Hung-Ju Liao, Associate professor Faulty of Department of Food Science and Graduate Institute of Food Science Cornell University, Ph.D. in Food Science Telephone:+886-5-2717595 Research Area:Food Engineering, Food Rheology, Cereal Food Processing, Computer Simulation in Food Processing Teaching:Food Freezing, Introductory Food, Food Nutrition E-mail: |
Liao H-J. *, Lai, P-Y., Koh, Y-C., and Hung, C-C. 2016. Physicochemical characteristics and in vitro digestibility of indica, japonica and waxy type rice flours and their derived resistant starch type III products. Starch – Stärke 68(5): 462-468.
Yu, A-C. and Liao, H-J.*. 2016. Evaluation of three-step pretreatment combined with air blast or cryomechanical freezing in improving the quality of frozen strawberries (Fragaria×ananassa Duch. cv. Harunoka). International Journal of Food Engineering 12(2): 153-163.
Liao, H-J.* and Hung, C-C. 2015. Chemical composition and in vitro starch digestibility of green banana (cv. Giant Cavendish) flour and its derived autoclaved/debranched powder. LWT- Food Science and Technology 64(2): 639-644.
Liao, H-J.* and Chen, Y-L. 2015. Characteristics and protein subunit composition of flour mill streams from different commercial wheat classes and their relationship to white salted noodle quality. Cereal Chemistry 92(3): 302-311.
Tattiyakul, J., Liao, H-J., and Rao, M.A. 2009. Role of structure in the measurement of flow properties of food and starch dispersions: A review. International J Food Properties. 12(1): 2~10. ( SCI ) Impact factor: 0.82 Ranking: 65/118
Liao, H-J.* , Chung, Y-C., and Tattiyakul, J. 2007. Biaxial extensional viscosity of sheeted noodle dough. Cereal Chem.84(5): 506-511. ( SCI ) Impact factor: 1.314 Ranking: 46/118
Chen, C-C., Liao, H-J., Cheng, C-Y., Yen, C-Y., and Chung, Y-C. 2007. Biodegradation of crystal violet by Pseudomonas putida. Biotechnol Lett.29 (3):391-396 . ( SCI ) Impact factor: 1.636 Ranking: 90/152
Sung, W-C., Tzeng, S-S., and Liao, H-J. 2006. Addition of herb medicine in the Curdlan noodle production. Chia-Nan University Annual Bulletin 32: 216-224.
Sung, W-C., Liao, H-J., and Wu, K-L. 2005. Investigation into characteristics of Farina Wheat for Koji wheat production. Journal of Leader University 2(2): 101-106.
Sung, W-C., Liao, H-J., and Yang, T-C. 2004. Study of the effects of the cooking methods and the grain varieties on the eating quality of cooked rice. Chia-Nan University Annual Bulletin 30: 53-64.
廖宏儒 . 2001. 麵糰壓延的原理 . 烘焙工業( 168 ): 52-57.
廖宏儒 . 2001. 修飾澱粉的原理及應用 . 烘焙工業( 166 ): 65-68.
廖宏儒 . 2000. 如何從麵包製程中之理化特性掌控麵條品質 . 烘焙工業( 164 ): 27-31.
廖宏儒 . 2000. 麵包製程中麵糰之物化特性 . 烘焙工業( 160 ): 68-73.
廖宏儒 . 1999. 抗酵素水解澱粉 . 烘焙工業( 159 ): 69-74.
Liao, H-J. , Rao, M.A., and Datta, A.K. 2000. Role of Thermo-rheological Behavior in Simulation of Continuous Sterilization of a Starch Dispersion. Food and Bioproducts Processing 78(1):48-56. ( SCI )
Liao, H-J. , Tattiyakul, J., and Rao, M.A. 1999. Superposition of Complex Viscosity Curves during Gelatinization of Starch Dispersion and Dough. J. Food Process Engr. 22:215-234. ( SCI )
Rao, M.A., Cooley, H.J., and Liao, H-J. 1999. High Temperature Rheology of Tomato Puree and Starch Dispersion with a Direct Drive Viscometer. J. Food Process Engr. 22:29-40. ( SCI )
Liao, H-J. , Okechukwu, P.E., Srinivasan, D., and Rao, M.A. 1996. Rheological and Calorimetric Properties of Heated Corn Starch-Soybean Protein Isolate Dispersions. J. Texture Stud. 27(4) : 404-418. ( SCI )
