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The objectives of teaching in the undergraduate program are to cultivate the students in the fields of product, management, harvest, processing, and quality control for biological systems by applying the mechatronic technology. Fundamentals and application of science is the core curriculum. Integration of different fields is emphasized in order to enhance the students with capability to apply knowledge. Control, inspection, and development of mechatronic system are concentrated to meet the requirements of biological industry.


The courses are categorised into required professional, optional professional, and general education. The required  professional courses include Calculus, General Physics (include experiment), General Chemistry (include experiment), Graphics, Machine Shop Practice, Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering Lab, Biology, Statics, Dynamics, Mechanics of Materials, Engineering Mathematics, Biological Industry Machinery (include experiment), Thermodynamics, Physical Properties of Biological Materials, Automatic Control, Electronics and Electrical Circuits, Principles and Applications of Sensors, Principles and Applications of Microprocessors.


Biomechatronic Associate of Taiwan