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Wen-Der Wang, Professor/Chairman

Wen-Der Wang Ph.D.


TEL: 05-2717772
FAX: 05-2717755

Research Specialties

Biological toxicology, Developmental biology, Gene regulation

Lectured Courses

Research methodology in Biotechnology, Genetics, Animal transgenesis, Molecular biology


1999-2004: Ph.D. Institute of Biosciences and Biotechnology, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan 

1995-1997: M.S. Institute of Marine Biotechnology, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan

1991-1995: B.S. Development of Aquaculture, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan


2009-present, Assistant Professor, National Chiayi University, Taiwan

2006-2009, Postdoctoral Research fellow, Division of Genetic Medicine, Vanderbilt University, TN, USA.  

2004-2006, Postdoctoral Research fellow, Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan


1. Wu BJ, Chiu CC, Chen CL, Wang WD, Wang JH, Wen ZH, Liu W, Chang HW, Wu CY. (2014) Nuclear Receptor Subfamily 2 Group F Member 1a (nr2f1a) Is Required for Vascular Development in Zebrafish. PLoS One. 9(8):e105939.

2. Yekti AP, Hsu HJ, Wang WD. (2014) The effect of paclobutrazol on the development of zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Zebrafish. 11(1):1-9.

3. Lin CY, Huang CC, Wang WD, Hsiao CD, Cheng CF, Wu YT, Lu YF, Hwang SP. (2013) Low temperature mitigates cardia bifida in zebrafish embryos. PLoS One. 8(7):e69788.

4. Yang SA, Wang WD, Chen CT, Tseng CY, Chen YN, Hsu HJ. (2013) FOXO/Fringe is necessary for maintenance of the germline stem cell niche in response to insulin insufficiency. Dev Biol. 382(1):124-35.

5. Wu SM, Tsai PJ, Chou MY, Wang WD. (2013) Effects of maternal cadmium exposure on female reproductive functions, gamete quality, and offspring development in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. 65(3):521-36.

6. Müller II, Melville DB, Tanwar V, Rybski WM, Mukherjee A, Shoemaker MB, Wang WD, Schoenhard JA, Roden DM, Darbar D, Knapik EW, Hatzopoulos AK. (2013) Functional modeling in zebrafish demonstrates that the atrial-fibrillation-associated gene GREM2 regulates cardiac laterality, cardiomyocyte differentiation and atrial rhythm. Dis Model Mech. 6(2):332-41.

7. Wang WD, Melville DB, Montero-Balaguer M, Hatzopoulos AK, Knapik EW.(2011)Tfap2a and Foxd3 regulate early steps in the development of the neural crest progenitor population. Dev Biol. 360:173-85.

8. Liu D, Wang WD , Melville DB, Cha YI, Yin Z, Issaeva N, Knapik EW, Yarbrough WG. (2011) Tumor suppressor Lzap regulates cell cycle progression, doming, and zebrafish epiboly. Dev Dyn.240:1613-25.

9. Kucenas S, Wang WD, Knapik EW, Appel B. (2009) A selective glial barrier at motor axon exit points prevents oligodendrocyte migration from the spinal cord. J. Neurosci. 29:15187-94.

10. Chen FP, Hsu T, Hu CH, Wang WD , Wang KC and Teng LF. (2006) Expression of estrogen receptors alfa and beta mRNA and alkaline phosphatase in the differentiation of osteoblasts from elderly postmenopausal women: comparison with osteoblasts from osteosarcoma cell lines. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 45(4):307-12.

11. Wang WD , Huang CJ, Lu YF, Hsin JP, Prabhakar VR, Cheng CF, and Hwang L. SP (2006) Heart-targeted overexpression of Nip3a in zebrafish embryos causes abnormal heart development and cardiac dysfunction. Biochem and Biophys Res Commun. 347(4):979-87.

12. Tseng HP, Hseu TH, Buhler DR, Wang WD , and Hu CH (2005) Constitutive and xenobiotics-induced expression of a novel CYP3A gene from zebrafish larva. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 205(3): 247-58.

13. Chen FP, Hsu T, Hu CH, Wang WD , Wang KC, and Teng LF (2004) Expression of estrogen receptors alpha and beta in human osteoblasts: identification of exon-2 deletion variant of estrogen receptor beta in postmenopausal women. Chang Gung Med J. 27(2): 107-15.

14. Wang WD , Wang Y, Wen HJ, Buhler DR and Hu CH (2004) Phenylthiourea as a weak activator of aryl hydrocarbon receptor inhibiting 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p- dioxin-induced CYP1A1 transcription in zebrafish embryo. Biochem Pharmacol. 68 (1): 63-71.

15. Hsu HJ, Wang WD and Hu CH (2001). Ectopic expression of negative ARNT2 factor disrupts fish development. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 282: 487-92.

16. Wang WD , Wu JC, Hsu HJ, Kong ZL and Hu CH (2000). Overexpression of a zebrafish ARNT2-like factor represses CYP1A transcription in ZLE Cells. Mar Biotechnol 2: 376-386.

17. Wang WD , Chen YM and Hu CH (1998). Detection of Ah receptor and Ah receptor nuclear translocator mRNA in the oocytes and developing embryos of zebrafish (Dannio rerio). Fish Physioloy Biochem 18: 49-57.


1. Aulia Puspita Anugra Yekti, Yi-Siou Chen, Wen-Der Wang. Developmental toxicity of Paclobutrazol in the zebrafish. 2011 Taiwan Zebrafish Symposium. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Dec 10, 2011.

