., Wang, B. J., Physiochemical, Clarification, and AntioxidantProperties of Aqueous Extract of Xiao-Chai-Hu-Tang as Affected by MembraneProcess, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 21 , 13-19 .

  7. 2013/3, Lin-Shuan Kuo,Be-Jen Wang, Yu-Syuan He, Yih-Ming Weng, The effects of ultraviolet lightirradiation and drying treatments on the survival of Cronobacter spp.(Enterobacter sakazakii) on the surfaces of stainless steel, Teflon and glass,Food Control, 30 , 106-110 .

  8. 2014/1, Wei, C. Y., Huang,T. C., Yu, Z. R., Wang, B. J., Chen, H. H., Fractionation for BiodieselPurification Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide., Energies, 6 ,doi:10.3390/en60x000x .

  9. 2014/10, Huang, G.L., Wang,B.J., Weng. Y.M., Physicochemical properties and activities of Toona Sinensisfrom leaves as affected by drying methods, Journal of Food Processing andPreservation, 38 , 364-372 .

  10. 2014/2, Wu, N. J., Chiou,F. J., Weng, Y. M., Yu, Z. R., Wang, B. J., In vitro hypoglycemic effects ofhot water extract from Auricularia poltricha (Wood ear mushroom), InternationalJournal of Food Science and Nutrition, 1 , DOI:10.3109/09637486.201 .

  11. 2015/12, Yao-Ching Hsueh,Zer-Ran Yu, Malcolm Koo, Be-Jen Wang, Optimization of a continuous preparationmethod of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis γ-linolenic acid usingsupercritical carbon dioxide technology using response surface methodology.,Sains Malaysiana, 44 , 1739-1744 .

  12. 2015/12, Mei-Su Lin,Zer-Ran Yu, Be-Jen Wang, Cheng-Chi Wang, Malcolm Koo, Yih-Ming Weng, 7.Bioactive constituent characterization and antioxidant activity of Ganodermalucidum extract fractionated by supercritical carbon dioxide. Sains Malaysiana(SCIE). 44 (12): 1685-1691., Sains Malaysiana, 44 , 1685-1691 .

  13. 2015/5, Hsueh, Y.C., Yu,Z.R., Wang, C.C., Koo, M., Wang, B.J., Supercritical CO2 extraction of-linolenic acid from Spirulina platensis, Applied Mechanics and Materials,0 , 92-97 .

  14. 2015/8, Ko HJ, Lo CY, WangBJ, Chiou RYY, Lin SM, Theaflavin-3, 3-digallate, a black tea polyphenol,stimulates lipolysis associated with the induction of mitochondrial uncouplingproteins and AMPK-FoxO3A-MnSOD pathway in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, Journal ofFunctional Foods, 17 , 271-282 .

  15. 2015/9, Siang-Ying Cheng,Be-Jen Wang, Yih-Ming Weng, Antioxidant and antimicrobial edible zein/chitosancomposite film fabricated by incorporation of phenolic compounds anddicarboxylic acids, LWT- Food Science and Technology, 63 , 115-121. 

  16. 2015/12,MEI-SU,LIN,,ZER-RAN,YU,BE-JEN,WANG,,CHENG-CHI,WANG,YIH-MING,WENG,,,MALCOLM,KOO,"Bioactive,ConstituentCharacterization and Antioxidant Activity,of,Ganoderma lucidum Extract Fractionatedby Supercritical Carbon Dioxide" Sains Malaysiana,44(12)(2015):,1685–1691.

  17.   2015/12,YAO-CHING,HSUEH,,BE-JEN,WANG,,ZER-RAN,YU,CHENG-CHI,WANG,MALCOLM,KOO,"Optimization of a Continuous Preparation Method of Arthrospiraplatensis γ -linolenic Acid by Supercritical Carbon DioxideTechnology using esponse,Surface,Methodology",Sains,Malaysiana,(12)(2015):,1739–1744.

  18. 2016/10, Yang CC, Chen CY,Wu CC, Koo M, Yu ZR, Wang BJ, Panax Ginseng fraction F3 extracted bysupercritical carbon dioxide protects against oxidative stress in ARPE-19cells, International Journal of Molecular Science, 17 , 1717 .

