

和園 和園
「和園」建於昭和6年(1931年),是明治製糖會社為了培養台灣的日本工作人員敬神和祖先崇拜的精神,以及涵養穩健著實的社風,於是設置簡易神社在蒜頭製糖工場內和園東北角,主要供奉的是天照大神,以鳥居區隔人與神。 除了平日祭拜,以及新年慶典的活動外,每個月農曆初一、十五會進行誦經活動。在二次戰爭的早期,每當有蒜頭製糖工場的人被徵調上戰場時,通常會先到神社進行「補運長久祈願」,祈求平安歸來,神社至今只留下鳥居柱子和基座(即國父像下的基座)。
"Heyuan" was established in 1931 during the 6th year of the Showa era. It was created by the Meiji Sugar Company to cultivate the spirit of reverence for gods and ancestors among Japanese workers in Taiwan, as well as to foster a solid social atmosphere. A simple shrine was set up in the northeastern corner of the Suantou Sugar Factory, where the main deity enshrined was Amaterasu-Omikami (the goddess of the sun) with a torii gate separating humans from the goddess. In addition to regular worship and activities during the New Year celebration, chanting of scriptures took place on the first and fifteenth day of each lunar month. In the early stages of World War II, whenever employees from the Suantou Sugar Factory were conscripted into the battlefield, they would usually visit the shrine to offer "prayers for lasting prosperity" before departure, praying for a safe return. Only the pillars and pedestals of the torii gate (the very pedestal under the statue of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen) remain at the shrine site to this day.
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