- Maw Tien Lee and Jer Ru Maa , 1992 , "The Effect of Extended Thin Film Evaporation during the Constant Drying Rate Period" , Drying Technology , Vol 10 , No.1 , pp.81-100. (EI) 計畫編號 :NSC-79-0402-E-006-18
- Maw Tien Lee and Jer Ru Maa , 1992 , "The Effects of Extended Thin Film Evaporation and External Diffusion Resistance During the Constant Drying Rate Period" , Drying Technology , Vol 10 , No.2 , PP.395-419.
- Maw Tien Lee and Jer Ru Maa , 1992 , "On the Interline Evaporating Region of a Wetting Thin Film" , Drying Technology , Vol.10 , No.1 , pp.101-122. (EI) 計畫編號 :NSC-79-0402-E- 006-18
- Maw Tien Lee and Jer Ru Maa , 1992 , "The effects of Extended Thin Film Evaporation and Extemal Diffusion Resistance during the Constant Drying Rate Period" , Drying Technology , Vol 10 , No.2 , PP.395-419. (EI) 計畫編號 :NSC-80-0402-E-006-28
- Maw Tien Lee , Yu Min Yang and Jer Ru Maa , 1992 , "Nucleate Pool Boiling Heat Transfer in a Confined Spece between Two Parallel-Plates" , Chemical Engineering Commnications , Vol.117 , pp.205-217. (EI) 計畫編號 :NSC-80-0402-E-006-28
- 周良動,張進益,黃景春, 李茂田 , 1994 , " 嘉義縣東石地區地下水質調查及模擬分析“, 嘉 義農專學報, No.38 , pp.63-74.
- 周良動, 李茂田 ,黃景春, 1994 , " 地下水污染調查與污染源追蹤分析“, 嘉義農專學報, No.39 , pp.89-104.
- 黃景春, 李茂田 ,周良動, 1994 , " 集水區土地利用方式對水質之影響“, 嘉義農專學報, No.41 , pp.107-122.
- Maw Tien Lee , Yu Min Yang and Jer Ru Maa , 1995 , "Boiling of Mixtures in a Narrow Space" , Chemical Engineering Communications , Vol.134 , PP.183-194. (EI) 計畫編號 :NSC-82-0402-E- 021-006
- Maw Tien Lee , 1995 , "The Effect of the Disjoining Pressure on the Surface Evaporation of a Porous Medium." , Drying Technology , Vol.13 , No.8 , pp. 2191-2205. (EI) 計畫編號 :NSC-82-0402-E- 021-006
- 李茂田 , 周良勳, 黃景春, 1996 , " 八掌溪上游集水區乾季與旱季對水質之影響 " , 嘉義農專學報, Vol.46 , pp. 69-86.
- Maw Tien Lee , 1996 , "On the Mechanism of Evaporation of Water from a Non-hygroscopic Porous Medium" , International Communications of Heat and Mass Trans. Vol. 23 , No.7 , pp.939-946. (SCI)
- 李茂田 , 周良勳, 陳永祥, 1996 , "Pyridine 對鎘離子在氧化鋁之吸附影響研究 " , 工程環境 No6 , March , pp.71-77.
- 李茂田 , 1996 , " 水份在非吸濕性多孔體表面蒸研究 " , 中國農業工程學會農工學報, Vol.42 , No.2 , pp.60-86.
