

Dr. Ming-Chung Chen

Journal Articles

1.Chen, M. C., Tsai, Y. H., & Wu, T. F. (2005, 7). Comparing Three Different Text Representations for Students with Autism. Paper presented at 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interface. (ISBN 0-8058-5807-5).

2.Wu, T. F., Wang, H. P., & Chen. M. C. (2005, 7). Enabling Computer Access for Children with Cerebral Palsy. Paper presented at 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interface. (ISBN 0-8058-5807-5)

3.Chen, M. C., Chu, C. N, Wu, T. F., and Yeh, C. C. (2006). Computerized assessment approach for evaluating computer interaction performance. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4061, 450-456(EI). (NSC 94-2524-S-415-001-)

4.Chen, M. C., & Wu, T. F . (2006). An Alternative Chinese keyboard layout design for single-digit typists. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4061, 919-925(EI). (NSC91-2614-S-415-001-)

5.Cko, C. C., Chen, M. C., Chen, L. Y., Guo, J. N., Liu, J. F., and Luo, A. J. (2006). Developing a TriAccess reading environment. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4061, 839-846(EI). (NSC94-2614-H-415-001-F20)

6.Wu, T. F, & Chen, M. C. (2006). Keyboard adaptations for children with cerebral palsy. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4061, 966-972(EI).

7.Lin, Y. L. , Chen, M. C., Yeh, Y. M., Tzeng, W. J., & Yeh, C. C., (2006). Design and implementation of a chorded on-screen keyboard for people with physical impairments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4061, 981-988(EI).

8.Wu, T. F., Chen, M. C. (2007). Performance of different pointing devices on children with cerebral palsy. Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, 4556, 462-469(EI). ( NSC 94-2524-S-003-015-)

9.Chen, M. C., Cko C. C., Chen, L, Y., & Chiang C. H. (2007). Developing and evaluating a TriAccess Reading System. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4556, 234-241(EI).( No. 95-2614-H-415-001-F20)

10.Yeh, C. C., Chen, M. C., Chu, C. N., Cko, C. C., & Wu, T. F. (2007). Embedding expert system into a computerized assessment tool for mouse proficiency. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4554, 818-823(EI). (NSC 95-2524-S-415-001)

11.Cko, C. C., Chen, M. C., Wu, T. F., Chen, S. Y., & Yeh, C. C. (2007). CAT Motor: An innovative system to detect the behavior of human computer interaction for people with upper limb impairment. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4556, 242-250. ( NSC 95-2524-S-415-001-)

12.Lin, Y. L., Chen, M. C., Wu, Y. P., Yeh, Y. M., & Wang, H. P. (2007). A flexible on-screen keyboard: Dynamically adapting for individuals’ Needs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4556, 371-379.

13.Meng, L. F., Chen, M. C., Chu, C. N., Yeh, C. C., Wu, T. F.(2007).A kinematic analysis of directional effect on trackball mouse control in novel normal users: An alternating treatments single subject design. Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, 4566, 247-256(EI).

14.Chen, M. C., & Chiang, C. H. (2007,11). Exploring the effectiveness of TriAccess system on reading comprehension for students with disabilities. Oral presented at 18th Asian Conference on Mental Retardation. Taiwan, Taipei.

15.Wu, T. F., Chen, M. C., & Meng, L. F. (2007,11). Computer access assessment for persons with physical disabilities. Oral presented at 18th Asian Conference on Mental Retardation. Taiwan, Taipei.

16.Lin, Y. L., Chen, M. C., & Yeh, Y. M. (2007,11). Enhancing text entry with scanning input method. Poster presented at 18th Asian Conference on Mental Retardation. Taiwan, Taipei.

17.Chen, M. C, Chen, C. C, & Huang, C. Y. (2007, 8). The effectiveness of different oral accommodations (text-to-speech & digital recoding on the performance of math test for 5th and 6th grade students with different reading and math abilities. Poster presented at The 65th Annual International Council of Psychologist (ICP) Conference. USA, San Diego.

18.Chen, C. C, Cheng, H. H., & Chen, M. C(2007, 8). Comparing the transparency of the three different kinds of representation symbols for children with moderate mental retardation. Oral presented at The 65th Annual International Council of Psychologist (ICP) Conference. USA, San Diego.

19.Chen, M. C., Cko C. C., Chen, L, Y., & Chiang C. H. (2007). Developing and evaluating a TriAccess Reading System.Oral presentated at 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. China, Beijien.

20.Yeh, C. C., Chen, M. C., Chu, C. N., Cko, C. C., & Wu, T. F. (2007). Embedding expert system into a computerized assessment tool for mouse proficiency. Oral presentated at 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. China, Beijien.

21.Cko, C. C., Chen, M. C., Wu, T. F., Chen, S. Y., & Yeh, C. C. (2007). CAT Motor: An innovative system to detect the behavior of human computer interaction for people with upper limb impairment. Oral presentated at 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. China, Beijien.

