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Chen, Shi-Peng

Department of Horticulture

Assistant Professor

NameShi-Peng Chen





Ph.D (2011-2017), Institute of Plant Biology, National Taiwan University

Work Experience

2023-2024Assistant Professor, Department of Horticultural and Biotechnology, Chinese Culture University.

2018-2022 : Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Dryland Crops, Sanming Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Area of Expertise

1. Interaction between plants and plant growth-promoting (PGP) microorganisms,

2. Herbivore defense signaling in sweet potato,

3. Vegetable biotechnology


1. Shumei Hua#, Hsing-Hung Lin#, Zhehong Huang, Mengyao Wang, Qing Li, Shi-Peng Chen* (2024) Cloning and overexpression of the DaSOD1 gene from Dioscorea alata improves cadmium resistance in transgenic tobacco plants. Journal of Plant Interactions. 19: 2300513 (SCI) (Corresponding author)

2. Kuan-Hung Lin#, Shi-Peng Chen#, Yi-Ru Su, Yi-Heng Tsai, Hsin-Hung Lin* (2024) Waterlogging influences the physiology index and antioxidant enzyme activity in Cucurbita maxima and Cucurbita moschata. Horticulture Environment and Biotechnology. 65:43-55 (SCI) (Co-first author)

3. Jhong-Ying Jiang, Ching-Wen Wang, Chung-I Chen, Chung-Wei Chen, Shau-Lian Wong, Shi-Peng Chen, Meng-Yuan Huang*, Jen-Hsien Weng* (2024) Photosystem II efficiency in response to diurnal and seasonal variations in photon flux density and air temperature for green, yellow-green, and purple-leaved cultivars of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam). Photosynthetica. 62, 116-125.

4. Shi-Peng Chen, Yun-Wei Kuo, Jeng-Shane Lin*. (2023) Review: Defense responses in sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.) against biotic stress. Plant Science. 337:111893 (SCI) (First author)

5. Zhenyuan Kok, Yun-Wei Kuo, Zhi Thong Soh, Hao-Chen Huang, Bo-Shun Tseng, Hung-Cheng Hsieh, Wei-An Tsai, Shih-Tong Jeng, Shi-Peng Chen*, Jeng-Shane Lin* (2023) Regulatory roles of microRNA163 in responses to stresses in Arabidopsis. Physiologia Plantarum. 175:e14053. (SCI) (Corresponding author)

6. Qing Li#, Zhehong Huang#, Caisheng Deng, Kuan-Hung Lin, Shumei Hua, Shi-Peng Chen* (2022) Endophytic Klebsiella sp. San01 promotes growth performance and induces salinity and drought tolerance in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.). Journal of Plant Interactions. 17:608-619 (SCI) (Corresponding author)

7. Fazhuang Lin#, Shi‑Peng Chen#, Kuan‑Hung Lin, Changming Chen, Fengqin Yao, Linshan Zhong, Weiting Chen, Yun‑Wei Kuo* (2022) Integrated small RNA profiling and degradome analysis of Anthurium andraeanum cultivars with different‑colored spathes. Journal of Plant Research. 135:609-626 (SCI) (Co-first author)

8. Weiting Chen, Fazhuang Lin, Kuan‑Hung Lin, Changming Chen, Chaoshui Xia, Qiaoling Liao, Shi‑Peng Chen*, Yun‑Wei Kuo* (2022) Growth promotion and salt-tolerance improvement of Gerbera jamesonii by root colonization of Piriformospora indica. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 41:1219–1228 (SCI) (Corresponding author)

9. Qing Li, Yun-Wei Kuo, Kuan-Hung Lin, Weiqun Huang, Caisheng Deng, Kai-Wun Yeh, Shi-Peng Chen* (2021) Piriformospora indica colonization increases the growth, development, and herbivory resistance of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.). Plant Cell Reports. 40:339-350 (SCI) (Corresponding author)

10. Shumei Hua, Zhihua Chen, Lihong Li, Kuan-Hung Lin, Yangwen Zhang, Jieyu Yang, Shi-Peng Chen* (2021) Differences in immunity between pathogen-resistant and -susceptible yam cultivars reveal insights into disease prevention underlying ethylene supplementation. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 30:254-264. (SCI) (Corresponding author)

