Date Category Title Unit
2024/06/07 Graduate School Graduate Program Curriculum and Academic Regulations of the Department of Applied History at National Chiayi University Department of Applied History
2024/06/07 Undergraduate Division Regulations for Incentivizing Students to Establish Independent Study Groups in the Department of Applied History at National Chiayi University Department of Applied History
2024/06/07 Undergraduate Division Guidelines for the Implementation of Prerequisite Courses for the Master's Degree Program in the Department of Applied History Department of Applied History
2024/06/07 Administration Guidelines for the Establishment of Departmental Meetings in the Department of Applied History at National Chiayi University Department of Applied History
2024/06/07 Administration Guidelines for the Establishment of the Academic Committee in the Department of Applied History, National Chiayi University Department of Applied History
2024/06/07 Administration Guidelines for the Establishment of the Faculty Review Committee in the Department of Applied History, College of Humanities and Arts, National Chiayi University Department of Applied History
2024/06/07 Graduate School Guidelines for the Disbursement of Graduate Scholarships in the Department of Applied History, College of Humanities and Arts, National Chiayi University Department of Applied History
2024/06/07 Administration Guidelines for the Establishment of the Admission Strategy Committee in the Department of Applied History at National Chiayi University Department of Applied History
2024/06/07 Administration Guidelines for the Establishment of the Cartographic and Equipment Committee in the Department of Applied History at National Chiayi University Department of Applied History
2024/06/07 Administration Guidelines for the Establishment of the Student Activity Committee in the Department of Applied History at National Chiayi University Department of Applied History
There is 12 record in total, currently on page 1/2.