22.Yeh, C. C., Chen, M. C., Yeh, Y. M., Wang, H. P., Chu, C. N., & Cko, C. C. (2008). Using expert system to assist mouse proficiency assessment. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5105, 693-699 (EI). (NSC 95-2524-S-415-001)

23.Chen, M. C., Chiang, C. H., & Cko C. C. (2008). The effectiveness of TriAccess Reading System on comprehending nature science text for students with learning disabilities. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5105, 747-754 (EI).( No. 95-2614-H-415-001-F20)

24.Lin, Y. L., Chen, M. C., Yel, C. C., Yeh, Y. M., & Wang, H. P. (2008). Assisting an adolescent with cerebral palsy to entry text by using the chorded keyboard. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5105, 1177-1183.

25.Lin, Y. L., Wu, T. F., Chen, M. C., Yeh, Y. M., & Wang, H. P. (2008). Designing a scanning on-screen keyboard for people with severe motor disabilities. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5105, 1184-1187.

26.Yeh, Y, M., Wu, T. F., Meng, L. F., Chen M. C. Wang, H. P., Wu, J. G., ChU, C. N., Lin, Y. L., & Yeh, C. C. (2008). Characteristics and solutions of digital divide for people with physical impairments in Taiwan. Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, 5105, 1332-1339 (EI).

27.Lin, Y. L., Chen, M. C*., Wu, T. F., & Yeh, Y. M. (2008). The effectiveness of a pedagogical agent-based learning system for teaching word recognition to children with moderate mental retardation. British Journal of Educational Technology,39, 715-720(SSCI) (*通訊作者)

28.Chen, M. C., Hill, K.(2008.9). Redesign of a keyboard layout for enhancing the proficiency of text-entry for single digit Mandarin Chinese Users. post at Clinical AAC Research Conference. Charlottesvill, VA, USA.

29.Chen, M. C. (2008, 7). An assisted reading system embedded learning and supporting functions. Presented at 11th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP) Pre-Conference Workshop, Austria, Linz.

30.Lin, Y. -L. Y, Chen, M.C. Chang, Y. T., Yeh, C. C., Meng, L. F. (2009). The performance of mouse pointing and selecting for pupils with and without intellectual disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities.30, 1188-1195.

31.Chen, M. C., Wu, T. F., Lin, Y. L., Tasi , Y. H., & Chen, H. C.(2009). The effect of different representations on reading digital text for students with cognitive disabilities. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(4), 764-770.

32.Lin,Y.L., Chen, M.C., Hill, K.J., Yeh, Y.M., Ko, C.C. (2009, 10). Enhancing Entry Text Speed by Using an Encoding Keyboard. Paper presented at the 2009 Clinical AAC Research Conference in Pittsburgh, USA.

33.Hill, K., Murphy, L., Chen, M.C., & Kovacs, T. (2009, 6). Methodology of a Systematic Review on Word Prediction. Poster at RESNA 2009 Annual conference( June 23-27) . New Orleans, LA, USA.

34.Chen, M. C., Hill, K., Yao, T. (2009,4). Preliminary vocabulary frequency findings for Mandarin Chinese AAC treatments. Presented at International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology 2009. Singapore.

35.Chen, M. C., Ko, C. C., Huang, C. R. (2009,4). Supportive Reading System for Students with Special Educational Needs in Taiwan. Oral presented at International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology 2009. Singapore.

36.Chen, M. C., Lin, Y. L., & Ko, C. C. (2010). Computerized assessing the mouse proficiency through multiple indicators. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6179, 193-199.

37.Lin, Y. L., Chen, M. C., Yel, Y. M., & Yel, C. C. (2010). An integrated text entry system design for severe physical disabilities. Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,6180, 120-127.

38.Wu, T. F., & Chen, M. C., & Wu, C. F. (2010). The performance of mouse proficiency for adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,6180, 33-44.

39.Chang,Y. T., Chen, C. C., & Chen, M. C. (2010, 08) The relationship between visual-motor integration competency and mouse operating performance. Oral presented at the 68th International Council Psychologists conference. Chicago, U.S.A..

40.Hsieh, C. L., Chen, C. C., & Chen, M. C. (2010, 08). The effect of augmentative and alternative communication intervention on an individual with multiple disabilities in the inclusive classroom. Oral presented at the 68th International Council Psychologists conference. Chicago, U.S.A..

41.Wu, Y. P., & Chen, M. C. (2010, 07). Effects of AAC intervention on expressive communication: A systematic review in Taiwan-Preliminary results. Poster presented at The 14th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Barcenola, Spain.

42.Lin, Y. L., Yeh, Y. M., Chen, M. C., & Yel, C. C. (2010, 07). A multimodal on screen keyboard for computer access and augmentative communication. Poster

43.presented at The 14th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Barcenola, Spain.

