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Date Category Title Unit
2010/08/23 Skills and Practice for Group Discussion Department of Early Childhood Education
2010/08/23 Research on Neurobiological Base of Child Development Department of Early Childhood Education
2010/08/23 Qualitative Research Department of Early Childhood Education
2010/08/23 Practicum on Early Childhood Education Department of Early Childhood Education
2010/08/23 Ineroduction to Early Childhood Education Department of Early Childhood Education
2010/08/23 Curriculum Design in Early Childhood Education Department of Early Childhood Education
2010/08/20 parenting_education(Master) Department of Early Childhood Education
2010/08/20 parenting_education(Executive Master of Early Childhood) Department of Early Childhood Education
2010/08/20 educational_philosophy Department of Early Childhood Education
2010/08/20 The curriculum and Instruction for the Vocational Home Economics Education Department of Early Childhood Education
There is 30 record in total, currently on page 1/3.