


The curriculum design emphasizes the integration of theory and practice, aiming to cultivate business management professionals with a dedication to their work, professional theories, and entrepreneurial ideals, and who possess both skills and virtues. This is to promote the modernization, internationalization, and efficiency of enterprise management, and to promote the economic development of our country. The curriculum is designed using the concept of study programs, incorporating common required courses, college-specific required courses, department-specific required courses, and department-specific elective courses.


Following the structure of MBA programs accredited by AACSB in the United States, additional professional courses are included to cultivate professional management talents. The curriculum design is divided into core courses (basic and functional aspects of business, management analysis skills), integrated courses (required subjects such as the legal environment of business, strategic management), and elective courses in relevant theories and practices based on students' research interests and market demands for employment.


The first in the country to adopt the DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) doctoral program design for the doctoral program; the curriculum is designed to focus on corporate functions, management functions, and practical issues. Through the integration of theory and practice, it cultivates high-level management education faculty, high-level management talents, and senior consultants needed by various industries.