Chen, C-J., Liao, H-J., Okechukwu, P.E., Srinivasan, D., and Rao, M.A. 1996. Rheological Properties of Heated Corn Starch + Soybean 7 S and 11 S Globulin Dispersions. J. Texture Stud. 27(4): 419-432. ( SCI )
(B) 研討會論文
許燕濬、廖宏儒。 2015。 Preparation of resistant starch rich product from isolated rice starch by pullulanase 。 台灣食品科學技術學會年會,台北。
洪智僑、廖宏儒。 2014。普魯蘭酶處理對青香蕉粉及澱粉其抗性澱粉含量及理化特性之影響。台灣食品科學技術學會年會,高雄。
賴佩吟、廖宏儒。 2013。普魯蘭酶處理對米穀粉之抗性澱粉含量的影響。台灣食品科學技術學會年會,台中。
林秀如、廖宏儒。 2013。加活性麵筋於小麥澱粉和米澱粉及根莖類澱粉中以製作中式麵條並探討重組麵粉之成糊特性及對麵條品質之影響。台灣農業化學會年會,台北。
譚瑋琳、廖宏儒。 2012。韌化法與濕熱處理對於經物化修飾後的青香蕉澱粉其理化性質及抗解澱粉含量的影響。 台灣食品科學技術學會年 會 , 台北 。
林秀如、廖宏儒。 2012。添加麵筋蛋白於混合米穀粉中並探討其麵糰流變特性及對麵條品質之影響。台灣食品科學技術學會年會,台北。
蕭介信、廖宏儒 。 2012 。木瓜果膠的萃取以及果凍產品的開發。 台灣農業化學會年 會 , 台北 。
陳妮蔚、廖宏儒。 2012。重組麵粉在不同延伸黏度下之微觀結構變化。 台灣農業化學會年 會 , 台北 。
江閔超、張雅鈞、張君瑜、廖宏儒。 2011。 電漿技術經濕熱處理進行澱粉雙重修飾的影響。 台灣食品科學技術學會年 會 , 嘉義 。
林意芸、廖宏儒。 2011。 探討高纖維化及去澀處理對青香蕉粉理化性質及抗解澱粉含量之影響 。台灣食品科學技術學會年 會 , 嘉義 。
張君瑜 、廖宏儒。 2010。 開發青香蕉高纖維粉及其應用之研究。台灣食品科學技術學會年 會 , 台中 。
游荌潔、廖宏儒。 2009。真空浸漬與冷凍加工技術對草莓的質地影響。台灣食品科學技術學會年 會 , 宜蘭 。
陳怡伶、廖宏儒。 2009。小麥麵筋蛋白組成與延伸黏度之相關性,台灣食品科學技術學會年 會 , 宜蘭 。
Liao, H-J. 2007. Effect of thermorheological behavior of starch dispersion on thermal time distribution in continuous sterilization. 第三屆新世紀健康、食品及環保研討 會, 台北 .
Liao, H-J. 2004. Biaxial extensional viscosity of dough sheet for noodle processing using the lubricated squeezing flow technique-Poster, IFT.
Rao, M.A., Chamberlain, E.K., Liao, H-J. 1999. Rheological Properties of Starch Dispersions in Water and Dimethyl Sulfoxide. American Institute of Chemical Engineers. AIChE Meeting.
Liao, H-J., Rao, M.A. 1998. Simulation of Sterilization of a Starch-containing Fluid Food Based on Experimental Thermo-Rheological Model-Poster, IFT
Liao, H-J. , Tattiyakul, J. and Rao, M.A. 1998. Complex Viscosity-Temperature Curves of Tapioca Starch Dispersion (8 percent) and High-Amylopectin Rice Starch Dispersion (8 percent) and Dough (45.5 percent).- Poster, IFT
Liao, H-J. , Tattiyakul, J., Yang, W. and Rao, M.A. 1997. Thermo-Rheological Models of Foods- AICHE Annual Meeting.
Liao, H-J. , Okechukwu, P.E., Srinivasan, D. and Rao, M.A. 1996. Rheological and Calorimetric Properties of Corn Starch-Soybean Protein Isolate Gels-Poster, IFT
廖宏儒 等 . 2010. 普通營養學 . 二版 . 華格那企業有限公司 .
廖宏儒 等 . 2006. 普通營養學 . 華格那企業有限公司 .
Liao, H-J. 1998. Simulation of Continuous Sterilization of Fluid Food Products: the Role of Starch Dispersion and Process Optimization. Ph.D. Dissertation, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
Liao, H-J. 1995. Investigation of Rheological and Calorimetric Properties of Corn Starch-Soybean Protein Isolate Gel Systems. M.S. Thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
Rao, M.A., Tattiyakul, J, & Liao, H-J. 2012. Rheological and thermal properties of starch and starch-based biopolymers. In J. Ahmed, B.K. Tiwari, S.H. Imam, M.A. Rao. (Ed.) Starch-Based Polymeric Materials and Nanocomposites: Chemistry, Processing, and Applications. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
Tattiyakul, J., Liao, H-J. & Rao, M. A. 2002. Modeling viscosity of starch dispersion and dough during heating: master curves of complex viscosity, in "Engineering and Food for the 21st Century," edited by J. Welti-Chanes, G.V. Barbosa-Cánovas & J.M. Aguilera, pp. 381-391, CRC Press, New York.
廖宏儒。 技術移轉名稱:青香蕉澱粉產製技術。技術移轉至喜美生技股份有限公司。 2014 。技術移轉金 5 萬。
廖宏儒 。 技術移轉名稱 : 青香蕉澱粉產製技術 。 技術移轉至建昌食品股份有限公司 。 2013 。 技術移轉金 5 萬 。
廖宏儒 。 技術移轉名稱 : 草莓冷凍加工技術 。 技術移轉至苗栗縣大湖地區農會 。 2012 。 技術移轉金 10 萬 。