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Yi-Cheng Ho, Associate Professor

Yi-Cheng Ho  Ph.D

Associate Professor

TEL: 05-2717776

FAX: 05-2717755



Molecular simulation, Bioinformatics, Nano-biotechnology, Biomaterilas Plant-Microbiology interaction


Molecular biology, Molecular evolution, Biomaterials, Nano-biotechnology


Ph.D. Plant Science, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan

M.S. Plant Science, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan


2014/2 ~ present: Associate professor in Department of BioAgricultural Science, National ChiaYi University, Taiwan

2011/7 ~ 2014/2 Associate professor in Department of Biotechnology, Vanung University, Taiwan

2004/8 ~ 20011/6 Assistant professor in Department of Biotechnology, Vanung University, Taiwan

2005/8 ~ 2008/8 Chairperson in Department of Biotechnology, Vanung Unversity, Taiwan

2003/8 ~ 2004/8 Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

2003/3 ~ 2003/8 Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Department of Food Science in Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan

2003/3 ~ 2003/8 Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Department of Food Science in Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan



1.          Ko S-S*, Li M-J, Ku MS-B, Ho Y-C, Lin Y-J, Chuang M-H, et al. (2014). The bHLH142 Transcription Factor Coordinates with TDR1 to Modulate the Expression of EAT1 and Regulate Pollen Development in Rice. The Plant Cell; . 26(6):2486-2504 . (SCI, IF=9.5 Ranking 4/196)

2.          Pu, H. L., Chiang, W. L., Maiti, B., Liao, Z. X., Ho, Y. C., Shim, M. S., ... & Sung, H. W. (2014). Nanoparticles with Dual-Responses to Oxidative Stress and Reduced pH for Drug Release and Anti-Inflammatory Applications. ACS nano. ;8(2):1213-21  (SCI, IF=12.0 Ranking 9/152)

3.          E-Y Chuang, K-J Lin, F-Y Su, H-L Chen, B Maitia, Y-C Ho, T-C Yen, N Panda, H-W Sung. Calcium depletion-mediated protease inhibition and apical-junctional-complex disassembly via an EGTA-conjugated carrier for oral insulin delivery. J Control Release. 2013, 169(3), 296-305. (SCI, IF=7.16 Ranking 14/236).

4.          Liao, Z. X., Hsiao, C. W., Ho, Y. C., Chen, H. L., & Sung, H. W. (2013). Disulfide bond-conjugated dual PEGylated siRNAs for prolonged multiple gene silencing. Biomaterials, 34(28), 6930-6937. (SCI, IF=7.81 Ranking 2/69).

5.          Deh-Wei Tang, Shu-Huei Yu, Yi-Cheng Ho, Bing-Quan Huang, Guo-Jane Tsai, Hao-Ying Hsieh, Hsing-Wen Sung, Fwu-Long Mi, Characterization of tea catechins-loaded nanoparticles prepared from chitosan and an edible polypeptide, Food Hydrocolloids 2013, 30(1) 33–41. (SCI, IF=2.66 Ranking 13/128)

6.          Li-Wen Hsu#, Yi-Cheng Ho#, Er-Yuan Chuang, Chiung-Tong Chen, Jyuhn-Huarng Juang, Fang-Yi Su, Shiaw-Min Hwang, Hsing-Wen Sung. Effects of pH on molecular mechanisms of chitosan–integrin interactions and resulting tight-junction disruptions 2013, 784–793 (SCI, IF=7.81 Ranking 2/69).(#equal contribution to first author) ( NSC99-2313-B238-001-MY2)

7.          Li-Wen Hsu, Pei-Ling Lee, Chiung-Tong Chen, Fwu-Long Mi, Jyuhn-Huarng Juang, Shiaw-Min Hwang, Yi-Cheng Ho*, Hsing-Wen Sung*, Elucidating the signaling mechanism of an epithelial tight-junction opening induced by chitosan. Biomaterials 2012, 33(26) 6254–6263 (SCI, IF=7.81 Ranking 2/69). (coressponding author) ( NSC99-2313-B238-001-MY2)