44.Chen, M. C., Hill, K., Kovacs, T., & Ko, C. C. (2010, 07). Is word prediction a rate enhancer? Result from a systematic review. Poster presented at The 14th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Barcenola, Spain.

45.Wu, T. F., Chen, M. C, & Meng, L. F. (2010, 07). A process of selecting computer access device for persons with physical disabilities. Poster presented at The 14th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Barcenola, Spain.

46.Huang, C. H., & Chen, M.C. (2010, 07). The action procees of AAC intervention in a student with servered disabilities. Poster presented at The 14th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Barcenola, Spain.

Conference Articles

1.Chen, M. C., Tsai, Y. H., & Wu, T. F(2005). Comparing Three Different Text Representations for Students with Autism, 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interface.

2.Chen, M. C., Yeh, C. C., & Chen. H. C.(2005). Mentally retarded students’ proficiency in mouse operating, Asia-Pacific Congress of International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities. Taipei.

3. WU, T. F., Wang, H. P., & Chen. M. C(2005). Enabling Computer Access for Children with Cerebral Palsy, 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interface.

4. Chen, M. C., & Chiang, C. H.( 2007). Exploring the effectiveness of TriAccess system on reading comprehension for students with disabilities.,18th Asian Conference on Mental Retardation., Taiwan, Taipei.

5. Lin, Y. L., Chen, M. C., & Yeh, Y. M.( 2007). Enhancing text entry with scanning input method., 18th Asian Conference on Mental Retardation., Taiwan, Taipei.

6. Wu, T. F., Chen, M. C., & Meng, L. F.( 2007). Computer access assessment for persons with physical disabilities., 18th Asian Conference on Mental Retardation., Taiwan, Taipei.

7. Chen, M. C., Hill, K., Yao, T.(2009). Preliminary vocabulary frequency findings for Mandarin Chinese AAC treatments., International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology 2009., Singapore.

8. Chen, M. C., Ko, C. C., Huang, C. R.(2009). A study on the relationship between hyperactivity level , ability, and social relationship in 4-5 year older kindergarten children., International Council of Psychologist 57th Annual Convention., Singapore.

9. Tang,J.C.,Chen,C.C.,&Wang,S.C.(2009) Supportive Reading System for Students with Special Educational Needs in Taiwan., International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology 2009.,Singapore.

10. Hill, K., Murphy, L., Chen, M.C., & Kovacs, T.(2009). Methodology of a Systematic Review on Word Prediction., RESNA 2009 Annual conference( June 23-27), New Orleans, LA, USA., Singapore.

11. Chen, M. C., Ko, C. C., Huang, C. R.(2009). Supportive Reading System for Students with Special Educational Needs in Taiwan., International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology 2009., Singapore.

12. Hill, K., Murphy, L., Chen, M.C., & Kovacs, T.(2009). Methodology of a Systematic Review on Word Prediction., RESNA 2009 Annual conference( June 23-27) ., New Orleans, LA, USA.

13. Chen, C. C, Cheng, H. H., & Chen, M. C(2007). Comparing the transparency of the three different kinds of representation symbols for children with moderate mental retardation, The 65th Annual International Council of Psychologist (ICP) Conference, USA, San Diego.

14. Chen, M. C.(2008). An assisted reading system embedded learning and supporting functions., 11th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP) Pre-Conference Workshop, Austria, Linz.

15. Chen, M. C., Hill, K(2008). Redesign of a keyboard layout for enhancing the proficiency of text-entry for single digit Mandarin Chinese Users., 2008 Clinical AAC Research Conference., Charlottesvill, VA, USA..

16. Lin,Y.L., Chen, M.C., Hill, K.J., Yeh, Y.M., Ko, C.C.(2009). Enhancing Entry Text Speed by Using an Encoding Keyboard., 2009 Clinical AAC Research Conference, Pittsburgh, USA.

17.Chen, M. C., Hill, K., Kovacs, T., & Ko, C. C.(2010). Is word prediction a rate enhancer? Result from a systematic review, The 14th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Barcenola, Spain.

18. Huang, C. H., & Chen, M.C.(2010). The action procees of AAC intervention in a student with servered disabilities, The 14th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Barcenola, Spain.

19. Lin, Y. L., Yeh, Y. M., Chen, M. C., & Yel, C. C.(2010). A multimodal on screen keyboard for computer access and augmentative communication, The 14th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Barcenola, Spain.

20. Wu, T. F., Chen, M. C, & Meng, L. F.(2010). A process of selecting computer access device for persons with physical disabilities, The 14th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Barcenola, Spain.

21. Wu, Y. P., & Chen, M. C.(2010). Effects of AAC intervention on expressive communication: A systematic review in Taiwan-Preliminary results., The 14th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication., Barcenola, Spain.

