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About us



The aim of Department of E-Learning Design and Management is focused on educating the timbers with digital content technology, specializing in theoretics and practicalties; when students design all kinds of digital contents, it’s necessary to realize learning goals, learning content structures and learners. Meanwhile, they have to exert medias, teaching strategies and limits efficiently; communicate with the curriculum experts in real producing process. Then, correct all the faults in teaching evaluation in the following degree.

In the development of digital content, we’ll increase the essences of management betimes to determine the best management mechanism. Besides, We’ll provide the opportunities of theoretics and practicalties proving in all curriculums. The curriculums of practicum and graduate project will be given in junior and senior.


By recognizing the advances in today’s technology and the potential benefits of its application in education, this program has been designed to enable students to gain a thorough understanding of the concepts of design, development, utilization, management and evaluation of the processes and resources for learning. By focusing on both the theoretical and practical aspects of Educational Technology, our institute aims to successfully integrate Educational Technology into environments of education and training.

Career Development

Upon the completion of this program, students can expect the following career opportunities and developments:

1.To work in the areas of designing media and materials for instructional design.

2.To enhance their skills to become a more effective elementary, high school or college teacher

3.To be able to set up and manage a school learning resources center

4.To work in the areas of human resource, personnel training and evaluation of business and industrial corporations

Goal and Vision



To promote e-learning and make it complete, our program aims to master students’ skill of designing, developing, and managing instructional materials.


With focus both on theory and application, designing the content and managing of e-learning are the two major goals of our department.

1. Design E-learning

Integration and application of e-leaning with all courses is the major goal. Flexible teaching strategies will help students to develop the fowling abilities

Analysis, design, development, and evaluation of e-learning

Design appropriate materials of e-learning

Work and cooperate with specialist to develop e-learning courses

Roles as course-designer, multi-media designer and consulter

2. Manage E-learning

Information literacy, media literacy and computer literacy are a must in the e-learning field. After taking courses, students will gain the following abilities

Create a good model to manage e-learning materials

Market e-learning

Roles as project manager or trainer of teaching


The short-term goals of the institute are to establish the undergraduate program by means of improving upon current resources and facilities, as well as by recruiting new faculty members. There are plans to setup a the doctoral program that is scheduled for five years later. The institute will work with nearby schools and corporations to achieve interdisciplinary integration.



Graduate Institute Educational Technology has been founded in 2000. Based on Instructional Design Model, exploring all technology, the main aim is to enable students to gain a thorough understanding of the concepts of design, development, utilization, management and evaluation of the processes and resources for learning. Our masters were employed in high schools and industries to promote educational technology.


Our college has cooperated with Sciences and Engineering College in 2001 to effectuate “A Proposal for the Improvement of Fundamental Education: Establish E-Learning Network in Chia-Yi University to boost creative teaching” In four years, we have completed the contrivance of E-Learning Network and 24 courses of design, development and evaluation. Thus, we built a new destination of E-Learning in our campus.

In such an abounding environment, our college established Department of E-Learning Design and Management to educate the students with digital technology literary. Furthermore, we’ll create great digital contents in Chinese and develop advisable Digital management strategies and methods.