Office of Student Affairs
優化學生使用空間 多元鏈結增進交流 安心就學經濟無憂
Optimizing Student Space, Enhancing Interaction
Provide scholarships to students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
業務核心 |
KPI指標 |
SDGs |
優化學生使用空間 Optimizing Student Space |
Seismic Upgrades of XianDe Building on Xinmin Campus and Structures on Minxiong Campus to Enhance Safety Enhance student counseling spaces and facilities on each campus. |
多元鏈結增進交流 Enhancing Interaction |
職涯校友講座與跨校區友誼系聯誼 Promote inter-campus friendships and alumni career talks. 學習障礙學生科展工作坊科展獲獎 Supporting Students with Learning Disabilities through Workshops and Competitions |
安心就學獎助學金 Grant for Students Facing Financial Hardship |
Provide 17 types of scholarships and grants to encourage students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds to pursue their dreams. |