  19. 2016/2, Chien YS, Yu ZR,Koo M, Wang BJ., Supercritical fl uid extractive fractionation – study of the antioxidantactivities of Panax ginseng, Separation Science and Technology, 57 ,954-960 .

  20. 2016/2, I-Lung Yu, Zer-RanYu, Malcolm Koo, Be-Jen Wang, A continuous fractionation of ginsenosides andpolysaccharides from Panax Ginseng using supercritical carbon dioxidetechnology. DOI: 10.1111/jfpp.12655., Journal of Food Processing andPreservation, 111 , 10.1111/jfpp.12655 .

  21. 2016/7, Chen PH, Weng YM,Yu ZR, Wang BJ, Extraction temperature affects the activities of antioxidation,carbohydrate-digestion enzymes, and angiotensin- converting enzyme of Pleurotuscitrinopileatus, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 24 , 548-555 .

  22. 2017/4, Yang CC, Chen CY,Yu ZR, Wang BJ., Supercritical carbon dioxide fractionation improves theantioxidative activity, anti-inflammatory activity, and therapeutic index ofPanax ginseng., Research and Reports in Chemistry, 1 , 1-7 .

  23. 2017/8, Hsieh PH, Weng YM,Yu ZR, Wang BJ, Substitution of wheat flour with wholegrain flours affectsphysical properties, sensory acceptance, and starch digestion of Chinese steambread (Mantou), LWT- Food Science and Technology, 86 , 571-576 .

  24. 2017/8, Chen PH, Weng YM,Lin SM, Yu ZR, Wang BJ*, Molecular Weight Affected Antioxidant, Hypoglycemicand Hypotensive Activities of Cold Water Extract from Pleurotuscitrinopileatus, Journal of Food Science, 82 , 2456-2461 .

  25. 2019/10, Hui-Chen Chung 1 ,Zer-Ran Yu 2 , Be-Jen Wang 1 * and Shu-Mei Lin 1 *, Auricularia auricula-judaeHot Water Extracts Activate Macrophages Toward M1 Phenotype, Taiwanese Journalof Agricultural Chemistry and Food Science, 57 , 1-13 .

  26. 2019/4, Hung CC, Weng YM,Yu ZR, Wang BJ., Optimal selectivity of γ-oryzanol and total phenolic compoundsfrom rice bran using SC-CO2, International Food Research Journal, 26 ,639-647 .

  27. 2019/4, Chien-Ching Hung,Yih-Ming Weng, Zer-Ran Yu, Meng-Shan Wu, Be-Jen Wang, Supercritical fluidfractionation affects the distribution of antioxidant compounds of fractionsfrom rice bran extracts, Taiwanese Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and FoodScience, 57 , 79-88 .

  28. 2019/8, Yen-Ching Hsiao 1,2 , Yih-Ming Weng 1 , Hua-Shan Liu 2 and Be-Jen Wang 1 *, Effects of PartialReplacement of Pork Surimi with Radish Peel on Physicochemical and SensoryCharacteristics of Kung-wan, Taiwanese Journal of Agricultural Chemistry andFood Science, 57 , 181-188 .

  29. 2020/1, Zi-Jun Weng, Be-JenWang, Yih-Ming Weng, Preparation of white salted noodles using rice fl our as the principal ingredient and the e ff ects of transglutaminase on noodle qualities, Food Bioscience, 33 ,100501 .

  30. 2020/5, Huei-Chi Lin,Be-Jen Wang, Yih-Ming Weng, Development and characterization of sodiumcaseinate edible fi lms cross- linked withgenipin, LWT - Food Science and Technology, 0 , 639-647 .

  31. 2020/11,Yi-Ting,Qiu , Be-Jen,Wang , Yih-MingWeng,Preparation and characterization of genipin cross-linked and lysozyme incorporated antimicrobial sodium caseinate,edible films Food Packaging and Shelf Life,26(2020)100601.

