
113年USR國際論壇暨高教深耕成果展-永續X跨域 無國界

高齡劇團偕青年 懸絲技藝盼流傳




USR加糖笑瞇瞇—懸絲偶天團與糖文化的永續計畫 蒜頭糖廠英語標章

和園 「和園」建於昭和6年(1931年),是明治製糖會社為了培養台灣的日本工作人員敬神和祖先崇拜的精神,以及涵養穩健著實的社風,於是設置簡易神社在蒜頭製糖工場內和園東北角,主要供奉的是天照大神,以鳥居區隔人與神。 除了平日祭拜,以及新年慶典的活動外,每個月農曆初一、十五會進行誦經活動。在二次戰爭的早期,每當有蒜頭製糖工場的人被徵調上戰場時,通常會先到神社進行「補運長久祈願」,祈求平安歸來,神社至今只留下鳥居柱子和基座(即國父像下的基座)。 Heyuan "Heyuan" was established in 1931 during the 6th year of the Showa era. It was created by the Meiji Sugar Company to cultivate the spirit of reverence for gods and ancestors among Japanese workers in Taiwan, as well as to foster a solid social atmosphere. A simple shrine was set up in the northeastern corner of the Suantou Sugar Factory, where the main deity enshrined was Amaterasu-Omikami (the goddess of the sun) with a torii gate separating humans from the goddess. In addition to regular worship and activities during the New Year celebration, chanting of scriptures took place on the first and fifteenth day of each lunar month. In the early stages of World War II, whenever employees from the Suantou Sugar Factory were conscripted into the battlefield, they would usually visit the shrine to offer "prayers for lasting prosperity" before departure, praying for a safe return. Only the pillars and pedestals of the torii gate (the very pedestal under the statue of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen) remain at the shrine site to this day.

蒜頭社鳥居回復誌 據明治製糖株式會社三十年史(昭和十一年)所記,當年(昭和六年)日本治台已經三十餘年,各糖廠建廠也有二十年,為端正社風涵養,方便從業人員敬神祭祀,特於和園東北角設置簡易神社,供奉天照大御神,依日本神道教規,神位前方必有鳥居以區隔人與神,故以氏子之名奉獻本鳥居。台灣光復後,在全國反日運動下,鳥居被推倒棄置於和園涼亭下,掩埋於泥土裡,若非土壤流失,恐永不見天日。本區處楊經理介福於巡視和園時發現鳥居之兩根石柱部分浮現,經文資小組鑑定為鳥居石柱,為彰顯本區處保存維護文化性資產之決心與用心,特只是回復鳥居原貌。由於石柱上之年份遭到破壞,目前保留空白,唯從遺跡及史料判定應為昭和六年,若有前輩耆老能明確指出正確年份,將為石柱補上該數字。原供奉天照大御神為現址改制國父銅像,有其歷史背景因素,就保留給後人最一番省思吧! 嘉義區處文資小組謹記2008年8月 The Record of Restoration to Sauntou Community Torii According to the record from 30-Year History of Meiji Sugar Co. Ltd. (1936), by 1931, Japan had ruled Taiwan for over 30 years, and various sugar factories had also been established for 20 years. To proper the social climate and to make worshiping convenient for practitioners, a simple shrine was built in the northeast corner of Heyuan for worshiping Amaterasu Omikami (the goddess of the sun). According to Shinto regulations, a torii gate must be built in front of the deity’s seat to separate the human and divine realms. This torii gate was a dedication of the parishioners. After Taiwan’s retrocession, amid the nationwide resistance against the Japanese, this torii was toppled and abandoned at the pavilion of Heyuan, where it was buried in the soil. It might never have been seen if the soil had not eroded. During a patrol of Heyuan, Yang Jie Fu, the department manager discovered parts of the stone pillars of the torii gate. After verification by the cultural heritage group, they were confirmed to be parts of a torii gate. To manifest our department’s commitment and dedication to preserving cultural assets, it was decided to restore the torii gate to its original appearance. The inscription date on the stone pillars was damaged, so the year is currently left blank. Judging from the relics and historical records, however, it is possible that they may date back to 1931. If any elders can provide the exact year, it will be added to the pillars. Because of the historical background, the original shrine for worshiping Amaterasu Omikami has been replaced with a statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. This transformation offers a point of reflection for future generations. Recorded by the Culture Heritage Group of Chiayi Department, August 2008
231004講江南.家嘉南暨小橋.流水.人「嘉」 活動表演 《來呷七碗茶》,由嘉大師生群編劇、立青工作室黃憲章老師動作指導。 劇本素材出自唐代詩人盧仝的名作〈走筆謝孟諫議寄新茶〉,盧仝收到好友送來的新茶,一時受寵若驚。由於茶味極好,所以一連吃了六碗,尚不及吃第七碗,便覺得兩腋生出清風,飄飄直欲飛上青天,雅興狂想非常。忽然筆鋒一轉,為蒼生請命,希望養尊處優的上位者,在享受至精至好的貢物之餘,須知民脂民膏,得來不易。全劇從自我生命的優游境遇,轉向蒼生疾苦,蘊含深刻的人文關懷。 全劇由嘉大師生群編劇、立青工作室黃憲章老師動作指導