22. Chen, M. C, Chen, C. C, & Huang, C. Y.(2010). The effectiveness of different oral accommodations (text-to-speech & digital recoding on the performance of math test for 5th and 6th grade students with different reading and math abilities., The 65th Annual International Council of Psychologist (ICP) Conference., USA, San Diego.

23. Chang,Y. T., Chen, C. C., & Chen, M. C.(2010). The relationship between visual-motor integration competency and mouse operating performance, the 68th International Council Psychologists conference., Chicago.

24. Hsieh, C. L., Chen, C. C., & Chen, M. C.(2010). The effect of augmentative and alternative communication intervention on an individual with multiple disabilities in the inclusive classroom, the 68th International Council Psychologists conference., Chicago.



Dr. Cheng-Chien Chen

Conference Articles

1.      Chen,C.C.(1998). Calligraphy Therapy: Methods and Trends, The 1998 convention of International Council of Psychologists., Melbourne,Australia.

2.      Chen,C.C.(1999). A study on the relationship between hyperactivity level , ability, and social relationship in 4-5 year older kindergarten children., International Council of Psychologist 57th Annual Convention, Selmen,MA,USA.

3.      Tang,J.C.,Chen,C.C.,&Wang,S.C.(2002). A Study of effects of the Incompatible Behavior Treatment Program on Stereotypic Behavior for Students with Mental Retardation, International Conference on The Challenge of Learning and Teaching in a Brave New World, Thailand, Thailand.

4.      CHEN,CHENG-CHIEN(2006). The effects of green calligraphy programs on the attention of mentally retarded children., International Council of Psychologist 64TH Annual Convention., (Kos.Greece).

5.      Chen, C. C, Cheng, H. H., & Chen, M. C(2007). Comparing the transparency of the three different kinds of representation symbols for children with moderate mental retardation, Oral presented at The 65th Annual International Council of Psychologist (ICP) Conference., USA, San Diego.

6.      Chen, C. C., & Chen, M. C. (2007). The effect of green calligraphy program on improving the attention problem for adolescents with mild mental retardation., In A. L. Comunian & R. Roth (Eds.), International Perspective in Psychology:Proceeding of the 64th Annual Convention International Council of Psycho;ogists, Kos,Greece.

7.      Chen, C. C., & Hsia, C. S.(2007). A study of the relationship and leisure interest for students in 5th-6th grades., Presented at The 65th Annual International Council of Psychologist (ICP) Conference(poster), USA, San Diego.

8.      Chen, M. C, Chen, C. C, & Huang, C. Y.(2007). The effectiveness of different oral accommodations (text-to-speech & digital recoding on the performance of math test for 5th and 6th grade students with different reading and math abilities., Presented at The 65th Annual International Council of Psychologist (ICP) Conference (poster)., USA, San Diego.

9.      Chi-Lung Hsieh,Cheng-Chien Chen,&Ming-Chung Chen.(2010). The effects of augmentative and alternative communication intervention on an Individual with multiple disabilites in the classroom., The 68th Convention of the international council of psychologists, Chicago,Illinois,USA.

10.  Ping-Wu Lin,& Cheng-Chien Chen(2010) The effects of a reciprocal teaching strategy program on subtypes of children with reading disabilities., The 68th Convention of the international council of psychologists, Chicago,Illinois,USA.

11.  Wen-Chen Chang,& Cheng-Chien Chen(2010). The influence of individual difference on intentions of enterprise resource planning(ERP) system: A lonitudinal study., The 68th Convention of the international council of psychologists, Chicago,Illinois,USA..

12.  Yun-Ting Chang,Cheng-Chien Chen,& Ming-Chung Chen(2010). The relationship between visual-motor integration competency and mouse operating performance., The 68th Convention of the international council of psychologists, Chicago,Illinois,USA.


Dr. Jung-Chang Tang

1.   Tang, J-C.(2003). An analysis of studies regarding functional analysis and assessment-based intervention for children with disruptive behavior in regular education classrooms., Journal of Humanities and Social Science.

2.   Tang, J-C., & Chiang, C-H.(2005). Analyzing the multiple forms of stereotypical responses for one student with multiple disabilities., Bulletin of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 13, 109-120.

3.   Tang, J-C(2005). An exploration and analysis of the functions of stereotypies in persons with developmental disabilities., Journal of General Education, 7, 109-125.

4.   Tang, J-C.(2005). Analysis of the operant functions of stereotypical behavior in persons with developmental disabilities., Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 1(6), 181-199.

5.   Tang, J-C., & Wang, M-C.(2005). Analyses of studies used time out as an intervention for individuals with mental retardation who exhibit aggressive behavior., Journal of General Education, 8, 189-205.

6.   Tang, J-C., & Wang, M-C.(2005). Using functional communication training to reduce hand mouthing behavior in a student with multiple disabilities., Bulletin of Eastern-Taiwan Special Education, 7, 1-18.

7.   Tang, J-C.(2005). Functional analysis of oral-digital stereotypy in a student with profound mental retardation., Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 2, 1-16. (Malaysia).