  32. 2020/6, 張郁晟 (Yu-Cheng,Chang), ; , 翁義銘 (Yih-Ming,Weng), ; , 余哲仁 (Zer-Ran,Yu), ; , 邱莉婷 (Li-Ting,Chou), ; , 王璧娟 (Be-Jen,Wang),"Cinnamomum osmpohloeum,Kanehira Extracts and Fractions from Supercritical Carbon Dioxide affect Physicochemical and Sensory,


  1. 2008/11, 林美素、翁義銘、王璧娟、許顯榮、余哲仁 , 利用超臨界二氧化碳萃取靈芝中活性成分之研究。 2008/11/21, 書面發表  , 台灣食品科學技術學會,第三十八屆年會。  , 台中  。

  2. 2008/6, 林惠君、余哲仁、翁義銘、王璧娟 , 單次攝食毛木耳熱水萃取物對健康受試者餐後血糖與血脂吸收之探討。 2008/06/30, 書面發表  , 台灣農業化學會,第四十六屆年會。  , 台北  。

  3. 2009/11, 陳宥丞、王璧娟、喬長誠、余哲仁 , 螺旋藻多醣抑制肝癌細胞生長之研究。 , 書面發表  , 第三十九屆食品科學年會。  , 宜蘭  。

  4. 2009/11, 許旭岳、林美素、蕭雋博、王璧娟、陳秋媛、余哲仁 , 以超臨界流體萃取與分離靈芝中機能成份之研究計畫 , 書面發表  , 第三十九屆食品科學年會  , 宜蘭  。

  5. 2009/11, 杜欣儒、王璧娟、喬長誠、余哲仁 , 最適乾燥方法保留本省柳丁皮中類黃酮成分之探討 , 書面發表  , 第三十九屆食品科學年會  , 宜蘭  。

  6. 2009/6, 許嵐雅、余哲仁、翁義銘、王璧娟 , 以不同火力蒸煮包子對麵皮品質之影響。 2009/06/26, 書面發表  , 台灣農業化學會,第四十七屆年會。  , 台北  。

  7. 2009/6, 王駿惟、王璧娟、翁義銘 , 罐頭殺菌條件對紅麴薏仁機能性成分之影響 , 書面發表  , 台灣農業化學會,第四十七屆年會  , 台北  。

  8. 2010/12, 廖婉如、紀欣儀、翁義銘、王璧娟 , 海帶麵條之開發 , 書面發表  , 第四十屆食品科學年會  ,  台灣。

  9. 2011/12, 游宜龍、王璧娟、許成光 王璧娟 , 人參超臨界二氧化碳區分技術之最適條件及區分物抗氧化活性探討 , 書面發表  , 第四十一屆食品科學年會。  , 嘉義市,嘉義大學  。

  10. 2011/12, 洪千青、吳孟珊、王璧娟、林淑美 , 米糠以超臨界流體區分純化活性成分之抗氧化效果 , 書面發表  , 第四十一屆食品科學年會  , 嘉義市,嘉義大學  。

  11. 2013/12, 王欣怡、張綺芳、邱莉婷、林淑美、王璧娟 , 不同溶劑之曇花萃取物其抗氧化成分及特性探討 , 壁報發表  , 第四十三屆食品科學年會  , 台中  。

  12. 2013/12, 邱莉婷、翁義銘、王璧娟 , 土肉桂超臨界二氧化碳之最適區分條件及區分物抗氧化能力探討 , 壁報發表  , 第四十三屆食品科學年會  , 台中  。

  13. 2014/11, Hu YT, Kuo HC,Wang HC, Wang BJ, Functional components and antioxidant capability ofCinnamomum osmophloeum Kanehira. . Taipei, Taiwan., 壁報發表  , 17thInternational Congress of Oriental Medicine (ICOM) . 