8.          Zi-Xian Liao#, Shu-Fen Peng#, Yi-Cheng Ho, Fwu-Long Mi, Barnali Maiti, Hsing-Wen Sung.Mechanistic study of transfection of chitosan/DNA complexes coated by anionic poly(γ-glutamic acid). Biomaterials. 2012, 3(11): 3306–3315 (SCI, IF=7.81 Ranking 2/69). (#equal contribution to first author)

9.          Fang-Yi Su, Kun-Ju Lin, Kiran Sonaje, Shiaw-Pyng Wey, Tzu-Chen Yenc, Yi-Cheng Ho, Nilendu Panda, Er-Yuan Chuang, Barnali Maiti, Hsing-Wen Sung, Protease inhibition and absorption enhancement by functional nanoparticles for effective oral insulin delivery. Biomaterials. 2012, 33(9): 2801–2811 (SCI, IF=7.81 Ranking 2/69).

10.      Shu-Huei Yu, Shao-Jung Wu, Deh-Wei Tang, Yi-Cheng Ho, Fwu-Long Mi, Tzu-Hung Kuo, Hsing-Wen Sung, Stimuli-responsive materials prepared from carboxymethyl chitosan and poly(γ-glutamic acid) for protein delivery. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2012, 531–536 (SCI, IF=3.46 Ranking 3/70).

11.      Ho YC#, ZX Liao#, N Panda, DW Tang, SH Yu, FL Mi*, HW Sung*. Self-organized nanoparticles prepared by guanidine- and disulfide-modified chitosan as a gene delivery carrier. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 2011, 21: 16918-16927 (SCI, IF= 5.9 Ranking 19/121) (#equal contribution to first author).

12.      Yeh, T.-H., Hsu, L.-W., Tseng, M.T., Lee, P.-L., Sonjae, K., Ho YC*, Sung HW*. Mechanism and consequence of chitosan-mediated reversible epithelial tight junction opening. Biomaterials. 2011. (SCI, IF=7.81 Ranking 2/69) (coressponding author)

13.      Chen KJ, Chiu YL, Chen YM, Ho YC, Sung HW*. Intracellularly monitoring/imaging the release of doxorubicin from pH-responsive nanoparticles using Forster resonance energy transfer. Biomaterials. 2011;32:2586-2592. (SCI, IF=7.81 Ranking 2/69).

14.      Nguyen HN, Wey SP, Juang JH, Sonaje K, Ho YC, Chuang EY, Hsu C. W., Yen T. C., Lin, K. J.*, Sung, H. W.* The glucose-lowering potential of exendin-4 orally delivered via a pH-sensitive nanoparticle vehicle and effects on subsequent insulin secretion in vivo. Biomaterials. 2011; 32:2673-2682. (SCI, IF=7.81 Ranking 2/69).

15.      Peng SF, Tseng MT, Ho YC, Wei MC, Liao ZX, Sung HW*. Mechanisms of cellular uptake and intracellular trafficking with chitosan/DNA/poly(gamma-glutamic acid) complexes as a gene delivery vector. Biomaterials. 2011;32:239-248. (SCI, IF=7.81 Ranking 2/69).

16.      Tang DW, Yu SH, Ho YC, Mi FL*, Kuo PL, Sung HW*. Heparinized chitosan/poly(gamma-glutamic acid) nanoparticles for multi-functional delivery of fibroblast growth factor and heparin. Biomaterials. 2010;31:9320-9332. ( SCI, IF=7.81 Ranking 2/69).

17.      Liao ZX, Ho YC, Chen HL, Peng SF, Hsiao CW, Sung HW*. Enhancement of efficiencies of the cellular uptake and gene silencing of chitosan/siRNA complexes via the inclusion of a negatively charged poly(gamma-glutamic acid). Biomaterials. 2010;31:8780-8788. (SCI, IF=7.81 Ranking 2/69).

