
Faculty Member

Dr. Ming-Chung Chen is currently an associate professor.  After graduating from in 1989, he worked at elementary school for 4 years; meanwhile, he finished his B Ed.  He then studied for his master’s degree during 1994-1996.  During 1996-2001, Dr. Chen served at a Special Education School as a teacher as well as an administrator.  He completed his Ph.D. in 2001, then, began his teaching career in this university, NCYU.  He takes high interests in assistive technology, especially computer access and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), and computerized instruction.  His research projects have being founded by the National Science Council since 2002.  Ming-Chung is easy to get along with all the students.  He is firm but gentle towards all the students.  Students name him “Brother Chung” which indicate students love and respect him like an elderly brother.  He cares and loves all his pupils and the latter usually gather together is his Computer Lab, I201, which was established under the grant of the Ministry of Education due to Ming-Chung’s contribution.

Dr. Cheng-Chien Chen is a professor at , who got a Ph.D. from National Chang-Hwua University of Education, Taiwan.  He had some working experience in education including elementary teacher, associate researcher, and educational administrator of local government.  His Research Interests: his research interest lies in examining the impacts of behavioral and cognitive- behavioral modification on ADHD during the past years.  He is also particularly interested in what children with ADHD understand in educational situational settings and how teachers might be able to use that information when they communicate with parents of ADHD.  To date, his research has been mainly focusing on mental retarded children; however, his papers have actualized theory into important practicing implications for mental retarded children, as well as for hyperactive and off-task behavioral children.  He had published several textbooks such as Calligraphy Therapy –Theory, Programs and Practices, Assessing Children with Special Needs and assessment and evaluation such as Activity Rating Scales for elementary children and Activity Rating Scales for preschool children, Leadership Aptitude test, Chinese abilities test(co-worker) in Chinese edition at Taiwan area.  His Teaching Interestsbehavior modification, assessment and evaluation for exceptional children, assessing strategies for children with special  needs, cognitive psychology , issues on special education, calligraphy therapy.  His : , Minghsiung Campus.

Dr. Jung-Chang Tang is an associate professor at who got a Ph.D. from , .  He had published several papers in identified by Social Scientific Citation Index (SSCI).  He takes strong interests in behavior disorders, severe disabilities, and the transitional services for the secondary students.  He is a deep thinker who has good reputations on his professional achievements and on his contribution towards Buddhism.  Graduate students in this department admire his professional research ability and many of them become his pupils to provoke their research potentials.

Dr. Chiu-Hua Chiang is also known as Lotus Chiang.  She is the chair for this department.  She serves as the chair because she loves all the students and is willing to sacrifice her quality life for their sake.  Lotus Chiang is an associate professor at who earned her Ed.D at the University of Northern Colorado University, U.S.A. in 1995.  She has been working with students with autism, severely emotional/behavioral disorders, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders over ten years.  She works hard in solving the conflicts between the elementary schools and parents of exceptional children in Yuan-Chia areas which are under the supervision of this department.  Lotus loves exceptional children so she pushes hard for the elementary schools as well as the parents of exceptional children to make progresses.  She takes high interests in the practices and topics of parenting for the exceptional children, early intervention, ADHD, EBD, and autism.

Dr. Yu-Hsia Lin is an associate professor in the department of Special Education in the Teachers’ College at .  Dr. Lin got a Ph.D. at the Ohio State University, U.S.A.   One of her major responsibilities is teacher education for individuals interested in the education of deaf and language disorder students.  Dr. Lin’s research interests involve the areas of literacy, language development, and deafness.  Dr. Lin has published several scholarly papers on language and literacy development of individuals with severe to profound hearing impairment.  Her scholarly texts include Hearing Impairment---A Resource Manual, Language Sample Analysis, Student Teaching---Early Childhood Practicum Guide, Handbook of Early Intervention, Play and Child Development.

Dr. Jui-Liang Jerry Chien, an associate professor at , earned his doctorate in special education at the .  Dr. Chien’s current research interests focus on developing Intuition Teaching theory, and conducts applied Intuition Teaching research with his wife, Dr. Mei-Hua Rose Chang.  He publishes widely in the areas of teacher training and the treatment of learning disabilities/ behavioral disorders.

Dr. Mei-Hua Rose Chang is an assistant professor at National ChiaYi University.  Dr. Chang received her doctorate in special education from the University of South Dakota. With her husband, Dr. Jui-Liang Jerry Chien, she is developing Intuition Teaching strategies to enhance teachers’ teaching skills and increase teachers’ positive beliefs and attitudes toward their students.  Dr. Chang conducts applied Intuition Teaching and Cognitive Behavior Modification research with Dr. Chien and publishes widely in the areas of learning disabilities and teacher training programs.  To students, Jerry and Rose are two lovely married couple who treat the students like their own children.

Dr. Ya-Ping Wu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Special Educational at National Chiayi University (NCYU) in Taiwan, where she has been on the faculty since 2013. She was responsible for the elementary teacher education program in severe disabilities at NCYU. Her primary areas of research interest are assistive technology, augmentative and alternative communication, General curriculum access for students with severe disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorders, science, and math for students with severe disabilities. She was also Co-Director of the Special Education Teaching Research Center at NCYU where conducts research and provides teacher training for in-service and pre-service special education teachers.

Dr. Wei-Ren Chen, PhD, is an assistant professor of Department of Special Education at National Chiayi University in Taiwan. He received his doctoral degree under his advisor Dr. Liora Bresler in Curriculum and Instruction, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research focuses on curricular differentiation and teacher professional development in the field of gifted education. From 2002 to 2013 he worked as an elementary school teacher for the students with giftedness and special needs at Taipei Mandarin Experimental Elementary School. With an interest in the arts, he loves to explore aesthetic qualities in teaching, learning, and life. He believes students will be inspired and enriched by the aesthetic undertaking with teachers' mindful design.