11. Anja Meents#, Shi-Peng Chen#, Michael Reichelt, Hsueh-Han Lu, Stefan Bartram, Kai-Wun Yeh*, Axel Mithöfer* (2019) Volatile DMNT systemically induces jasmonate-independent direct anti-herbivore defense in leaves of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) plants. Scientific Reports. 9:17431 (SCI) (Co-first author)

12. Zhihua Chen#, Hsueh-Han Lu#, Shumei Hua, Kuan-Hung Lin, Ningdan Chen, Yangwen Zhang, Ziyi You, Yun-Wei Kuo, Shi-Peng Chen* (2019) Cloning and overexpression of the ascorbate peroxidase gene from the yam (Dioscorea alata) enhances chilling and flood tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis. Journal of Plant Research. 132:857-866 (SCI) (Corresponding author)

13. Shi-Peng Chen, Shu-Ying Wang, Meng-Yuan Huang, Kuan-Hung Lin*, Shu-Mei Hua, Hsueh-Han Lu, Yung-Chang Lai, Chi-Ming Yang* (2018) Physiological and molecular analyses of chlorophyllase in sweet potatoes with different-colored leaves. South African Journal of Botany. 114:272-279 (SCI) (First author)

14. Chih-Ming Chiang, Chiu-Chen Chen, Shi-Peng Chen, Li-Ru Chen, Yu-Huei Su, His-Cheng Yen, Kuan-Hung Lin* (2017) Overexpression of the ascorbate peroxidase gene from eggplant and sponge gourd enhances flood tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis. Journal of Plant Research. 130:373-386. (SCI)

15. Shi-Peng Chen, Chih-Hsien Kuo, Hsueh-Han Lu, Hui-Shan Lo, Kai-Wun Yeh* (2016). The sweet potato NAC-domain transcription factor IbNAC1 is dynamically coordinated by the activator IbbHLH3 and the repressor IbbHLH4 to reprogram the defense mechanism against wounding. PLoS Genetics. 12:e1006397 (SCI) (First author)

16. Shi-Peng Chen, I Winnie Lin, Xuanyang Chen, Yin-Hao Huang, Shiao-Chi Chang, Hui-Shan Lo, Hseuh-Han Lu, Kai-Wun Yeh* (2016). Sweet potato NAC transcription factor, IbNAC1, upregulates sporamin gene expression by binding the SWRE motif against mechanical wounding and herbivore attack. The Plant Journal. 86:234–248 (SCI) (First author)

17. Chih-Ming Chiang, H. L. Chien, Long-Fang O. Chen, T. C. Hsiung, Ming-Chang Chiang, Shi-Peng Chen, Kuan-Hung Lin* (2015). Overexpression of the genes coding ascorbate peroxidase from Brassica campestris enhances heat tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. Biologia Plantarum. 59:305-315 (SCI).

18. Chih-Ming Chiang#, Shi-Peng Chen#, Long-Fang O. Chen, Ming-Chang Chiang, Hao-Lun Chien, Kuan-Hung Lin* (2014). Expression of the broccoli catalase gene (BoCAT) enhances heat tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 23:266-277 (SCI) (Co-first author)

19. 張呈念、黃哲鴻、王科晶、華樹妹、塗金文、陳仕朋* (2022) 糯米山藥炭疽病病原菌的分離、鑑定與生物防治。安徽農業科學 50:94-100 (Corresponding author)

20. 陳瑋婷、夏朝水、陳昌銘、廖巧玲、曹奕鴦、陳仕朋、郭芸瑋* (2022) 印度梨形孢對非洲菊幼苗生長及抗旱性的影響。西北農林大學學報(自然科學版) 9:2-10

21. 黃哲鴻、華樹妹、鄧才生、施小梅、陳木蘭、陳仕朋* (2022) 不同濃度赤黴素對山藥種藷發芽的影響。蔬菜4:3 (Corresponding author)

22. 付帥、陳仕朋、葉煒、林玉玲、徐涵、賴鐘雄、葉開溫* (2021) MAD2在文心蘭檸檬綠和擬南芥中的差異分析。園藝與種苗41:16-18

23. 李清、張楊文、葉榕弟、陳仕朋、華樹妹* (2020) 三明市鮮食玉米新品種比較試驗。上海蔬菜3:11-13