8.   Tang, J-C., & Shih W-J.(2006). The effects of modeling, prompting and reinforcement in deictic gesture instruction of one student with autism., Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 3, 53-64. (Malaysia).

9.   Tang, J-C.(2006). Functional analysis and treatment of stereotypic hand-smelling in one student with autism., Bulletin of Educational Research, 40(2), 43-54.

10.  Tang, J-C.(2006). An analysis of studies regarding effects of token reinforcement system on disruptive behaviors for elementary students in public school settings., Journal of Research on Elementary Education, 3(1), 201-208.

11.  Tang, J-C.(2006). Treating stereotypic behaviors in a student with multiple disabilities by using functional communication training., Journal of National Taichung University of Education, 20(1), 21-38.

12.  Tang, J-C., & Chiang, C-H.(2006). Effects of functional communication training on hand-mouthing in a student with severely mental retardation., urnal of Taipei Municipal University of Education, 37(2), 1-20 .

13.  Tang, J-C.(2006). Analysis and treatment of body-rocking for one student with mental retardation., Bulletin of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 15, 127-138.

14.  Tang, J-C.(2006). Critical review of studies related to the effects of visual impairments on linguistic interactions between parents and their young children., Journal of Cheng Shiu University, 19, 301-310 .

15.  Tang, J-C.(2006). Functional analysis and treatment of stereotypic saliva-play in one adolescent with autism., Journal of Research on Elementary and Secondary Education, 17, 213-230.

16.  Tang, J-C., & Lee, S-H.(2006). Analyses of intrasubject and intersubject replication in single subject, experimental group, and qualitative research., Journal of Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 18(2), 63-78.

17.  Tang, J-C.(2007). The effects of self-instruction strategy on the time spent on putting-on-shoes behavior in one student with cerebral palsy., Journal of Chang Gung Institute of Technology, 6, 75-84.

18.  Tang, J-C., & Lee, S-H.(2007). Analyses of effects of methylphenidate on the attention deficits displayed by children with mental retardation., Journal of General Education, 11, 105-132.

19.  Tang, J-C.(2008). Assessment and treatment of self-injurious behavior in a student with moderate mental retardation. , Journal of Research on Elementary and Secondary Education, 20, 177-190.

20.  Lee, S-H., & Tang, J-C.(2008). The effects of assessment-based intervention on body-rocking in one preschool child with mental retardation. , Journal of Research on Elementary and Secondary Education, 21, 115-134.

21.  Tang, J-C.(2005). Functional analysis of oral-digital stereotypy in a student with profound mental retardation. , Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 2, 1-16.

22.  Tang, J-C., & Shih W-J.(2006). The effects of modeling, prompting and reinforcement in deictic gesture instruction of one student with autism. , Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 3, 53-64.

23.  Tang, J-C., Wu, L-T., & Chiang, C-H.(2006). An investigation of variables relevant to the stereotyped behavior in students with developmental disabilities in Taiwan. , The Journal of the International Association of Special Education, 7(1), 28-35.

24.  Tang, J-C., & Lee S-H(2002). Functional analysis of stereotypical behavior in a child with autism. , Bulletin of Special Education and Rehabilitation.

25.  Tang, J-C., & Lee, S-H.(2002). Functional analysis of stereotypical hand-mouthing in a student with autism. , Bulletin of Eastern-Taiwan Special Education.

26.  Tang, J-C., & Lee, S-H.(2002). Functional analysis of stereotypical hand-mouthing in a student with autism. , Bulletin of Eastern-Taiwan Special Education.

27.  Tang, J-C.(2003). Functional analysis of stereotypical finger flipping in an adolescent with multiple disabilities. , Bulletin of Tainan Teacher College.

28.  Tang, J-C.(2004). The study of using preference objects to reduce stereotyped finger-sucking in an adolescent with mental retardation. , Journal of Taipei Municipal Teachers College, 35(2), 141-154.

29.  Tang, J-C.(2004). Functional analysis of stereotypical finger-sucking in a child with severely mental retardation. , Journal of National Taichung Teachers College, 18(1), 29-40.

30.  Tang, J-C.(2004).Preference objects as treatment for hand mouthing in a child with mental retardation. , Journal of National Hsinchu Teacher College, 19, 45-60.

31.  Tang, J-C.(2004). Reduction of hand- mouthing in an adolescent with profoundly mental retardation. , Bulletin of Tainan Teacher College, 38(2), 69-80.


Conference Articles

1.      Tang , J-C., Chen C-C., Wang, S-C.(2002). A study of the effects of the incompatible behavior treatment program on stereotypic behavior for students with mental retardation in Taiwan. , International Conference on The Challenge of Learning and Teaching in a Brave New World, Thailand.

2.      Tang, J-C.(2003). A study of the relations between environmental variables and reading abilities for preschool children. , International Seminar on Learning and Motivation: Issues and Challenges in a Borderless World, Malaysia.