18.      Chiu YL, Ho YC, Chen YM, Peng SF, Ke CJ, Chen KJ, et al. The characteristics, cellular uptake and intracellular trafficking of nanoparticles made of hydrophobically-modified chitosan. J Control Release. 2010;146:152-159.(SCI, IF=7.16 Ranking 14/236).

19.      Ho,Y.C., Wu, S.J., Mi, F.L.*, Chiu, Y.L., Yu, S.H., Panda, N., Sung, H.W. 2010.Thiol-Modified Chitosan Sulfate Nanoparticles for Protection and Release of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor. 2010. Bioconjugate Chem. 21, 28-39(SCI, IF=5.0 Ranking 57/283).

20.      Sitanggang AB, Wu HS*, Wang SS, Ho YC. Effect of pellet size and stimulating factor on the glucosamine production using Aspergillus sp. BCRC 31742. Bioresource Technology 2010 May;101(10):3595-3601. (SCI, IF=4.37 Ranking 6/71).

21.      Pang, J.C., Chen, M.L., Ho, Y.C., Yang, C.Y., Tzeng, C.C., Kao, S.S., Tsen, H.Y. Effect of fermentation conditions on the enterotoxigenicity, cytotoxicity and pesticidal activity of Bacillus thuringiensis strains isolated in Taiwan. 2010. Bioresource Technology. 101. 1871-1876 (SCI, IF=4.37 Ranking 6/71).

22.      Ho, Y. C., Mi, F. L.*, Sung, H. W., Kuo, P. L. Heparin-Functionalized Chitosan-Alginate Scaffolds for Controlled Release of Growth Factor. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 376 2009, 69-75. (SCI, IF=3.60, PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY Ranking 57/249).

23.      Yang, C.Y.*, Ho, Y. C., Pang, J. C., Huang, S. S., Tschen, J. S. M.. Cloning and expression of an antifungal chitinase gene of a novel Bacillus subtilis isolate from Taiwan potato field. Bioresource Technology. 2009. 100 1454–1458 (SCI, IF=4.37 Ranking 6/71).

24.      Mi, F. L., Wu, Y. Y., Lin, Y. H., Sonaje, K., Ho, Y. C., Chen C. T., Juang, J. H., Sung H. W.*, Oral Delivery of Peptide Drugs Using Nanoparticles Self-Assembled by Poly(γ-glutamic acid) and a Chitosan Derivative Functionalized by Trimethylation. Bioconjugate Chem. 2008, 19, 1248–1255.(SCI, IF=5.0 Ranking 57/283).

25.      Jiang, Y. Z., Yang, C. Y., Houng, C. L., , Lee, C., Ho, Y. C., Tsen., H. Y.* Identification of Bacillus spp., Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus spp. and Vibrio spp. With 16S Ribosomal DNA based oligonucleotide array hybridization. International Journal of Food Microbiology 2006. 107 131-137. (SCI, IF=3.14 Ranking 7/126).


1.          Shu-Huei Yu, Yi-Cheng Ho, Deh-Wei Tang, Fwu-Long Mi, Shi-Tan Chen, Preparation of chitosan /hyaluronic acid self-assembled nanoparticles for targeted delivery of acriflavine to HT-29 colon carcinoma cells, Poster Presentations Session B:Biology & Medicine PB-18 p228 Chitin and Chitosan Research Vol.19, No.2,2013,Japanese Society for Chitin and Chitosan(JSCC),ISSN 1340-9778 CODEN KKKEFB 10th International Conference of the Asian Pacific Chitin Chitosan Symposium (10th APCCS) Yonago, Japan 2013.10.04-08 10屆亞太幾丁質幾丁聚醣研討會國際會議

2.          Yi-Cheng Ho, Shu-Huei Yu, Deh-Wei Tang, Fwu-Long Mi, Kun-Ying Lu, Evaluation of permeability enhancement of hydrophilic macromolecules by chitosan and poly(γ-glutamic acid)(γ-PGA)/poly(Itaconic acid) complex nanoparticles Poster Presentations Session B:Biology & Medicine PB-21 p231Chitin and Chitosan Research Vol.19, No.2,2013,Japanese Society for Chitin and Chitosan(JSCC),ISSN 1340-9778 CODEN KKKEFB 10th International Conference of the Asian Pacific Chitin Chitosan Symposium(10th APCCS) Yonago, Japan 2013.10.04-08 (10屆亞太幾丁質幾丁聚醣研討會國際會議)