  14. 2015/11, 張郁晟、余哲仁、翁義銘、王璧娟 , 土肉桂超臨界二氧化碳區分物對冰淇淋感官品質及理化性質之影響 , 壁報發表  , 第四十五屆食品科學年會  , 台北  。

  15. 2015/11, 胡尹婷、余哲仁、林淑美、王璧娟 , 桂花活性成分超臨界二氧化碳之最適區分條件探討 , 壁報發表  , 第四十五屆食品科學年會 (A011) ,  台北。

  16. 2015/8, Chen PH, Lin SM,Weng YM, Yu ZR, Wang BJ, Antioxidant, hypoglycemic and hypotensive effectsaffected by various molecular weights of cold water extract from Pleurotuscitrinopileatus, 壁報發表  , 4th International Conference and Exhibition on FoodProcessing and Technology .

  17. 2016/5, Chung HC, Zer-RanYu, Lin SM, Wang BJ. (2016), Immunostimulating activity of low molecular weightpolysaccharide extract isolated from Auricularia auricula-judae. , Osaka,Japan. ( 科技部補助 ), 書面發表  , The 6th InternationalCongress on Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Science (ICCBES 2016).

  18. 2016/5, Cheng KW, Yu ZR,Lin SM, Wang BJ, Fractionation of bioactive components from Ganodermaamboinense using supercritical carbon dioxide technology, 壁報發表  , The 6thInternational Congress on Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Science(ICCBES 2016) .

  19. 2016/7, Chao-Chin Yang,Chiu-Yuan Chen, Chun-Chi Wu, Zer-Ran Yu, Su Mei Lin, Be-Jen Wang,Deglycosylated ginsenosides- rich fraction of Panax ginseng from supercriticalCO2 extractive fractionation technology protects against oxidative stress inARPE-19 cells. 4, Vienna, Austria., 壁報發表  , th International ISEKI-FoodConference.

  20. 2016/7, Yang CC, Chen CY,Wu CC, Yu ZR, Lin SM, Wang BJ., Deglycosylated ginsenosides- rich fraction ofPanax ginseng from supercritical CO2 extractive fractionation technologyprotects against oxidative stress in ARPE-19 cells. , Vienna, Austria., 壁報發表  , 4thInternational ISEKI-Food Conference .

  21. 2016/9, Jhuang HJ, Ho WS,Xu YT, Yu ZR, Wang BJ., Supercritical fluid extraction assisted withfermentation improves theabrownins concentrations of Pu'er tea., 壁報發表  , Asia-Pacific TeaExpo (APTE) (2016). 

  22. 2017/5, Hui-Chen Kuo,Zer-Ran Yub, Shu-Mei Lina, Be-Jen Wang, Separation and purification ofbioactive components from Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge using supercritical fluidextraction, 壁報發表  , International Congress on Chemical, Biological, andEnvironmental Science (ICCBES 2016).

  23. 2017/5, Hsiao-Chuan Wang,Zer-Ran Yu, Shu-Mei Lin, Be-Jen Wang, Optimization of flavanols extraction fromTheobroma cocoa by supercritical carbon dioxide technology using responsesurface methodology, 壁報發表  , International Congress on Chemical, Biological, andEnvironmental Science (ICCBES 2016).

  24. 2017/5, 馬珮瑜 林士為 張峰明 李俊霖 王璧娟 , 深層海水培養乳酸菌及紅藜複方對降低血脂及心血管疾病之預防功效評估 , 壁報發表  , 營養學會年會  ,  台中。

  25. 2017/5, 馬珮瑜、林士為、張峰明、李俊霖、王璧娟 , 深層海水培養乳酸菌及紅藜複方對降低血脂及心血管疾病之預防功效評估 , 壁報發表  , 第四十三屆台灣營養學會年會  , 台中  。

  26. 2017/5, Hsiao-Chuan Wang,Zer-Ran Yu, Shu-Mei Lin, Be-Jen Wang, Optimization of flavanols extraction fromTheobroma cocoa by supercritical carbon dioxide technology using responsesurface methodology, 壁報發表  , The 7th International Congress on Chemical, Biological, andEnvironmental Science (ICCBES 2016) , Osaka Japan. .

  27. 2017/5, Hui-Chen Kuo,Zer-Ran Yu, Shu-Mei Lin, Be-Jen Wang, Separation and purification of bioactivecomponents from Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge using supercritical fluidextraction., 壁報發表  , The 7th International Congress on Chemical, Biological, andEnvironmental Science (ICCBES 2016) , Osaka Japan .