3.      Tang, J-C.(2003). Functional analysis of stereotypical finger-moving in an adolescent with severe disabilities. , The Tenth International Literacy and Education Research Network Conference on Learning, London, U. K.

4.      Tang, J-C.(2003). Functional analysis of stereotypical finger-moving in an adolescent with severe disabilities. , The Tenth International Literacy and Education Research Network Conference on Learning, U.K.

5.      Tang, J-C(2004). Identifying specific sensory modalities maintaining the stereotypical finger-sucking of an adolescent with autism in Taiwan. , Hawaii International Conference on Education, Hawaii, U.S.A.

6.      Chiang C-H., & Tang, J-C.(2005). The effect of a social skills training program on aberrant behavior in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. , The 9th Workshop on Attention and Perception, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan.

7.      Chiang C-H., & Tang, J-C.(2005). The effect of a social skills training program on aberrant behavior in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. , The 9th Workshop on Attention and Perception, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan.

8.      Chiang C-H., & Tang, J-C.(2005). The effect of social skill training as an intervention for one student with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder who display disruptive behaviors. , Hawaii International Conference on Education, Hawaii, U.S.A.

9.      Tang, J-C., Chiang C-H., & Lee S-H., Chou, Y-P., & Yang, N-H.(2005). Analyses of hand mouthing exhibited by an individual with mental retardation in institutional settings in Taiwan. , Hawaii International Conference on Education, Hawaii, U.S.A

10.  Tang, J-C., & Hsieh T-C.(2006). Social story intervention: Promoting prosocial behavior in students with Asperger Syndrome. , 2006 The Second Education Congress on the Occasion of Word Teachers’ Day, Bangkok, Thailand.

11.  Tang, J-C., Lee, S-H., & Hsieh J-C.(2006). Reducing self-injurious behavior in one female adolescent with intellectual disabilities in Taiwan. , 2006 The Second Education Congress on the Occasion of Word Teachers’ Day, Bangkok, Thailand.

12.  Tang, J-C., & Shih S-Y.(2006). Using the pivotal response training to enhance communicative behavior of children with intellectual disabilities. , 2006 The Second Education Congress on the Occasion of Word Teachers’ Day, Bangkok, Thailand.

13.  Tang, J-C., Chen, C-C., Shih, W-J., Wang, M-C., & Cheng, Y-H.(2005). The effects of gesture instruction on communication abilities of one student with autism in Taiwan. , the International Conference on Education, Singapore.

14.  Tang, J-C., Wang, M-C., & Cheng, Y-H.(2005). Functional analysis of body-rocking responses for one student with multiple disabilities in Taiwan. , the International Conference on Education, Singapore.

15.  Hsieh, J-C., Tang, J-C., & Chiang, C-H.(2006). Using self- instruction strategy to decelerate durations of putting on shoes in one student with cerebral palsy. , International Conference on Special Education 2006,Hong Kong.

16.  Tang, J-C., Chen, C-C., Lee, H-F., & Wang, M-C.(2006). Effectiveness of modified Instrumental Enrichment Program on off-task behavior of students with mental retardation. , International Conference on Special Education 2006,Hong Kong.

17.  Tang, J-C., Lee, S-H., Lin, Y-H., & Lai, T-Y.(2006). Functional assessment and treatment of self-injurious behavior in a student with moderate mental retardation in Taiwan. , International Conference on Special Education 2006, Hong Kong.

18.  Tang, J-C., Wang, M-C., Cheng, Y-H., & Chiang, C-H.(2007). Assessment and treatment of finger-sucking in a student with ADHD. , 10th Biennial International Conference, International Association of Special Education, Hong Kong.

19.  Tang, J-C., Wang, M-C., & Cheng, Y-H.(2007). Analysis and treatment of vocal stereotypy in one child with cognitive disability. , 14th International Conference on Learning, Johannesburg, South Africa.

20.  Tang, J-C., Chiang, C-H., Hsieh T-C., Wang, M-C., & Cheng, Y-H.(2007). Decelerating aberrant behavior of students with Asperger Syndrome using social stories. , 10th Biennial International Conference, International Association of Special Education, Hong Kong.

21.  Tang, J-C., Tsai H-L., Wang, M-C., & Cheng, Y-H.(2007). The effects of pivotal response training on verbal communicative behavior of one student with Autism in Taiwan. , 14th International Conference on Learning, Johannesburg, South Africa.

22.  Tang, J-C., Chiang C-H., & Lee S-H.(2004). The effect of object preferences on stereotypy in a child with severely mental retardation. , The Fourth international Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations at UCLA, CA, U.S.A.

23.  Tang, J-C., Chiang C-H., & Lee S-H.(2004). Assessment and treatment of hand mouthing in a child with mental retardation in Taiwan. , The International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies, and Applications in Orlando, U.S.A.

