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Department features

The mission of our department is to foster students' growth within a cross-disciplinary learning environment that integrates technology, design, education, and management. We aim to develop their skills in digital design, media applications, and digital learning design to ensure a competitive edge, and encourage active participation in various competitions and academic activities.

Undergraduate Program: We train individuals with interdisciplinary expertise in digital learning content design and digital learning management, preparing them for careers in digital media content development, digital learning design, and personnel training industries.

Master's Program: Our department encourages graduates from diverse undergraduate fields to join, combining their technological and academic expertise to become specialists in digital design, digital learning, and media applications.

Employment and Development

Digital Learning Design: Utilize text, graphics, images, and animations to design various types of learning content and instructional strategies. Graduates can work as instructional designers, multimedia designers, or instructional aides.

Digital Technology: Learn courses related to web design, digital content creation, maker education, and app development. After graduation, you can pursue careers as web designers, front-end engineers, or software developers.

Digital Learning Management: Study courses in project management, human resources management, education and training, and employee development. Graduates can work as corporate training planners, training instructors, or project managers.

Recruitment Highlights

1.Interdisciplinary Professional Training: Our department cultivates students with interdisciplinary integration skills, equipping them to apply technology and media design in education, corporate training, digital design, and digital marketing.

2.International Exchange and Overseas Internships: We collaborate with universities in the United States, Czech Republic, Japan, Thailand, and Indonesia, providing opportunities for student exchange and summer internships abroad to broaden their international perspectives.

3.Five-Year Bachelor’s and Master’s Program: Students can participate in our integrated bachelor’s and master’s program, completing both degrees in five years. Outstanding students in this program may also receive scholarships and subsidies to attend international seminars.

4.Teacher Education Program: For students interested in pursuing educational careers, our university offers a teacher education program that leads to teacher certification for teaching.