3.          [8]Shu-Huei Yu, Fwu-Long Mi*, Deh-Wei Tang, Yi-Cheng Ho, Yu-Ru Su, An-Chong Chao,“Multi-Functional Nanoparticles for CD44 and Folate Receptors Targeting”, Poster Board Session 2 at the 40th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society (CRS), July 21 24, 2013, at the Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

4.          Yi-Cheng Ho, Deh-Wei Tang,Shu-Huei Yu, Fwu-Long Mi*, Yu-Ru Su, An-Chong Chao Functional Nanoparticles for Oral Delivery of Anti-Angiogenic Protein”,Poster Board Session 1 at the 40th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society (CRS), July 21 24, 2013, at the Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

5.          Shu-Huei Yu, Deh-Wei Tang, Fwu-Long Mi*, Yi-Cheng Ho, Yu-Ru Su, An-Chong ChaoCarboxymethylchitosan and poly(γ-glutamic acid) conjugated

6.          stimuli-responsive polymers for protein deliveryPOSTER PRESENTATIONSPoster Session Bioactive Materials: Biomaterials No.140CRS 2012 PROGRAM p4239th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release SocietyJuly 15-18,2012Centre des Congrès de Québec, Quebec City, Canada

7.          15 Deh-Wei Tang, Fwu-Long Mi*, Shu-Huei Yu*, Yi-Cheng Ho, Yu-Ru Su, An-Chong ChaoControlling the Release of A Naturally Occurring Antioxidant from

8.          N,O-carboxymethylchitosan and Methylcellulose Composite Films POSTER PRESENTATIONSPoster Session Bioactive Materials: Biomaterials No.151CRS 2012 PROGRAM p4839th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release SocietyJuly 15-18,2012Centre des Congrès de Québec, Quebec City, Canada

9.          Yi-Cheng Ho, Fwu-Long Mi1*, Shu-Huei Yu2, Deh-Wei Tang1, Hsing-Wen Sung3*, Po-Hsien Lin2 Chitosan Modified with Membrane-Permeable and Intracellular Reducible Molecules for Gene DeliveryPOSTER PRESENTATIONSPoster Session Bioactive Materials: Biomaterials No.142CRS 2012 PROGRAM p4839th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release SocietyJuly 15-18,2012Centre des Congrès de Québec, Quebec City, Canada

10.      Fwu-Long Mi1*, Shu-Huei Yu2, Yi-Cheng Ho1, Deh-Wei Tang1, Hsing-Wen Sung3*, Hao-Ying Hsieh4Nanoparticles prepared from chitosan-N-arginine and Poly(γ-glutamic acid)-taurine for oral delivery of antiangiogenic AE-941 protein POSTER PRESENTATIONSPoster Session Bioactive Materials: Biomaterials No.184CRS 2012 PROGRAM p4839th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release SocietyJuly 15-18,2012Centre des Congrès de Québec, Quebec City, Canada

11.      Yi-Cheng Ho, Deh-Wei Tang, Shu-Huei Yu, Fwu-Long Mi, Yu-Ru Su, An-Chong Chao, Kun-Ying Lu ,Shi-Tan ChenParacellular delivery an AE-941 protein with antiangiogenic activity2012海峽兩岸幾丁質幾丁聚醣研討會論文集,口頭發表O-5P12220120713,國立臺灣海洋大學[佳作]

12.      19 Shu-Huei Yu, Fwu-Long Mi, Yi-Cheng Ho, Deh-Wei Tang, Hao-Ying Hsieh, Kun-Ying Lu, Yi-Cin Cai, Shi-Tan ChenStimuli-responsive fluorescence quenching and protein release properties of chitosan-based nanoparticles2012臺灣幾丁質幾丁聚醣學會年會暨幾丁聚醣奈米生技研討會,生物醫藥應用編號p-2-7p6720120713,國立臺灣海洋大學。