24.  Chiang C-H., & Tang, J-C.(2005). Effectiveness of a social skills training program on children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. , 9th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Special Education, Halifax, Canada.

25.  Tang, J-C., & Chiang C-H.(2005). An investigation of variables relevant to the stereotyped behavior in students with developmental disabilities. , 9th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Special Education, Halifax, Canada.

26.  Tang, J-C., Wang, M-C., & Lee, S-H.(2008). Assessment and Treatment of Self-injury in one Student with Mental Retardation. , 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.

27.  Lee, S-H., Tang, J-C., & Wang, M-C.(2008). The effects of pivotal response training on communicative behavior of preschoolers with autism. , 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.

28.  Lee, S-H., Tang, J-C., & Wang, M-C.(2009). Effects of Picture Exchange Communication System on responses in students with mental retardation. , International Congress on Family, School and Society—Special Education, Oporto, Portugal.

29.  Tang, J-C., Wang, M-C., & Lee, S-H.(2009). Assessment and intervention of aggressive behavior in one student with nental retardation. , International Congress on Family, School and Society—Special Education, Oporto, Portugal.



Dr. Chiu-Hua Chiang

Journal Articles


1.      Tang, J-C., & Chiang, C-H.(2005). Analyzing the multiple forms of stereotypical responses for one student with multiple disabilities. , Bulletin of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 13, 109-120.

2.      Tang, J-C., & Chiang, C-H.(2006). Effects of Functional Communication Training on Hand-Mouthing in a Student with Severely Mental Retardation. , Journal of Taipei Municipal University of Education, 372, 1~20.

3.      Tang, J-C., Wu, L-T., & Chiang, C-H.(2006). An investigation of variables relevant to the stereotyped behavior in students with developmental disabilities in Taiwan. , The Journal of the International Association of Special Education, 7(1), 28-35.


Conference Articles

1.      Chiang, C-H & Tang, J-C(2005). The effect of social skill training program on aberrant behavior in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. , The 9th Workshop on Attention and Perception, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan.

2.      ChiangC-H & Tang, J-C(2005). The effect of social skill training as an intervention for one student with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder who displays disruptive behaviors. , 2005 Hawaii International Conference on Education, Hawaii, USA.

3.      Tang, J. C. & Chiang C-H(2005). Analyses of hand mouthing exhibited by an individual with mental retardation in sinstitutional settings in Taiwan. , 2005 Hawaii International Conference on Education, Hawaii, USA.

4.      Hsieh, J-C., Tang, J-C., & Chiang, C-H.(2006). Using self- instruction strategy to decelerate durations of putting on shoes in one student with cerebral palsy. , International Conference on Special Education 2006, Hong Kong.

5.      Tang, J-C., & Chiang C-H.(2007). Assessment and Treatment of finger-sucking in a student with ADHD. , 10th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Special Education, Hong Kong, China.

6.      Tang, J-C., Chiang C-H. & Tsui-Chu Hsieh(2007). Decelerating aberrant behavior of students with Asperger Syndrome using social stories. , Decelerating aberrant behavior of students with Asperger Syndrome using social stories. Presented at 10th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Special Education, Hong Kong, China.

7.      Tang, J.C. & Chiang C-H(2004). Assessment and treatment of hand mouthing in a child with mental retardation in Taiwan. , Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies,and Applications, Orlando, USA.

8.      Tang, J-C.& Chiang C-H.(2004). The effect of object preferences on stereotypy in a child wiht severely mental retardation. , The Fouth International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations at UCLA, CA, USA.

9.      Chiang, C-H & Tang, J-C(2005). Effectivenss of a social skill training program on children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. , The 9th Biennial Conference of the international Association of Special Education, Jalifaz, Canada.

10.  Tang, J-C & Chiang C-H(2005). An investigation of varialbes relevant to the stereotyped behavior in students with developmental disabilities. , The 9th Biennail Conference of the Internation Association of Special Education, Halifax, Canada.



Dr. Yu-Hsia Lin

Conference Articles

1.      Yu-Hsia Lin.(2000). An investigation of the lexical access ability of students with hearing impairment. , An approved paper presented at the 7th Asia-Pacific Congress on Deafness.

2.      Yu-Hsia Lin.(2000). Literacy development for students with hearing impairment. , An approved paper presented at the 7th Asia-Pacific Congress on Deafness.

3.      Yu-Hsia Lin(2002). Mean length of utterances for students with hearing impairment. , An approved paper presented at the 8th Asia-Pacific Congress on Deafness.

4.      Yu-Hsia Lin.(2002). Radical awareness for students with hearing impairment. , An approved paper presented at the 8th Asia-Pacific Congress on Deafness.

5.      Yu-Hsia Lin.(2000). Literacy development for students with hearing impairment. , the 7th Asia-Pacific Congress on Deafness.

