
What is Work Permit?How to apply for work permit?

1. What is work permit?
Should a foreign, overseas Chinese, Hong Kong and Macau student been officially enrolled in a school to take courses in a division, department or graduate institute thereof or to take language course(s) for one year or more, the said foreign student may apply for jobs.
With the exception of the winter and summer vacations, foreign students’ sum of working hours shall not exceed 20 hours per week.
More information and regulations, please refer to the link of Workforce Development Agency, Ministry of Labor: https://ezworktaiwan.wda.gov.tw/en/cp.aspx?n=826B2B8EDB213BC4&s=55C8164714DFD9E9


2. How to apply for work permit?
Foreign students shall submit the work permit application through online application system. (https://ezwp.wda.gov.tw)
Step 1: Please refer to “User Manual “if you are a new user.
Step 2: Select “Work permit for Foreign Students, Overseas Chinese Students and Ethnic Chinese Students” and apply for an account first if you are a new user
Step 3: Documents Required
(1) Original receipt for examination fee: postal receipt, NT $100 per case / Need not attached once entering the data of receipt on the system (or filling in the application form). Nevertheless, it might be requested if necessary)
(2) Photocopy of valid passport permit
(3) Photocopy of student ID card with the enrollment stamp by NCYU Academic Affairs
(4) Photocopy of ARC (front and back)
(5) School Required Documents: NCYU International Student Application for Work Permit with the stamps by adviser, chair of the department and dean of college ,and supporting document.
Step 4: Review and Submit the application

僑外生申請工作許可,應採線上申辦,經由「外國專業人員工作許可申辦網」(https://ezwp.wda.gov.tw) 提出申請。
(1) 審查費收據正本:郵政劃撥收據,每一申請案新台幣100元整。於填寫或登錄繳費收據資料後,得予免附,惟必要時本部仍得視個案情形,請學生檢附。
(2) 有效期間之護照影本
(3) 經教務處蓋有在學證明章之學生證影本
(4) 居留證正面影本
(5) 學校要求之文件: 國立嘉義大學外籍生申請工作證證明 (需有指導老師或導師、系主任、學院院長簽章,以及相關證明文件)

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