

The immediate objectives of our department include:

1) Improving professional teaching quality and curriculum design.
2) Promoting research atmosphere among the faculty and the students by international collaborations, especially by getting research funding from National Science Council and the Ministry of Education.
3) Expanding the educational services through seminars, conferences, and research reports.
4) Increasing cooperative programs with local schools in Yun-Chia areas. 
5) Establishing professional links with international partners in special education fields or related areas through seminars and conferences, especially with the neighborhood countries such as Japan, Hong Kong, Mainland China, and Singapore.
6) Increasing the collections of books, magazines and other software resources and assessment instruments in special education and related fields.
7) Enhancing the special education teacher’s training program and expanding the special education teachers’ training of early childhood education and secondary education.
8) Planning to establish the Doctoral program to strengthen current academic studies.
9) Building the bridge of social work with local institutions and Bureau of Social Work of the local governments in Yun-Chia areas.