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Core Competence

Undergraduate Education Competencies

★Management Professional Knowledge:

Our undergraduate students gain comprehensive knowledge in business administration, marketing, technology management, finance, economics, and information management. This foundation equips them with the necessary tools to analyze and address contemporary business challenges effectively.

★Communication Skills:

Students develop strong verbal and written communication skills, essential for articulating complex ideas clearly and persuasively to diverse audiences.


★Leadership and Teamwork Skills:

We emphasize the development of leadership abilities and teamwork skills. Our students learn to lead with confidence and collaborate effectively within diverse groups, preparing them for leadership roles in their future careers.


★Independent Thinking and Innovation Ability:

Encouraging creativity, our curriculum fosters independent thinking and innovation. Students are equipped to think critically and offer novel solutions to business problems, demonstrating adaptability in a changing world.


★International Perspective and Foreign Language Ability:

Through exposure to global business practices and language studies, students expand their cultural understanding and enhance their ability to operate in international markets.


★Human Ethics, Care, and Spirit of Social Service:

Ethical considerations and social responsibility are integrated into all aspects of our teaching. Students develop a strong sense of duty towards ethical practices and community service, understanding their impact on society and the environment.

Graduate Education Competencies

★Advanced Management Knowledge:

Graduate students delve deeper into specialized areas of management, gaining advanced insights that prepare them for senior roles and thought leadership in their fields.


★Enhanced Communication Skills:

Our graduate programs refine students' ability to communicate complex and specialized knowledge effectively, ensuring they can lead discussions and present insights at an advanced level.


★Leadership and Teamwork Skills:

Advanced training in leadership is provided, focusing on strategic decision-making and high-level project management. Graduate students learn to lead diverse teams and projects, often in cross-cultural and interdisciplinary settings.


★Independent Thinking and Innovation Ability:

We push the boundaries of traditional thinking, encouraging graduates to pursue pioneering research and innovative solutions that disrupt and redefine industry norms.


★Global Competence and Multilingual Proficiency:

Graduate students are expected to demonstrate a higher level of international perspective, often participating in global collaborations and exchanges. Proficiency in foreign languages is sharpened to enhance their global mobility and communication skills.


★Ethics, Human Care, and Social Responsibility:

At the graduate level, there is a strong emphasis on leading with integrity and advancing social goals through business practice. Students engage in complex ethical discussions and projects focused on sustainable development and social innovation.


These competencies are designed to ensure that students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels not only meet the current demands of the global market but also drive future innovations and uphold the highest ethical standards in their professional careers.