
What is National Health Insurance (NHI)?

Background and Regulation: According to National Health Insurance Act, any foreigner staying in Taiwan with an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) over six months is obligated to underwrite an insurance policy under NHI. A person staying in Taiwan for full 6 months definition: A person who has, after receiving an ARC, stayed in Taiwan for six consecutive months, or exited Taiwan ONCE for fewer than 30 days within the actual period of stay, amounting to six months after the number of days that he or she has been away from Taiwan would be deducted.

Process of Payment: The cost of National Health Insurance (NHI) should be included in the tuition fee every semester. If you are eligible to underwrite an insurance policy under NHI. The cost is TWD 826 each month (according to the fee criteria set by NHI), so payment per semester is TWD 4,956. Newly arrived students can underwrite an NHI insurance policy only when they have received ARC for six months. Thus, they join the group medical insurance instead at a cost of TWD 500 per month.

Guide of Insuring in NCYU:

  1. For newly arrived freshmen who have NOT been in Taiwan for six months or who have been outside of Taiwan for 30 continuous days in the past six months: Once you have been in Taiwan for more than six months continuously, please follow the procedure outlined in Situation Two to underwrite the NHI policy.
  2. For newly arrived freshmen who have been in Taiwan for six months: OIA will enroll you into National Health Insurance and you will see the fee on the billing for next semester. The procedure will take about one week or more, and OIA will inform you to collect the NHI card when we receive it.
  3. Students who have underwritten their policy to other associations or schools but want to transfer it to NCYU: Please ask your previous agency (language school, company, or municipal administration, etc.) for an insurance policy closure document. Then please provide it to OIA for insuring.
  4. Students who have underwritten their policy to other associations but do NOT want to transfer it to NCYU: Please notify OIA and check the Tuition and Fees bill at the start of every semester to avoid double-paying NHI fees.
  1. 至台灣未達六個月或在過去六個月內超過30天離境台灣的新生需符合《全民健康保險法》所述之規定,重新起算連續居留6個月,國際處才能協助申請全民健康保險。
  2. 至台灣已經六個月的新生由國際處協助申請全民健康保險,其費用會併同下學期的學雜費一併繳費。該過程大約需要一個星期或更長時間,當健保局將健保卡寄至國際處時,將另外通知領取。
  3. 已有其他單位或他校投保但須轉由本校投保者:請向之前的代理機構(語言學校公司或政府相關單位等)索取健保轉出相關資料並繳交國際處,以利協助投保
  4. 已有其他單位投保無須本校投保者:請在開學前通知國際處並於繳費前檢查繳費單項目,以避免重複支付費用。

NHI Transfer from NCYU:
  1. Suspension, withdrawal, or graduation: OIA will withdraw your NHI when students complete the procedure of school leaving.
  2. Transferring to another school: Please contact OIA if the school ask you to provide him or her any documents for NHI transferring.
  1. 休學退學或畢業:當完成離校手續後國際處將辦理健保停保。
  2. 轉學:如果新學校要求提供健保轉出相關資料,請與國際處洽詢

Renewal of NHI IC Card: If you lose or damage your NHI IC card and need to renew it, please apply to the Bureau of National Health Insurance. Renewal costs TWD 200.

For more details, please refer to the following information:
Website: https://www.nhi.gov.tw/
Address: No. 131, De An Rd., West Dist., Chiayi City
Tel: 05 233 6930
Office Hour: Monday to Friday, 8.30-17.30
電話:05 233 6930

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