
Curriculum Production

Outline for Guidance for Exceptional ChildrenClass

Course No.09916640013                  CourseElective     Credit2

InstructorChiu-hua Lotus Chiang 

Course TitleGuidance for Exceptional Children

Course open for 3rd graders of Counseling and Guidance Dept. (night)

Course runningFriday, C~D                   ClassroomC305

I  Teaching Goals

Learns in this class need to be able to identify all the social emotional characteristics /problems for all individuals with/without special needs.

Tapes/cds related to the social/emotional characteristics/problems for all kinds of individuals will be used to discuss in the class and each learner is expected to hand in one written report at the end of the semester .

To provoke different thinking, active discussions are expected in this class.

II  Teaching Methods and Grading

ATeaching Methods

Mutual communications in classes are emphasized.  The learners are expected to attend the classes.  Points will be taken away for missing classes.

To enhance learners’ understanding on the social emotional characteristics/problems of the individuals, this class is taught with the assistance of vcds.  A written report on social adaptation is required to reflect on what they think out of these vcds and on a small specific topic they choose to get a deeper research. 

The learners are supposed to read all the required readings– Lotus will explain the difficult parts only and the learners are expected to read the easy part on their own.  They also need to read one textbook on their own as an outside reading and hand in a written report at the end of this semester.


Attendance & quizzes 30 points formal quizzes without warning in advance + Midterm 30 points case report and 20 main ideas of the assigned textbook+ Final 40 points interview/teaching one child with special needs & exam of the collection of individualized  20 main ideas=100 points

Positive learning attitude is emphasized.  Assignments sent to the instructor’s personal email address or assignments sent with excuses such as wrong ones or computer problems are not acceptable.  Learners should be carefully about the deadlines and are encouraged to finish their tasks earlier than the deadlines. 

No excuses will be allowed for missing classes except for unavoidable reasons such as operation or funeral attending.

 Daily tests, midterm or final exam might be changed to group report or project according to the discussion of the class. 

Whoever misses the classes>3 times including being latewould not be allowed to hand in any group report or project and the daily 40 points of the tests would become 0 according to the learner’s poor learning attitudes. 

III  Course Progress and Outline

   week              content                 reading materials

01        Introduction and grouping Book chosen for midterm report/Introduction to Emotions and Behaviors

02        review and discuss emotional/behaviroal characteristics for children with MMR/LD/Language Disorder & teaching/guidance methods

03        review and discuss emotional/behaviroal characteristics for children with Hearing Impaired/Visually Impaired/Physically Handicapped  & teaching/guidance methods

04        review and discuss emotional/behaviroal characteristics for children with Multiple Handicapped/Other Health Impaired/Developmental Delay & teaching/guidance methods

05        review and discuss emotional/behaviroal characteristics for children with Autism/Asperger/Tourette Syndrome & teaching/guidance methods

06        review and discuss emotional/behaviroal characteristics for children with AD(H)D/ODD/CD & teaching/guidance & teaching/guidance methods

07        review and discuss emotional/behavironal characteristics for children with Depression/Bipolar/Schizophrenia & teaching/guidance methods

08        review and discuss emotional/behaviroal characteristics for children with Impulsive Disorder/Anxiety/Selective Mutism & teaching/guidance methods

09        review and discuss emotional/behaviroal characteristics for children suffering from sexual harassments and attacks and the emotional characteristics & teaching/guidance methods

10         Chosen Midterm Report and Case Report Presentation

11         review and discuss emotional/behavioral characteristics for children suffering from substance abuse & teaching/guidance methods

12         review and discuss emotional/behavioral characteristics for children with stealing habits/violence & teaching/guidance methods

13         review and discuss emotional/behavioral characteristics for children with risks of committing crimes & teaching/guidance methods

14         review and discuss emotional/behavioral characteristics for children suffering from Post-traumatic stress disorders & teaching/guidance methods

15         review and discuss emotional/behavioral characteristics for children suffering from internet addition & teaching/guidance methods

16         Reflections and Feedbacks by share experiences of real case teaching/guidance I

17         Reflections and Feedbacks by share experiences of real case teaching/guidance II

  Hand in the revised reports including all assigned tasks (such as vcr of teaching and guidance and reflections) by disks