
Announcement on Application for Department Transfer for Foreign Students in the Bachelor’s degree in the 113th Academic Year.

Announcement on Application for Department Transfer by Foreign Students in the Bachelor’s degree Department in the 113th Academic Year
1. Foreign Students in bachelor's degree programs who have any of the following circumstances are not allowed to apply for transfer of departments:
(1) Foreign Students who have studied at our school for less than one academic year (including the semester in which they apply).
(2) Undergraduate Foreign Students who are in fourth grade or above (fifth grade or above in the Department of Veterinary Medicine).
(3) Foreign Students who are still in voluntary suspension.
(4) Foreign Students of day school system are not allowed to apply for transfer to night school system or department.
2. Application time: from now to 5:00 pm on March 8th (late applications will not be accepted)
3. How to apply:
(1) Foreign Students who want to apply for department transfer should download the "National Chiayi University Overseas Chinese Student Application Form for Department Transfer":
(2) The application should be interviewed and signed by the instructor, and then sent to the original chair of department for signature, and the following relevant documents should be attached:
a. Application form (including autobiography and reasons for changing departments)
b. Previous transcripts (for those applying to the Department of Veterinary Medicine, please attach high school transcripts including GPA)
c. Career Interest Scale (please make an appointment with the Student Assistance Center to take the test)
d. Copy of student ID card
e. Copy of ARC
f. Others useful documents for transfer departments
g. NCYU Student Transfer Parent Consent Form(Parents of Foreign Students must sign)
(3) Please submit it to the office of International affairs. Late applications will not be accepted.
(1) Students pursuing a bachelor's degree in each department may apply to transfer to another department before the beginning of the second academic year. Those who apply before the beginning of the third academic year may transfer to the third year of a department with a similar major(horizontal transfer) or a department with a different major to the second year(transfer down one year). If you apply before the start of the fourth academic year due to special reasons, you may transfer to a third-year program with similar major(transfer down one year) or a second-year student (transfer down two years).
(2) Students who have been approved to transfer departments may not apply to change or transfer back to the original department.
(3) For other relevant regulations, please follow the "National Chiayi University Student Transfer Procedures".
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