13.      Fwu-Long Mi, Yi-Cheng Ho, Deh-Wei Tang, Shu-Huei Yu,Chiu-Yi Huang, Po-Hsien Lin, Li-Ling Jou, Yi-Cin Cai Efficient targeting of chitosan-based nanoparticles to a human colorectal cancer cell over-expressed with CD44 and folate receptors 2012臺灣幾丁質幾丁聚醣學會年會暨幾丁聚醣奈米生技研討會,生物醫藥應用編號p-2-6p6320120713,國立臺灣海洋大學。

14.      Deh-Wei Tang, Shu-Huei Yu, Yi-Cheng Ho, Fwu-Long Mi,Yu-Hsiu Li, Kun-Ying Lu, Shi-Tan Chen, Li-Ling JouInhibition of inflammatory mRNA expression in human oral squamous cell carcinoma (SAS) by curcumin-loaded chitosan nanoparticles2012臺灣幾丁質幾丁聚醣學會年會暨幾丁聚醣奈米生技研討會,生物醫藥應用編號p-2-3p5820120713,國立臺灣海洋大學[佳作]

15.      Yi-Cheng Ho, Shu-Huei Yu, Deh-Wei Tang, Fwu-Long Mi*, Li-Ling Jou, Shi-Tan Chen, Paracellular delivery and in vitro antiangiogenesis assay of an AE-941 protein-loaded pH-responsive nanoparticles,PA056 (p.135),P166台灣保健食品學會2012年會員大會暨免疫與過敏研討會論,國立高雄海洋科技大學20120323

16.      Jen-Chieh Pang, Fwu-Long Mi*, Yi-Cheng Ho, Shu-Huei Yu, Tzu-Hung Kuo, Kun-Ying Lu , Growth inhibitory effect of tea catechins/gelatin self-assembled nanoparticles on Helicobacter pylori,PA060 (p.136),P168台灣保健食品學會2012年會員大會暨免疫與過敏研討會論,國立高雄海洋科技大學20120323

17.      Yi-Cheng Ho, Fwu-Long Mi, Deh-Wei Tang, Shu-Huei Yu*,Hsiao-Cheng Lee, Shao-Jung Wu, Shun-Chou Jiang, Pei-Ran WangParacellular delivery of protein drug for the inhibition of human umbilical vascular endothelial cell tube formation

18.      20119th Asia-Pacific Chitin and Chitosan Symposium (9th APCCS)PROGRAM&ABSTRACTSD. POSTER PRESENTATIONP-11P.74Nha TrangAugust 3-62011第九屆亞太幾丁質會議,[ 2011, 3 to 6 August in Nha Trang (Vietnam) at the Yasaka Saigon Nhatrang Hotel] 201183-6日在越南八坂西貢芽莊酒店。

19.      Deh-Wei Tang, Shu-Huei Yu, Yi-Cheng Ho1, Fwu-Long Mi *, Yu-Ru Su, An-Chong Chao, Hao-Ying Hsieh, Po-Hsien LinAntioxidant active food packaging prepared from N,O-carboxymethylchitosan and methylcellulose 20119th Asia-Pacific Chitin and Chitosan Symposium (9th APCCS)PROGRAM&ABSTRACTSD. POSTER PRESENTATIONP-03P.66Nha TrangAugust 3-62011

20.      第九屆亞太幾丁質會議,[ 2011, 3 to 6 August in Nha Trang (Vietnam) at the Yasaka Saigon Nhatrang Hotel] 201183-6日在越南八坂西貢芽莊酒店,