2. Jian-Hua Chen, Wen-Der Wang. Identification of mos mutation site and establish a Tg(foxd3:gfp) transgenic zebrafish line. 2011 Taiwan Zebrafish Symposium. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Dec 10, 2011.

3. Jian-Ying Chen, Kuo-Kung Ku, Jui-Chang Chen, Wen-Der Wang. Identification and characterization of fish secreted water-soluble unknown material. 2011 Taiwan Zebrafish Symposium. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Dec 10, 2011

4. Wen-Jou Chang, Yu-Bei Jheng, Huei-Jan Hsu, Wen-Der Wang. Drugs screening for neural crest malformation: Using pigmentation as a parameter to screen drugs that affect neural crest formation. 7th European Zebrafish Meeting. Edinburgh, Scotland. July 5-7, 2011. (Supported by NSC 99-2311-B-415-001)

5. Che-Yi Lin, Cheng-Chen Huang, Wen-Der Wang, Chung-Der Hsiao, Sheng-Ping Hwang. Implication of a zebrafish fgh mutant which shows delay medial migration of myocardial precursor cells. 7th European Zebrafish Meeting. Edinburgh, Scotland. July 5-7, 2011.

6. Jian-Hua Wang, Dai-Fang Sie, Jhen-Wei Wu, Wen-Der Wang. Analysis of foxd3 promoter in zebrafish mother superior (mos) mutation. 2010 Taiwan Zebrafish Symposium. National Health Research Institutes, Miaoli, Taiwan. Dec 4, 2010.

7. Aulia Puspita Anugra Yekti, Yi-Siou Chen, Hui-Yu Huang, Wen-Der Wang. Paclobutrazol toxicity in the zebrafish embryos. 2010 Taiwan Zebrafish Symposium. National Health Research Institutes, Miaoli , Taiwan. Dec 4, 2010.

8. Wen-Jou Chang, Yu-Bei Jheng, Wen-Der Wang. Zebrafish assays for new synthetic drug embryonic toxicity screening. 2010 Taiwan Zebrafish Symposium. National Health Research Institutes, Miaoli, Taiwan. Dec 4, 2010.

9. Wen-Der Wang , Mercedes Montero-Balaguer, Antonis K. Hatzopoulos and Ela W. Knapik. The Tfap2a and Foxd3 Genetically Interact to Induce the Neural Crest. 2008 8th International Meeting on Zebrafish Development and Genetics, USA, Jun 25-29, 2008

10. Wen-Der Wang , Mercedes Montero-Balaguer, Antonis K. Hatzopoulos and Ela W. Knapik. Tfap2a and Foxd3 regulate neural crest induction. Works in Progress Seminar, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, TN, October 28, 2008

11. Lauren Beihoffer, Wen-Der Wang, Andrzej M. Krezel and Ela W. Knapik. Diverse Functions of Sec23a and Sec23b in Cargo Selection for ER to Golgi Transport. The American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA December 1-5, 2007

12. Jian-Shin Wu, Wen-Der Wang, Ching-Yi Ko, Hsin-Yi Shung, Yi-Chun Chen and Chin-Hwa Hu* (2006) Functions of ARNT2 in zebrafish development. 7th International Conference on Zebrafish Development and Genetics (Madison, Wisconsin USA), p.496

13. Chin-Hwa Hu*, Ching-Yi Ko, Hwa-Pin Tseng, Hsiau-Tin Su, Tzong-Hsiung Hseu, Wen-Der Wang, Donald R. Buhler (2005) Constitutive and xenobiotics-induced expression of novel CYP3 genes in zebrafish embryos and larva. 4th European Zebrafish Genetics and Development Meeting (Dresden, Germany) p.106.

14. Hwa-Pin Tseng HP, Tzong-Hsiung Hseu, Donald R. Buhler, Wen-Der Wang and Chin-Hwa Hu* (2004) Constitutive and xenobiotics-induced expression of a novel CYP3A gene from zebrafish larva. Proceeding of the 3rd Conference on Environmental Hormones and POPs

15. Wen-Der Wang and Chin-Hwa Hu. Functional analysis of ARNT2 proteins in zebrafish development. 2004 Taiwan Conference on Zebrafish Molecular Development and Genetics, Taiwan, Jul.10-11, 2004

16. Hua-Pin Tseng, Tzong-Hsiung Hseu, Donald Buhler, Wen-Der Wang and Chin-Hwa Hu (2004) Constitutive and xenobiotics-induced expression of a novel CYP3A gene from zebrafish larva. Proceeding of the 3rd Conference on Environmental Hormones and POPs. Taiwan. 2004

17. Chin-Hwa Hu, Wen-Der Wang (2004) Functional role of bHLH-PAS Proteins in zebrafish development sensory organs and gastrointestinal systems. The application of zebrafish in medical and genome research project. Taiwan. 2004

18. Chin-Hwa Hu , Jun-Chi Wu, Huei-Jan Hsu, Wen-Der Wang, and Zwe-Ling Kong. A negative zebrafish ARNT2-like factor represses aryl-hydrocarbon receptor-mediated transcription. 11 th International Conference on Cytochrome P450.Sendai, Japan. 1998

19. Wen-Der Wang , Yong-Mao Chen, and Chin-Hwa Hu (1997) Detection of Ah receptor and Ah receptor nuclear translocator mRNA in the oocytes and developing embryos of zebrafish (Danio rerio). 5th Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology. Taiwan. 1997