6.      Yu-Hsia Lin.(2000). An investigation of the lexical access ability of students with hearing impairment. , the 7th Asia-Pacific Congress on Deafness., Taipei.

7.      Lin, Yu-Hsia.(2002). Radical awareness for students with hearing impairment. , the 8th Asia-Pacific Congress on Deafness., Taipei.

8.      Lin, Yu-Hsia.(2002). Mean length of utterances for students with hearing impairment. ,  the 8th Asia-Pacific Congress on Deafness., Taipei.



Dr. Jui-Liang Jerry Chien

Journal Articles

1.      Chang, M. H., Reetz, L., Chien, J. L., & Ring, M. (2001). A comparison of special education service delivery in the United States and Taiwan. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 463 629.


Conference Articles

1.      Chien, J. L.(2001). Anger management for adolescents. South Dakota Statewide Special Education Conference. Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

2.      Chien, J. L. (2002). The effect of SMART strategy for increasing on-task behavior, the 24th International Conference on Learning Disabilities. Denver, Colorado.

3.      Chien, J. L., & Chang, M. H. (2003). The effect of cognitive behavioral strategies for increasing attention in Taiwan, the 25th International Conference on Learning Disabilities. Seattle, Washington.

4.      Chien, J. L., & Chang, M. H. (2005). The Effect of CALM Strategy on Anger Management, the 27th International Conference on Learning Disabilities. Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

5.      Chien, J. L. (2000). A comparison of special education services in Taiwan and the United States. South Dakota Statewide Special Education Conference. Pierre, South Dakota.

6.      Chien, J. L. (2001). A comparison of special education service delivery in the United States and Taiwan. the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention. Kansas City, Missouri.

7.      Chien, J. L. (2002). Cognitive behavioral strategies for adolescents with anger control problems. the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention. New York.

Dr. Mei-Hua Rose Chang 

Journal Articles

1.      Chang, M. H., Reetz, L., Chien, J. L., & Ring, M. (2001). A comparison of special education service delivery in the United States and Taiwan. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 463 629.


Conference Articles

1.   Chang, M. H. (2001). Self-esteem of adolescents with learning disabilities: Recommendations for teachers and parents. South Dakota Statewide Special Education Conference. Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

2.   Chang, M. H. (2002). Building self-esteem of students with learning disabilities through non-academic activities. the 24th International Conference on Learning Disabilities. Denver, Colorado.

3.   Chien, J. L., & Chang, M. H. (2003). The effect of cognitive behavioral strategies for increasing attention in Taiwan, the 25th International Conference on Learning Disabilities. Seattle, Washington.

4.   Chien, J. L., & Chang, M. H. (2005). The Effect of CALM Strategy on Anger Management, the 27th International Conference on Learning Disabilities. Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

5.   Chang, M. H. (2000). A comparison of special education services in Taiwan and the United States. South Dakota Statewide Special Education Conference. Pierre, South Dakota.

6.   Chang, M. H. (2001). A comparison of special education service delivery in the United States and Taiwan. the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention. Kansas City, Missouri.

7.   Chang, M. H. (2002). When the first bell tolls: A successful beginning for special educators. the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention. New York.



Dr. Cheng-Ming Chen

Journal Articles

1.      Yen MY, Lu YC, Huang PH, Chen CM, Chen YC, Lin YE. (2010). Quantitative Evaluation of Infection Control Models in Prevention of Nosocomial Transmission of SARS Virus to Healthcare Workers. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases.


Conference Articles

1.      Chen, Chen-MingWu, Yuh-YihCheng, Su-Tan. (2006). Study of the Factors Affecting the Scientific Exhibit Competition of Female Students. The 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness. Taiwan.Taipei.

2.   Chen Chen-Ming, Cheng Su-Tan,Chang Kai-Chu,Chen Yah-Hui. (2008). The relation of Basic Scientific Literacy and Science teaching belief of Students in Early Childhood Education and Care in Technology University. Conference of Asian Science Education. Taiwan.

3.   Wu Li-Hsueh, Cheng Su-Tan, Chen Chen-Ming. (2008). Utilizing project approach for science teaching in kindergarten- An example of “Honeybee” project. Conference of Asian Science Education. Taiwan.

4.   Chen Chen-Ming, Cheng Su-Tan, Chang Kai-Chu, Chen Yah-Hui,Tsai Yi-Ying. (2007). The Study of Constructing Abilities of Science Education for students in Early. Childhood Education and Care . Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association 8th Annual Conference. Hong Kong.

5.   Mei-Chuan Chang, Su-Tan Cheng , Chun-Chan Wang , Chen-Ming Chen. (2007). The Study of Constructing Abilities of Science Education for students in Early. Childhood Education and Care . Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association 8th Annual Conference. Hong Kong.

6.   Chen, C. M., Tsai, K. F. & Cheng, S. T. (2008). The study of pre-service teacher's understanding of science game and practice on gifted program. the 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness. Singapore.

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