
Announcement on the application of department transfer of the 112 academic year for undergraduate students

Announcement on the application of department transfer of the 112 academic year for undergraduate students

1. 學士班境外生有以下情形之一者,不得申請轉系:
Bachelor program overseas students under any one of the following conditions shall not apply for transfer:
(1) 在本校修業未滿一學年(含申請當學期)之境外生。
Overseas students who have studied at NCYU for less than one academic year (including the current semester of application).
(2) 四年級以上(獸醫學系五年級以上)之肄業境外生。
Overseas students in their senior year of study or above (the fifth year or above for the Department of Veterinary Medicine students).
(3) 尚在休學期間之境外生。
Overseas students who are still on a leave of absence from school.
(4) 日間學制與進修學制學生不得互跨學制申請轉系或轉班。
Students in full-time programs and extension education programs shall not be allowed to apply for department or class transfer across programs.
(5) 其他因受各種入學方式之規定限制者;如遇特殊情況,應依各種入學方式之招生規定辦理。
Students who are under the restrictions of the regulations of various admission methods. Special circumstances shall be handled in accordance with the admissions regulations pertaining to various admission methods.
2. 受理申請時間:11231日起至11237日止
The period of applicationfrom March 1st to 7th, 2023
檢附資料Attached documents:
(1) 申請書(含自傳及轉系原因)
Application form (including autobiography and reason for department transfer)

Transcripts (Applicants to the Department of Veterinary Medicine, please attach senior high school transcripts including GPA)
)生涯興趣量表(請自行向學務處學生輔導中心預約施測)Career Interest Inventory (Please make an appointment for the test at the center of student counseling office by your own)
()學生證影本Photocopy of student ID card
()居留證影本Photocopy of resident certificate
National Chiayi University Student Department Student Transfer Parent Consent Form (Signature by parents are required and please print the consent form by scanning or taking a photo)
Students who have been approved for department transfer shall not be allowed further application for transfer or return to their original department.
Other relevant regulations shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the National Chiayi University Student Department Transfer Regulations.
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