Department of Horticulture
Position:Assistant professor
Name:Ting-I Lee 李亭頤
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Specialties and Research Interests:
2006.09-2011.04 |
Ph.D., Department of Planning and Landscape, The University of Manchester, U.K. (T128271) |
2003.09-2005.06 |
Master of Science, Department of Horticulture, National Taiwan University, Taiwan. (M03986) |
1999.09~2003.06 |
Bachelor of Agriculture, Landscape Division, Department of Horticulture, National Taiwan University, Taiwan. (B02652) |
Academic Employments
Since 2014.02 |
Assistant Professor, Department of Horticulture, National Chiayi University, Taiwan. |
2012.02~1014.01 |
Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture and Landscape Design, Nanhua University, Taiwan. |
2011.09~2012.01 |
Postdoctoral Scholar, National Chung Kung University, Taiwan. |
2011.07 |
Landscape Planner, ECG Internal, Taiwan. |
2009.06 |
Internship, Department of Urban Development, Taipei City Government, Taiwan. |
2006.09~2009.08 |
Teaching Assistant, University of Manchester, UK. |
2005.08~2006.07 |
Research Assistant, Department of Horticulture, National Taiwan University, Taiwan. (Full-time) |
Grants Awarded / Consultancy/ Worked in projects
2015.02-2015.04 |
Lee, T. I. (PI), Tree Survey and Lecture on Planting and Transplanting for the Passenger Transit Center of Tainan Xinying District, Stage 3, NT 257,664. |
2014.11-2015.10 |
Lee, T. I. (PI), Exploring the edible landscape in urban allies Chiayi. Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, NT 336,000 (103-2410-H-415 -054). |
2014.12 |
Invited talk, “Landscape Ecology,” Department of Spatial Design, Kun Shan University, Tainan. |
2014.11 |
Lee, T. I. (PI), Landscape Design and Construction for the “Chiayi Flower Festival,” Chaiyi City Government, NT 98,000 . |
2014.12 |
Reviewer, Action Plan for Ecological Greening-“Promoting a Low Carbon and Sustainable Home,” Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan. |
2014.12 |
Councilor, Examination of construction projects in Air Purification Areas, Nantou. |
2014.11 |
Judge, “National Competition for Senior High Schools in Skills of Agricultural Science,” National Minsyong Vocational High School of Agriculture and Technology. |
2014. 05-09 |
Consultant, the “Countryside Regeneration Program for Yunlin and Chiayi Region.” |
2014.08 |
Consultant, planting growth on living walls, the CHIAYI Industry Innovation and Research Center, Chiayi City. |
2013.07 |
Panelist, Experts and Academics Symposium on the “Assessment and Planning Project for Comprehensive Development of Local Gastronomy, Cultural Innovation and Railway Tourism,” granted by Council for Economic Planning and Development, Executive Yuan. |
2013.02 |
Judge, Selection and Awards for Community Empowerment, Environmental Protection Bureau, Chiayi City Government. |
2012.10.27 |
Invited talk, “Introduction to Landscape Planting,” Lecture for Environment Improvement Projects through Community Empowerment, Environmental Protection Bureau, Chiayi City Government. |
1. 李亭頤(Lee, T.I.)、劉黃碧圓、洪進雄,2014,調製美得令人捨不得吃的食用花園(Creating an Edible Garden),農業世界(Agriculture World)374: 24-28。
2. 李亭頤(Lee, T.I.)、劉黃碧圓、洪進雄,2014,食用地景:都市公共開放空間的綠化新趨勢(Edible Landscape: A New Trend for Greening Urban Public and Open Space),農業世界(Agriculture World)375: 50-55。
3. Lee, T.I., 2014. The Edge Cityscape Emerging in the 21st Century: The Urban-rural fringe on the Eastern Side of Taipei Metropolis. Journal of Environment & Art 15: 60-88.
4. 洪進雄、李亭頤(Lee, T.I.)、劉黃碧圓、許文燦,2014,家庭農耕及綠活生活(Household Farming and Green Lifestyle),科學研習53: 6-15。
5. 劉黃碧圓、李亭頤(Lee, T.I.)、洪進雄、許文燦,2014,都市農耕居家綠活園藝(Urban farming and Household Gardening),科學研習53: 16-23。
6. 洪進雄、李亭頤(Lee, T.I.)、劉黃碧圓、許文燦,2014,都市農業發展及展望(The Development and Future Prospect of Urban Agriculture),農業世界(Agriculture World)373: 44-51。
7. 陳香綾、郭幸福、呂月娥、李亭頤(Lee, T.I.)、葉如萍、游蕙、朱庭葦、鄭皓騰,2014,財團法人成大研究發展基金會,流域治理及集水區規劃(Watershed Governance and Catchment Planning)。臺北:內政部營建署城鄉發展分署(ISBN: 9789860409017)。
8. 蔡厚男、李亭頤(Lee, T.I.),2003,水迷之境--福田園教育休閒農場設計,造園季刊(Landscape Architecture) 49: 73-76。
9. 魏心怡、李亭頤(Lee, T.I.),2005,老人休閒區之設置原則探討,造園季刊(Landscape Architecture)56: 5-14。
10.Lee, T. I., 2012. Regulatory Impediments to Green Infrastructure Creation in Urban Redevelopment. Journal of Environment & Art 13: 91-109.
11.Lee, T. I., 2012. Regulatory impediments to green infrastructure creation in urban redevelopment: Findings from the old town in Taipei. The Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) 26th Annual Congress in Ankara, Turkey.
12.Lee, T. I., 2011. The Role of Green Infrastructure in Urban Regeneration: A Case Study from Taipei. PhD Thesis in Planning and Landscape, University of Manchester, UK.
13.Lee, T. I., 2010. Towards Joint Relationship of Green Infrastructure and Urban Regeneration in Old Urban Core. Manchester, UK: Postgraduate Research Conference.
14.Lee, T. I., Bell, P. and Barker, A., 2010. Toward Joint Relationship of Green Infrastructure and Urban Regeneration in Historical Urban Quarter. Prague, Czech Republic: Annual Young Academic Meeting on 4th YA Meeting Landscapes of Planning.
15.Lee, T. I., 2009. Integrated planning approach towards Green Infrastructure (GI) and Urban Regeneration (UR) in historical urban quarter. Lancaster, UK: The Taiwanese Academic Conference on Technology.
16. Lee, T. I., 2009. The Role of Green Infrastructure in Urban Renewal: A Case Study from Taipei Historical Quarters. Kaiserslautern, Germany: The 8th International Conference on Urban Planning and Environment.
17. Lee, T. I., 2009/01/15, Strengthening Green Infrastructure in Urban Renewal: The Historic Quarter in Taipei City. Manchester, UK: CURE Research Day.