21.      Shu-Huei Yu, Yi-Cheng Ho, Deh-Wei Tang, Fwu-Long Mi*,Li-Ling Jou, Shi-Tan Chen,Tzu-Hung Kuo, Hsing-Wen Sung , Preparation and characterization of fluorogenic chitosan derivatives sensitive to glucose-oxidation products,20119th Asia-Pacific Chitin and Chitosan Symposium (9th APCCS)PROGRAM&ABSTRACTSD. POSTER PRESENTATIONP-04P.67Nha TrangAugust 3-62011第九屆亞太幾丁質會議,[ 2011, 3 to 6 August in Nha Trang (Vietnam) at the Yasaka Saigon Nhatrang Hotel] 201183-6日在越南八坂西貢芽莊酒店,

22.      Shu-Huei Yu, Fwu-Long Mi, Yi-Cheng Ho, Hao-Ying Hsieh, Po-Hsien Lin, Antibacterial, Antioxidant and Cytotoxicity of Caffeic acid/ N,O-carboxymethylchitosan (NOCC)/Methylcellulose Composite Films, POSTER SESSIONS,編號 B-GEN-08p288,第七屆亞澳複合材料會議 Abstract Book2010 The 7th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials (ACCM-7) 20101115-18TaipeiTaiwan7th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials (ACCM-7) at Taipei. 15th -18th November 2010

23.      Yi-Cheng Ho, Shu-Huei Yu, Fwu-Long Mi*, Nilendu Panda, Hsing-Wen Sung, Arginine-grafted Bioreducible Chitosan Derivative for Gene Delivery Systems, NanoBio Zurich. POSTER presentation at the 3rd International NanoBio Conference, August 24-27 2010, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

24.      Yi-Cheng Ho(何一正), Deh-Wei Tang(湯德瑋), Shu-Huei Yu(余淑惠), Fwu-Long Mi(糜福龍)*, Pei- Ran Wang(王沛然), Min-Han Ge(葛明瀚) Chitosan-based nanoparticles as carriers for oral delivery of an antiangiogenic shark protein2010第屆生化工程研討會, PIII-64-p295,會議日期: ()-26()南台科技大學生物科技系所,南台科技大學E13樓國際會議廳

25.      Yi-Cheng Ho(何一正) , Shu-Huei Yu(余淑惠), Fwu-Long Mi(糜福龍),

26.      Nilendu Panda, Hsing-Wen Sung(宋信文)Synthesis and Characterization of a Guanidino- and Disulfide-Conjugated Chitosan as an Efficient Transcellular Transport Biomacromolecule2010年台灣幾丁質幾丁聚醣學會年會及研討會論文集,海報論文p-18(A-10)p125國立高雄大學20100529

27.      Deh-Wei Tang(湯德瑋),Yi-Cheng Ho(何一正),Shu-Huei Yu(余淑惠),Fwu-Long Mi (糜福龍), Ruo-Yu Chen(陳若語), Chiu-Yi Huang(黃久益), Yu-Fan Lin(林羽凡),pH-responsive Nanoparticles Self-assembled by Chitosan-arginine and Poly(γ-glutamic acid)-taurine Conjugates for Oral Delivery of Neovastat2010年台灣幾丁質幾丁聚醣學會年會及研討會論文集,海報論文p-20(A-10)p132國立高雄大學20100529

28.      Yi-Cheng Ho, Fwu-Long Mi, Shao-Jung Wu, Nilendu Panda, Shu-Fen Peng, Hsing-Wen Sung. 2-Iminothiolane-modified chitosan sulfate nanoparticles for controlled release of basic fibroblast growth factor. The 11th International Conference on Chitin and Chitosan and The 8th Asia-Pacific Chitin and Chitosan Symposium Program & AbstractsPoster Session 6: NanotechnologyPN-01(10031)P157

29.      Fwu-Long Mi, Yi-Cheng Ho, Shu-Huei Yu, Shao Rong Wu, Zhi-Ying Lee, Cui-Wen Wu, Bing-Quan Huang. A thiol-modified, sulfate chitosan derivative membrane for binding and releasing basic fibroblast growth factor. The Fifth Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society, Proceedings AMS Kobe, Poster Session 2,1.Biochemical applications, P1-10, p357-358