  28. 2017/6, Hui-Chen Chung,Shu-Mei Lin, Zer-Ran Yu, Be-Jen Wang, Chemical characterization andimmunomodulatory potential of water extract from Auricularia auricula-judae., 壁報發表  , IFT17 , LasVegas, NV.

  29. 2017/7, Chung HC, Lin SM,Yu ZR, Wang BJ., Chemical characterization and immunomodulatory potential ofwater extract from Auricularia auricula-judae. , Las Vegas, NV., 壁報發表  , IFT17 .

  30. 2018/7, Hung CC, Weng YM,Yu ZR, Wu MS, Wang BJ., Supercritical fluid fractionation affects thedistribution of antioxidant compounds of fractions from rice bran extracts, 壁報發表  , 3rd FoodPackaging.

  31. 2018/7, Hung CC, Weng YM,Yu ZR, Wu MS, Wang BJ., Supercritical fluid fractionation affects the distributionof antioxidant compounds of fractions from rice bran extracts, 壁報發表  , 3rd Food andBeverage Packaging , Roma .

  32. 2019/11, 廖宛淳、王璧娟、林淑美 , 芹菜素調節腫瘤聯結巨噬細胞活性與抗肺癌功效性之評估 , 壁報發表  , 食科年會  , 台中。

  33. 2019/, 11, 王璧娟 , 膳食植化素預防癌症惡病質活性篩雪平台之建立與烏龍茶萃取物之效能評估 , 壁報發表  , 食科年會  ,台中  。

  34. 2019/, 12, 何汶珊、林淑美、王璧娟 , 超臨界二氧化碳提升咖啡豆萃取液綠原酸含量與抗氧化力 , 壁報發表  , 食科年會  ,台中  。

  35. 2020/, 7, Hsiao-Chuan Wang 1 , Zer-Ran Yu2, Yih-MingWeng1 , Be-Jen Wang1 *, Partitionof cocoa bean bioactive components into different fractions by supercriticalfluid fractionation, 壁報發表  , ift 20 .


  1. 2011/08, 科技部 , 米糠活性成分超臨界二氧化碳區分之最適條件及生理活性之探討 , 2011/08/01, 2012/07/31。

  2. 2012/08, 科技部 , 螺旋藻最適超臨界流體區分條件及區分物機能性成分與活性之探討 , 2012/08/01, 2013/07/31。

  3. 2013/08, 科技部 , 土肉桂超臨界流體活性成分之最適區分條件及區分物機能性之探討 , 2013/08/01, 2014/07/31。

  4. 2014/03, 其他民間企業團體 -其他民間企業團體或個人 , 以超臨界流體分離生物組織中活性成分之研究 , 2014/03/01,2014/08/31。

  5. 2014/08, 科技部 , 桂花超臨界流體活性成分之最適區分條件及區分物機能性之探討 , 2014/08/01, 2015/07/31。

  6. 2014/09, 其他民間企業團體 -其他民間企業團體或個人 , 以薄膜分離技術純化生物組織活性成分之研究 , 2014/09/01,2015/04/30。

  7. 2015/08, 科技部 , 鹿角靈芝活性成分之最適超臨界區分條件與區分物活性之探討 , 2015/08/01, 2016/07/31。

  8. 2016/08, 科技部 , 膳食植畫素預防癌症惡病質之活性及效應機制探討 , 2016/08/01, 2017/07/31。

  9. 2016/08, 科技部 , 連續式可可最適超臨界區分條件與區分物保護高糖誘發心肌病變之功能評估與機制探討 , 2016/08/01, 2017/10/31。

  10. 2017/08, 科技部 , 丹參超臨界最適區分條件探討與區分物保護心肌病變功能之確認 , 2017/08/01, 2018/07/31。

  11. 2019/08, 科技部 , 超臨界流體分餾技術之應用 -火龍果機能成分最適分餾條件探討 , 2019/08/01, 2020/07/31。