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   The Department of Applied Physics was founded in 2000. The mission of this department is to train people to have the research ability that is necessary for the rapid development of science and technology, and is to support the optoelectric and the semiconductor industries in Taiwan. We have also established the graduate program of the optoelectronics and solid state electronics in 2003. Since the development of science and technology is closely related with the principles of physics, the education of the department is grounded in fundamental training of physics, and also includes the optoelectronic and the semiconductor programs which are used to enhance the overall understanding of the applied physics. The course design of the department emphasizes both theoretical reasoning and experimental verification. We train students to have the ability of analysis and the skills of experiments so that they can become the main support for the academic and the industrial worlds in the future.

    We also established the graduate program of the optoelectronics and solid state electronics in 2003. Since the development of science and technology is closely related with the principles of physics, the education in this department is based on the fundamental physics training. And also includes the optoelectronic and the semiconductor programs which are used to enhance the overall understanding of the applied physics.


The graduates from this institution through the training will perfectly develop their careers associated with the global society and technology.


See Japanese Introduction

300 Syuefu Road, Chiayi City 60004, Taiwan

Phone :  +886-5-271-7911,   Fax : +886-5-271-7909