30.      Yi-Cheng Ho , Fwu-Long Mi*, Shao-Jung Wu, Nilendu Panda, Shu-Fen Peng, Hsing-Wen Sung. Thiolated chitosan sulfate nanoparticles for sustained release of bFGF with mitogenic activity. 2009海峽兩岸幾丁質幾丁聚醣學術研討會論文集p134-137

31.      何一正、糜福龍、吳翠紋、李智穎、陳美瑾、邱雅玲、宋信文。2009。聚乙二醇(PEG)-聚乳酸(PLA)-聚麩氨酸(PGA)三嵌段共聚合物奈米藥物傳輸載體之研究:自組裝、與幾丁聚醣共組裝形成奈米微球及表面修飾靶向配基之研究。2009中華民國高分子學會年會暨軟性電子國際研討會第三十二屆高分升研討會。

32.      Mi, F. L., Ho, Y. C., Yu, S. H., Wu, S. R., Lee, Z. Y., Wu, C. W. Huang, B. Q. A thiol-modified, sulfte chitosan derivative membrane for binding and releasing basic fibroblast growth factor. ASM Kobe, July 12-14, 2009

33.      Yang, C.-Y., Ho, Y.-C. and Pang, J.-C. Cloning and Expression of an antifungal chitinase gene of Bacillus subtilis CHU26 from a potato field. Proceedings of 2007 Taiwan Chitin and Chitosan Symposium. 480-484 (2007) (ISBN:-13:978-986-8)

34.      Chiu, C.-H, Lin, Y.-H., Ho, Y.-C., Yu, S.-H., Sung, H.-W., Shyu, S.-S., Mi, F.-L. Preparation of nanoparticles composed of arginine-conjugated chitosan/poly-g-glutamic acid and evaluation of their permeability through Caca-2 cells. Proceedings of 2007 Taiwan Chitin and Chitosan Symposium. 542-545 (2007) (ISBN:-13:978-986-8).

35.      Yu, S.-H., Wu, Y.-B., Ho, Y.-C., Mi, F.-L., Shyu, S.-S. Toward wound regeneration using chitosan-alginate artificial extracellular matrix containing epidermal growth factor (EGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). Proceedings of 2007 Taiwan Chitin and Chitosan Symposium. 554-556 (2007) (ISBN:-13:978-986-8).

36.      Chen, Y.-G., Ho, Y.-C., Yu, S.-H., Wu, Y.-Y., Shung, H.-W., Shyu.,S.-S., Mi, F.-L. Investigation on the physicochemical properties of antennary galactosylated chitosan/DNA polyelectrolyte complexes. Proceedings of 2007 Taiwan Chitin and Chitosan Symposium. 557-559 (2007) (ISBN:-13:978-986-8).

37.      Yu, S.-H., Shyu, S.-S, Ho, Y.-C., Mi, F.-L., Wu, S.-J. Synthesis of thiolated SCM-chitosan derivatives with heparin-like molecular structures. Proceedings of 2007 Taiwan Chitin and Chitosan Symposium. 560-563 (2007) (ISBN:-13:978-986-8).

38.      龐仁傑、何一正。2007。利用專一性PCR引子組檢測沙門氏菌。2007大桃園區校院技術移轉聯合發表會

39.      何一正。2007。大型真菌子實體產生時表現序列的特性及基因註解。2007大型真菌研討會Symposium on Macrofungi 2007

40.      Ho, Yi-Cheng; Tai, Tien-Ji;Yea, Cheng-Seng;Chu, Hong-Yung. Purification and characteristics of the cold-adaptive endo-1,4-glucanase from Flammulina Velutipes. 12th Annual meeting on Fungal Science, Taichung, Taiwan; January 6, 2006


1.          孔建民、何一正、郭嘉信、陳省三、楊其曄、羅朝村、關政平合著。2009。新編生物技術概論,華格那出版社,台中。

2.          關政平、孔建民、楊其曄、郭嘉信、郭永斌、朱木貴、何一正、羅朝村、張學偉、陳省三 合著。2006。生物技術概論,華格那出版社,台中。