- Maw Tien Lee , Zhen-qin Wang, and Jen Ray Chang, 2003,“ Activated-Carbon-Supported NaOH for Removal of HCl from Reformer Process Stream. I nd. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol.42, pp.6166-617. (SCI)
- Chou. L. H., Maw-Tien Lee* , C.C. Huang., J.D. Cheng., and Y.C. Lu. 2003, “Tire Rubber Particles in Cement Paste”, ACTA SCIENTIARUM NATURALIUM UNIVERSITATIS SUNYATSENI, Suppl. Vol.42, pp.99-103. (EI)
- L.H.Chou, J.D.Cheng , Maw Tien Lee*, 2005, The effects of intermolecular forces on the preparation of the organic waste-cement pastes , ACTA SCIENTIARUM NATURALIUM UNIVERSITATIS SUNYATSENI, Suppl. Vol.44 pp.66-70. (EI)
- Lee,Y.C., Chou,L.H., Cheng,J.D., Ku,C.K. and Maw Tien Lee*, 2005, Effects of polymer soil conditioners on plant germination. ACTA SCIENTIARUM NATURALIUM UNIVERSITATIS SUNYATSENI, Suppl. Vol.44. pp.71-76. (EI)
- Liang-Hsing Chou, Ru-In Tsai, Jen-Ray Chang, Maw Tien Lee*, 2006, Regenerable Adsorbent for the Removal of Ammonia Evolved From Anaerobic Reaction of Animal Urine, J. Environmental Sciences, 18(6),1176-1181. (SCI).
- Liang Hsing Chou, Jing Ku Lu, Jen-Ray Chang*, Maw Tien Lee*, 2007, Use of Waste Rubber as Concrete Additives., Waste Management & Research, Vol.25 (65-76)(SCI).
- Yuan-chih Lee, Jack D. Cheng, Chun-Ku Lu, Liang-Hsing Chou, Maw Ttien Lee*, 2007, PVA used as a soil conditioner: aging and interaction forces with soils, ACTA SCIENTIARUM NATURALIUM UNIVERSITATIS SUNYATSENI, Suppl.Vol.46 (262-265). (EI)
- Shih-chieh Yang, Maw Tien Lee*, 2007, On homogeneous basic catalysts process of biodiesel production, ACTA SCIENTIARUM NATURALIUM UNIVERSITATIS SUNYATSENI Suppl.Vol.46 (260-261). (EI)
- Lin Tzongbin , Lee Maw-Tien, 2009, On improvements of rubcrete, ACTA Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni,
- Liang-Hisng Chou, Chun-Nan Lin, Chun-Ku Lu, Cheng-Haw Lee, Maw-Tien Lee, 2010,Improving rubber concrete by waste organic sulfur compounds, Waste Management & Research
- Liang-Hsing Chou , Cho-Kun Yang , Maw-Tien Lee , Chia-Chen Shu, 2010, Effects of partial oxidation of crumb rubber on properties of rubberized mortar, Composites: Part B
- Maw-Tien Lee , Wei-Ting Wu, 2011, Study on Morphologies of PAM Films, Advanced Materials Research
- L.H. Chou1, L.K Lin2 and M.T. Lee2,a, 2011, On the Improvement of Fiber Reinforced Concrete through Surface Modification of Polypropylene by Grafting Method, Advanced Materials Research
- Liang-Hsign Chou1,a, Maw-Tien Lee2*,b, 2011, Characteristics and Applications of the AAm-Grafting PE, Advanced Materials Research, 415 ,1457-1460
- L.H. Chou1, L.K Lin2 and M.T. Lee2,a, 2011, On the Improvement of Fiber Reinforced Concrete through Surface Modification of Polypropylene by Grafting Method, Advanced Materials Research, 194 , 1693-1696
- Liang-Hsing Chou 1, Chun-Ku Lu 2,Maw-Tien Lee 3 *, 2011, Studies on improving PP fiber reinforced concrete, Advanced Materials Research, 250 , 678-681
- Liang-Hsign Chou, Jhih-Long Tung, Maw-Tien Lee, 2012, Enhancing interfacial bond between PP and cement hydrates, Advanced Science Letters
- Liang-Hsing Chou1 Jhih-Long Tung2 and Maw-Tien Lee2*, 2014, Improving the Cement Based Reinforced Composites by Use of Partially Oxidized PP Fiber, Advanced Materials Research, 1051, pp 706-710