Yi-Ming Kuo
Associate Professor, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources National Chiayi University Forest Watershed and Water Quality Research Laboratory 300, Syuefu Rd., Chiayi City 60004, Taiwan Tel: +886-5-2717488 Fax: +886-5-2717467 Email: kuoair@mail.ncyu.edu.tw |
Research Interests (1) Watershed water quality and quantity management (2) Algal bloom control and prediction (3) Best management practices (vegetative filter strips) control pollution transport (4) Spatio-temporal statistics of water resource and ecology |
1.1 Education
Doctor of Philosophy, 2007
Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
Master of Science, 1999
Agricultural Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
1.2 Professional Experiences
1.Associate Professor, 02/2023-present. Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, National Chiayi University.
2.Chu Tian Scholar Distinguished Professor, 09/2013-01/2023, School of Environment, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
3.Adjunct Researcher, Doctoral Supervisor, 07/2019-06/2022, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Hydrobiology
4.Assistant Professor, 08/2009-07/2013. Department of Design for Sustainable Environment, MingDao University
5.Postdoctoral Fellow, 02/2009-07/2009. National Chung Hsing University
1.3 Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals (*: Corresponding Author)
1.Li, R., Liu, W.W., Zhao, E., Kuo, Y.M.*, 2024. Effectiveness of vegetative filter strips for agricultural nonpoint source pollution control in Jianghan Plain: Experiments and VFSMOD modeling, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 235:251.
2.Zhao, E.M., Kuo, Y.M.*, 2021. Using short-term data to quickly and quantitatively determine formation mechanisms of PM2.5 and ozone. CLEAN-Soil, Air, Water. 2100184.
3.Zhao, E.M., Kuo, Y.M.*, Chen, N.W., 2021. Assessment of water quality under various environmental features using a site-specific weighting water quality index. Science of the Total Environment. 783, 146868.
4.Liu, W.W., Kuo, Y.M.*, Zhao, E., 2021. Influence of the south-to-north water transfer and the Yangtze River mitigation projects on the water quality of Han River, China. Environmental Earth Sciences. 80: 246.
5.Li, R., Kuo, Y.M.*, 2021. Effects of shallow water table depth on vegetative filter strips retarding transport of nonpoint source pollution in controlled flume experiments. International Journal of Environmental Research. 15: 163–175.
6.Kuo, Y.M.*, Liu, W.W., Zhao, E., Li, R., Muñoz-Carpena, R., 2019. Water quality variability in the middle and down streams of Han River under the influence of the Middle Route of South-North Water Diversion Project, China. Journal of Hydrology. 569: 218-229.
7.Kuo, Y.M.*, Yang, J., Liu, W.W., Zhao, E.M., Li, R., Yao, L.Q., 2018. Using generalized additive models to investigate factors influencing cyanobacterial abundance through phycocyanin fluorescence in East Lake, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 190: 599.
8.Li, R., Kuo, Y.M.*, Liu, W.W., Jang, C.S., Zhao, E.M., Yao, L.Q., 2018. Potential health risk assessment through ingestion and dermal contact arsenic-contaminated groundwater in Jianghan Plain, China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 40(4): 1585-1599.
9.Kuo, Y.M., Zhao, E.M., Li, M.J. Yu, H., Qin, J., 2017. Ambient precursor gaseous pollutants and meteorological conditions controlling variations of particulate matter concentrations. CLEAN-Soil, Air, Water. 45(8): 1600655.
10.Liu, W.W., Zhao, E.M., Kuo, Y.M.*, Jang, C.S., 2017. Identifying the relationships between trophic states and their driving factors in the Shihmen Reservoir, Taiwan. Limnologica. 64: 38-45.
11.Kuo, Y.M.*, Wu, J.T., 2016. Phytoplankton dynamics of a subtropical reservoir controlled by the complex interplay among hydrological, abiotic, and biotic variables. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 188(12): 689.
12.Kuo, Y.M., Chiu, C.H., Yu, H.L., 2015. Influences of ambient air pollutants and meteorological conditions on ozone variation in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 29:1037-1050.
13.Kuo, Y.M., Chu, H.J., Pan, T.Y., 2014. Temporal precipitation estimation from nearby radar reflectivity using dynamic factor analysis in the mountainous watershed - a case during Typhoon Morakot. Hydrological Processes. 28(3), 999-1008.
14.Kuo, Y.M., Jang, C.S., Yu, H.L., Chen, S.C., Chu, H.J., 2013. Identifying nearshore groundwater and river hydrochemical variables influencing water quality of Kaoping River Estuary using dynamic factor analysis. Journal of Hydrology. 486: 39-47.
15.Kuo, Y.M., Wang S.W., Jang, C.S., Yeh, N.C., Yu, H.L., 2011. Identifying the factors influencing PM2.5 in southern Taiwan using dynamic factor analysis. Atmospheric Environment. 45: 7276-7285.
16.Kuo, Y.M., Chu, H.J., Pan, T.Y., Yu, H.L., 2011. Investigating common trends of annual maximum rainfalls during heavy rainfall events in southern Taiwan. Journal of Hydrology. 409: 749-758.
17.Kuo, Y.M., Chang, F.J., 2010. Dynamic factor analysis for estimating groundwater arsenic trends. Journal of Environmental Quality. 39(1):176-84
18.Kuo, Y.M., Lin, H.J., 2010. Dynamic factor analysis of long-term growth trends of the intertidal seagrass Thalassia hemprichii in southern Taiwan. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.86: 225-236.
19.Kuo, Y.M., Muñoz-Carpena, R., 2009. Simplified modeling of phosphorus removal by vegetative filter strips to control runoff pollution from phosphate mining areas. Journal of Hydrology. 378:343-354.
20.Kuo, Y.M., Harris, W.G., Muñoz-Carpena, R., Rhue, D., Li, Y.C., 2009. Apatite control of phosphorus release to runoff from soils of phosphate mine reclamation areas. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 202: 189-198.
21.Kuo, Y.M., Liu, C.W., Lin, K.H., 2004. Evaluation of the ability of an artificial neural network model to assess the variation of groundwater quality in an area of blackfoot disease in Taiwan. Water Research. 38(1): 148-158.
22.Liu, C.W., Lin, K.H., Kuo, Y.M.*, 2003. Application of factor analysis in the assessment of groundwater quality in a blackfoot disease area in Taiwan. the Science of the Total Environment. 313: 77-89.