

  • 2018/03/15 Visiting from Kagawa University, Japan

    2018/03/15 Visiting from Kagawa University, Japan

  • 2018/04/17 MOU Signing Ceremony with NU Universities, Indonesia

    2018/04/17 MOU Signing Ceremony with NU Universities, Indonesia

  • 2018/05/03 Visiting from Delegation of Japanese High Schools

    2018/05/03 Visiting from Delegation of Japanese High Schools

  • 2018/05/29 Visiting from Northwest Christian University, USA

    2018/05/29 Visiting from Northwest Christian University, USA

  • 2018/07/19 Visiting from UI Business School

    2018/07/19 Visiting from UI Business School

  • 2018/10/29-11/03 Visiting from University of Idaho, USA

    2018/10/29-11/03 Visiting from University of Idaho, USA